Pokemon Do you think pokemon is for... little kids?

Do you think pokemon is for little kids?

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I think its advertized for little kids more but it can obviously go either way, there are 40 year olds making top cut at tournaments
I think its advertized for little kids more but it can obviously go either way, there are 40 year olds making top cut at tournaments

40? I could understand early to mid 20s but I'm sure if thats true.

And yeah, the cartoon is probably a "get em while they're young" type of ploy. It worked for many of the older fans.
But did that 40 year old come with their child/niece/nephew?

It's rare, but you've got parents who learn the game because their kids want to play. The few times I've seen it, they're all fathers. Also, the decks they play are decent. I've seen GG, Palkia G based- SP and Burninator all run by guys over the age of 30.

And I myself am 26, but I'm the biggest rogue player you'll ever meet. I've been playing Pokemon in all its incarnations since I was 12. To me, the fun from the videogames come when your opponent wasn't expecting that knockout. Honestly speaking, it's not all that different from early entries in the Final Fantasy series, and whether you choose to admit it or not, every generation of Pokemon does indeed become increasingly complicated. Hardcore fans have fun times doing everything, newbies just love the Pokemans.
Is Pokemon in general for little kids? Yes. Does that mean I'll stop playing because of that fact? No. Like a lot of people, I'm one of the older fans of the series, having been into since the GS era. I just turned 24 a few weeks ago, and have been approached many times by people I know asking me why I'm still into it even though it's so kiddy. Of course, there were times when my love for the series kind of dropped (most recently, the Diamond/Pearl release... They drew it out so much in the year or more beforehand, my enthusiam for the games was pretty much dead by the time they came out. Sure, they were good, but they started promoting the fourth generation almost a year and a half to two years before it's time...and it drove me nuts!).

In any case, I got into this mostly for the reason that it reminded me so much of all the old Super NES RPGs I used to play religiously as a kid (Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy IV, Super Mario RPG, etc.). So, I have to say, a lot of its nostalgic reasons why I've stuck with it so long, even though Pokemon is mostly for little kids. Besides, a lot of the older Pokemon fans get into a lot more adult stuff with their fan fictions, comics, and other projects, myself included though I exercise more restraint than others do (granted, they have little to do with the series itself aside from just being based on it, but I guess I just wanted to point that out).
im 22
my friends are all my age.
difference is we can drink and build decks

look at star wars, people that were 13 in the 70s when that came out still get into it.
when the tcg first started i was like 12 trading with 30 year olds cause charizard went for 100 bucks.

people like what they like no matter how old they are.

DiamondMaster said:
Your friends make fun of you for playing Pokemon? Huh.
Most of my friends don't care. They mostly joke how I'm such a big fan of Lady Gaga. :\

little monsters gotta stick together tell em to shove it haha
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