Do you guys keep your boxes and booster pack covers?

I keep my booster covers in my r/s tins as well as my theme deck boxes since I only have 3 decks but I have at least 45 covers and I started collecting them at r/s set and I am only missing 5 booster covers because I accidently squashed them one day.:)
I have had mine since neo discovery but did not save them untilEX R/S and got the neo sets after that.:)
I'm keeping most of my Legend Maker packs to cut up to make a collaged album cover. (The LD hasn't got in my LM album yet I ordered ages ago, this is my substitute for the time being and will keep me amused being crafty.)

The only other boosters I've kept from memory have been POP3 packs (I love Eevees) and a Japanese VS pack.

I usually keep the boxes for theme decks unless they get scruffy or broken I'll throw them out. I think I have a Delta Species, Expedition, Skyridge box in my closet.
Didn't know anybody else did this... Thought I was the only one. Anyways ya, I have a drawer filled to the brim with wrappers of various games I play... ^ ^ I also try to save my Theme Deck boxes but they just end up getting trashed...
i keep the booster wrapers in one of those deck tins they came out awhile ago and i keep all the booster boxes and theme decksi have a bunch of each. I only keep one of each or one of each design for the boosters.
Why not the covers? They have awesome art on them.:)
i do keep the booster pack's cover, i have abt 40~50 of them ( TRR to HP)

i also keep the playmat inside the preconstructed deck!
The covers are the best and I like the boxes because you can hide boosters in them and no one will ever know you have them.:)
EVery single booster package I keep, and I went nuts and bought every single Rayquaza/Deoxys Collectors Box I saw.I have about 26 now.:D:D
Wow I did that with that set and I bought 16 packs worth of that set in 2 months. man that was fun. I keep a secret stash so I can do that.:)