Pokemon Do you know other people in real life who play Pokémon?

RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

Unfortunately no. Most people around me are either quiet about it or just don't like it. I'll find out when I go get my copy of Pokemon Y though.
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

HAha, I feel special. I got a lot of my buddies to play. And just in time for X&Y. I tend to sweep them since they haven't played since R/S/E. But either way, I got them back into it. :D
Now I have people to play X&Y and sweep through.
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

Some of my friends do, we are going to have a Pokémon X and Y LAN the twelth of October. :p
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

I have managed to introduce my best friend to Pokemon, and he's hooked.
Unfortunately, he moved away.
We're still attemping to contact each other via Skype.
I also have a little group of friends who also play Pokemon.
We can't wait until X and Y.
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

I have a good friend who I grow up with that plays with me and he and I go to Tournaments together. My Girlfriend starting to pick it up as well.
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

I know a few but They're mainly genwunners though.
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

Sky Pillar said:
I know a few but They're mainly genwunners though.

I have a friend that was a genwunner, we eventually turned him over to the newer games as well. :p
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

I have quite a few friends who play the newer games, a couple who are genwunners, and I managed to get my younger brother to play the games too. :)
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

I have no one to share my joys of Pokemon with. Not all too surprised though. Pokemon has become more of a closet thing in society nowadays. I guess no matter how old people get Pokemon will always be thought of as a kids thing.

Though there are a few people that know of my Pokemon liking. My brother is more meh or it, while my gf thinks I'm a child lol. Oh well :)
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

I know some personally at school and my little bro. Then again I never realized how many people are pokefans at my school. There are definitely over 20 I have seen.
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

Nope, I know no one in real life that plays Pokemon that I can recall :c
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

Oooh yes. All of my friends. My fiance and I have this group of friends, I'd say around... 15 friends that all play pokemon game and league. It's lots of fun when we have get togethers and literally just glued to our DS's. We have huge Cosplay groups when we go to conventions as well! Lots of fun! ^u^
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

At Pokemon Leagues yes. And there are tons in my High School, but 95% of them are genwunners. (Genwunners annoy me)
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

I knew someone who used to make Pokemon keychains for cons, and there are whispers of Pokemon in my Chinese class. Other than that, I don't know anyone personally who talks about Pokemon anymore-- not since generation 1.
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

Ive gone to tournaments for the past 5 years, so yes i know people, but never from my area since all tournaments were an hour + away
until my gamestop held an early release for xy in october, i got there expecting to be the only one, but there were 30+ people!
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

I have a friend who just recently I found plays pokemon, Today I also found a kid in my Homegroup who plays pokemon.
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

The majority of my real life friends play Pokemon. My fiance and I play Pokemon games together all the time, one of our favorite activities.
RE: Do you know other people in real life who play Pokemon?

darklycute said:
The majority of my real life friends play Pokemon. My fiance and I play Pokemon games together all the time, one of our favorite activities.

^I'm jealous

I can add one more Pokémon trainer that I know IRL!
I finally talked my little brother into getting a 3DS and Y Version this week!
The boy makes me proud :`)