Do you play Magic the gathering?

Zendikar format doesn't rotate out until Innistrad is released, as oyeah said.

@Card Slinger - I play Commander online, and I'm trying to get my hands on some of those new Commander prebuilt decks. It's a fun format. My General/Commander of choice is Thraximundar, and I play lots of cards that force my opponent to sacrifice creatures, to generally abuse Thrax.
When you say Standard format, what exactly does that mean?

Can we only use cards from those blocks or...?

Sorry I'm new to formats and that sort of thing. Like I said my friends and I just played casually.
It's a set of the different sets used in a format called Type 2/Standard. Right now it is Zendikar, worldwake, rise of the eldrazi, scars of mirrodin, mirrodin besieged, new phyrexia and m11(soon m12). then when innistrad comes out the first three are removed and that's the rotation. similar to the sets/formats in pokemon.
nabby101 said:
@Card Slinger - I play Commander online, and I'm trying to get my hands on some of those new Commander prebuilt decks. It's a fun format. My General/Commander of choice is Thraximundar, and I play lots of cards that force my opponent to sacrifice creatures, to generally abuse Thrax.

I take it you don't have a playgroup where you go to out of your house or is it just Pokemon? Anyway that EDH deck is interesting. Regarding your General's casting cost it seems like it'd be a hassle getting him onto the Battlefield and back to the Command Zone.

That's why I prefer running Generals that have low casting costs such as Animar, Soul of Elements. True it is based on casting fatties alot easier but that's pretty much what it does, heck slap a Quicksilver Amulet and that's another easier way to get a fattie on the board especially Lurking Predators which is amazing in the format as well.
Unfortunately, the closest store that hosts regular MTG events is a 45 minute drive away, so no, I
don't really have a playgroup.

In EDH decks, you can afford to play expensive, mana intensive Generals because the games stretch out for a long time. Thrax's abilty, combined with the fact that he has haste, makes him an absolute beating once he gets out there. Unless your opponent has an instant speed answer for him, he'll do a lot of damage.
for the card cryptic command can i counter a spell and draw a card and what other combination's can i do when playing the card.
DarknessGrace said:
where did everyone go?

For Cryptic Command, you can use any two you choose from the four listed on the card.

As for the inactivity of the thread - I opened a MTG Discussion Group in the Pokebeach Groups Forum, which is where I am discussing the game. I can't speak for everyone else, although a couple people that were posting here joined the group.
nabby101 said:
Unfortunately, the closest store that hosts regular MTG events is a 45 minute drive away, so no, I
don't really have a playgroup.

My playgroup in Magic is dwindling in favor of the World of Warcraft TCG, and I've noticed alot of Magic players jumping onto the WoW bandwagon lately and for good reason. The game is less expensive than Magic, there's no Mana Screw or Mana Flood, although the main problem from what I've heard is that Aggro Decks are hard to counter.

I've yet to try the game out to see If I like it or not, it looks really fun but it seems like it's VERY different compared to Magic in terms of metagame cards and what most decks are running. I don't even know If there are staples in World of Warcraft TCG but I've yet to find out. It's a TCG like WoW that makes me feel bad that Marvel/DC Vs. System isn't around anymore.

That game was off the hook and had so much potential, it really did. UDE could've branched off into other franchises like the Thundercats, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or Power Rangers but it was never meant to be. I still have my old X-Men deck and I remember playing against Superman and Green Lantern decks back in the day though it wasn't THAT long ago.
I just built a Blue/Black infect list that will be tested at my FNM this week. After that, I'm going for a Birthing Pod deck. That thing looks like great fun.
At least you have an FNM, my area used to have one but they don't anymore cause of the bad economy, high gas prices, bad unemployment, yeah that pretty much says it. It's really the high gas prices that's been hurting my Magic playerbase. I asked one of my friends who plays Magic Competitively and he agrees.

We even used to have Sealed and Booster Draft Events for Magic and Pre-Releases as well. Now my area plays some Magic but it's mainly just Pokemon and World of Warcraft TCG, maybe Yu-Gi-Oh! someplace else but it's minimal. Seriously go try out the WoW TCG, it's one of the most underrated TCG's in today's Secondary Market.
i have a deck, a guy at my card store used it, tell me what you think, you put cards like memnite and 0 drop creatures and use Quest for the holy relic and then using equipments like the swords and stuff like that to make your weak creatures more powerful. You can also put in PW like venser and probably tezzeret since most of the cards will most likely be artifacts. also i can't remember the name of this card, i think its a 0 drop that makes you return either and artifact or creature to your hand.
It's not bad but If you're really wanting to go Aggro play Elves. Though it might be best to go Mono Green for consistency with Elves considering you can get stuff out alot quicker than you would If you splashed another color to it say for instance Black or Blue. Black has more Elf support for it than Blue does thanks to Lorwyn block.

I currently run a Green/Black Elf deck and for some reason it's not working as good as I hoped it would especially since I threw in cards to get around Vampire decks with Captivating Vampire. I'm trying to be somewhat original with my Elf deck but it's hard. I also had difficulty beating Slivers and they are a PAIN to beat unless you run Mono Red Burn or something that kills creatures easily and wins.
i just made my first real deck, i made a blue/black deck that uses alot of removal cards and stuff like frost titan, i would like to have a playset of frost and grave titan. I think since im just starting i think it's a pretty good deck.
Sounds good but you want to focus more on your deck strategy and the synergy the cards in the deck have that compliment eachother. Consistency is key in any TCG you play so keep that in mind. A deck with no strategy and synergy is just a pile of cards.
when i made the deck i really just wanted a deck that cut off resources with cards like duress, despise, doom blade. and then i pulled a frost titan i just threw it in, also do you have any grave or frost titan?
I've played WoW TCG, it's nowhere near MTG. Everyone tries to compare TCG's to MTG, but the thing is, MTG beats them all. It's the most successful, popular, and best designed TCG around.

Also, don't run a playset of Frost/Grave Titan in your deck. Having more than 4 six drops generally isn't optimal, unless you have a really high curve or you are playing a mana ramp deck like Eldrazi Green.
thanks i just wanted the titans for future decks really, they are just in case i need or want to throw them in a deck
nabby101 said:
I've played WoW TCG, it's nowhere near MTG. Everyone tries to compare TCG's to MTG, but the thing is, MTG beats them all. It's the most successful, popular, and best designed TCG around.

Really? World of Warcraft TCG takes all the flaws in Magic: The Gathering and strengthens it like for example Mana Flood, Mana Screw, and you never have to mulligan more than once cause the majority of cards in your deck isn't restricted towards a specific color in WoW's case it somewhat is but at the same time it isn't. I haven't had much success lately winning in WoW since I'm still a newb at the TCG but I really need to start getting some good cards for my deck If I want to do well.

When you compare how much it costs to build a competitive deck in WoW compared to Magic, WoW is definitely the cheaper route as you're going to be pouring more money in Magic no thanks to Utility Mythic Rares and furthermore Magic is already stagnated by power creep but WoW isn't cause it's recent. You're problem nabby101 is that you're so hooked onto Magic that you can't accept that there's a TCG that's designed much better and has better consistency. The problem is that while Magic is still a fun game to play Casually in terms of Competitive play it jumped the shark after Shards of Alara was released.
If i more than one tempered steel, do the artifact creatures get +4/+4 or just +2/+2? And if i have four of them out(if that ever happens) do they keep adding up? Also am i allowed to use cards in other languages?