Ditto from Fossil (#3)

even lucario pales in comparison to ditto
goodbye arceus, hello ditto
if megan fox and justin timberlake had a baby, ditto would look so much better than it
LucarioXFroslass said:
Pokemon Power cannot be power sprayed. Pokemon Power cannot be Time Crystal'd. Pokemon Power cannot be Cessation Crystal'd.

stop making addition's for the pokepower, it's good enough.

Dude every power has weakness to special condition's, thats a fact, so really only 3 special condition's for infinite rainbow energy and an auto counter to pretty much anything, who care's it's not like your wanting it out there for to long. Think auto-donphan, auto-kingdra, auto-ERL (DCE, think about it), etc. cya
why didn't they put as ditto's attacks:
The same as the defending pokemon
same with HP and everything else except the name :O
Some facts about our favorite gelatinous metamorpher....

-In Platinum, my Ditto is lv 100. This was solely achieved via Breeder Box. It was entered @ level 20. Its name was 'Emptiness'. There are no sex education courses in this world that can explain this name properly. You just have to know.
-Emptiness bred with Combee and created 61 Combees, only 6 of which were females. These 6 were formed into an army of Vespiquens that are, to this day, feared throughout Sinnoh. 56 additional Combees were bred to create an additional 6 female Combees as a 'reserve army'. Emptiness was renamed 'Hivemind'. To this day, he and the now lv. 41 Combee renamed 'Alpha' serve one purpose: insectal warfare.
-While it is true that HS-Triumphant's Ditto will remove any Transformation ability (to be fair, Koga's Ditto from Gym Challenge was first and much sketchier), it's new ability prevents the opponent from having a fifth benched Pokemon. You know what we call that? Being a badass.
-Subsequently, another time Ditto had forgone the ability to assume an opponent's Pokemon, it instead became SIX OTHER POKEMON (Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, Pikachu, Mr. Mime, and Geodude, respectively) and managed to earn a card per Pokemon assumed.
-Legend's Awakened Ditto felt that remaining true to his roots as a Normal/Colorless Pokemon was far more important than having his power gimped by something like Poison.
-In the anime, Ditto once encountered his shiny form (blue). Their reaction? To assume each other's color and admire their handiwork.
-Ditto is the only Pokemon worthy enough to properly breed with Manaphy. Their creation can never be obtained by any other means by any citizen of all five regions, nor by an alpha god or the guardians of time, space, and darkness. Only Ditto.

Only Ditto.
It pains me to not include him in my starting lineup each generation, it really does. But I tell myself that he's essentially "too good" to be on a legitimate Pokemon team, and that does the job quite nicely.

Because realistically, who's going to follow Ditto in your team. Mewtwo? Pfft, please. ;)
I think this card is over-hyped. Luxray can brightlook a non-ditto benched pokemon, luxray retreats or is poketurned and replaced with garchomp c Lv. x, and gets sniped. or you throw up and evolutionary light eevee (30 hp) then wait untill after your opponents turn, then switch for luxray. Because ditto has a POKE-POWER not a body it takes effect on your own turn. then use bite for the KO with luxray G (no x). I BEAT DITTO I AM AMAZING. sure ditto comes back as a garcomp c. lv x or a luxray g, but then repeat the process.

*note that because there is no MAY involved, you have to use the power once a turn, therefore the other person MUST change it into whatever your defending pokemon is, on their own turn.
Best post I've seen in this entire thread.

Also LXF you are partly mistaken. As per the Compendium, any thing that stops Poke-Powers and Poke-Bodies will also stop Pokemon Powers. Transform (as well as any Pokemon Power) CAN be Cessation Crystal'd (but it cannot be Power Sprayed, and it cannot be Time Crystal'd unless something like Mesprit LA is used, and only for 1 turn).

But of course, the REAL best card in the game is obviously Fossil Muk.
DITTO IS TO AMAZING TO EVEN BE JUDGED! Goodbye Arceus, Palkia, Dialga, and all other tough, muscly, huge, giant, scary Pokemon.... and HELLO DITTO!! The new king of the pokemans. ^^D
man I feel special for being commended as having the best post on the thread. :D:D. and gliscor x "shoot poison" kills ditto....its sad to see a once amazing card completly crushed by today's decks. if there was a ditto that could actually stand up to luxchomp, i would play it.

P.S. The day luxray and garchomp are rotated out is the day that (hopefully) people come up with ORIGINAL deck ideas, instead of using luxchump to win everything, all the time.
@LuxTwo... really? Really? NO! Of course not! They would never print a card that did 200 for one with no drawback...
I run Regigigas. It has a very favorable matchup against Luxchomp...and a few other things. I've even tweaked it enough so it can deal with Machamp. It has very few weaknesses (because it can OHKO most anything without fear of reprisal), and so far I'm really proud of the decklist.
Would you mind sharing your decklist by PM or more likely telling me what you play as a machamp counter? Because I cannot for the life of me get it to win against flychamp. And also, Im a little confused as to what is happening to the site, since there are the starter images as well as zekrom, but all the others are ditto'd out.