XY Do you think Cynthia will return in X and Y?


Chespin Lover
Remember Cynthia? That Garchomp. :( Anyway, if anyone has ever paid attention to her, she has appeared in DP, Pt, HGSS, BW, and B2W2. Basically I'm saying she's appeared in every main series game since Generation IV. Based on that, she might make a guest appearance in X and Y. If so, think she'll be battleable? What Pokemon do you think she'll have? Will it be a one-time battle, or multiple rematches similar to BW/B2W2?

Do YOU want her to appear?

RE: Think Cynthia will return in X and Y?

I don't want Cynthia to return.
I'd like Steven Stone or Wallace to return perhaps Wallace and Juan and Steven. :D
I also wouldn't mind see Lance again.
RE: Think Cynthia will return in X and Y?

lol I would like to see Red and/or the original BW main character make an appearance.
RE: Think Cynthia will return in X and Y?

!!! Sudden stupid idea, Maybe the protaganist is X/Y IS the trainer from BW1!
RE: Think Cynthia will return in X and Y?

Well maybe it isn't. who knows. But you have to admit that if the main BW1 character comes back as a battleible character (like red did) it would be awesome. Ps. Salamencetrainer34 you don't have to call some else's ideas stupid just because you don't agree with it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
RE: Think Cynthia will return in X and Y?

I really don't want to see her again.... She was okay at the beginning, but then.... no. just never again, por favor....
I think what Ysmir said would be pretty cool. I'd like to see Wallace or Steven to replace her.
RE: Think Cynthia will return in X and Y?

I love the fact that there's a female champion but sheesh, we have seen enough of her. (She appears in a lot of games like she's an important character <.<)
RE: Think Cynthia will return in X and Y?

I wouldn't mind at all... Why not? She's a hot blonde female champion... And Garchomp is cool anyway...
Well its pretty sure there will be someone in the games as that became kind of a tradition.

But IMO, it depends on what they plan to do after XY...especially if they do some nostalgic game.

I can see them go back to Hoenn afterwards to drag out the generation if the 3DS is goin to stay for a good time. If that was the case, I'd say theres much higher chances for someone like Wallace or Steven to appear somewhere than Cynthia again..
I wish Misty or Blaine would become the champion for the new region. Or maybe something like theultimate duo!
I highly doubt that she will return 2 gens later. Alder maybe. It's just not Pokemon's tradition to do things like that.
Rockspet said:
I highly doubt that she will return 2 gens later. Alder maybe. It's just not Pokemon's tradition to do things like that.

Well, you never know. maybe, but maybe not. Personally I didn't like alder, never really caught on with me (probably because you didnt battle him until second time elite four). and also, he kind of has a little home north south of the ranch in bw2, and I don't Know if it would be something that he would do to go THAT far over to France from Amarica, since he makes it explicitly clear that he loves his little homeland unova reigon so much.

Now iris maybe, but I don't think so.

Benga maybe, but I don't know.

Agreeing with ysmir, Steven stone would be really cool to have especially because they are 95% likely to remake the hoenn games.
I'm hoping to see Juan or Fantina if this region is France based. They both have French accents so this would be as close as home to them.
I'm telling you guys if we don't see Steven Stone (He could even have a similar role to Cynthia as he was interested in rare stones/minerals etc) I'll throw a fit.....well maybe. No offense but I think Cynthia is overrated and anyone who remembers her Garchomp surely remembers Steven's Metagross from R/S/E. ;-)
Being one of my all-time favorite characters, I really do hope she returns in the 6th gen; not only in the video games, but in the anime too. The battle with her was my B/W post game highlight and her character in the shows just seems to bring a wonderful sense of excitement, maturity, and nostalgia (for me anyway) to every episode she's in. IDK, its a little hard to explain why, but I find her to be such a lovable character. Generally I would say no to characters constantly appearing but heck, I adore Cynthia and I don't mind when it's her. :p
I wouldn't mind seeing her again. I love cameos from previous games. I'd like to see a previous character actually play a big plot role though.

safariblade said:
I wouldn't mind seeing her again. I love cameos from previous games. I'd like to see a previous character actually play a big plot role though.


Insta-buy for me if that happened.

Also I guess it would be cool if Cynthia returned and had a bigger role, maybe she could come back studying Xerneas and Yveltal?
Alder: Whatever, he's okay I guess
Cynthia: Hell yes gimmie somadat! (English: Yes please, that would be most divine)
Steven: I HATE you. I swear to Arceus if I see you I will eliminate you.
Lance: I like you, not as much as Cynthia, but you are likely to be here because dragons.
Blue/Gary/Green: Would be cool to see I guess

Characters I expect:
Fantina, Juan and lance.

I'll think of more characters later.
When was Cynthia a bad thing in a Pokemon game? The game seriously lacks any cuteness in the girls department (except for Gen 1 and 5)