XY Do you want any game mechanics changed in X and Y?

TheAmazingDerpfish said:
Please just let us change ANY Pokemon's name, even the ones that were someone else's.

Would be kinda weird for Pokemon named by other players, but I totally support this for event Pokemon. I want to name the upcoming Speed Boost Torchic Hermes or something neat like that.
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
Please just let us change ANY Pokemon's name, even the ones that were someone else's.
Agreed, if only so I can rename my event Pokemon like CELEBI to Celebi, and ENTEI to Entei, and so on...

Gentlefish said:
Would be kinda weird for Pokemon named by other players, but I totally support this for event Pokemon. I want to name the upcoming Speed Boost Torchic Hermes or something neat like that.
Pretty sure the Speed Boost Torchic is a gift Pokemon, and like all gift Pokemon will possess your player data, and thus can be renamed.

Don't know if this is a mechanic, but I'd love to see Stealth Rocks get nerfed in power, say halve the damage it currently inflicts for each damage class; 4x weak, 2x weak, neutral, and so on, with 4x resistance to Rock being immune to Stealth Rocks.
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
Please just let us change ANY Pokemon's name, even the ones that were someone else's.

They need to make this happen, it's annoying when you're stuck with an inappropriate or stupid sounding name, or if the Pokemon was transferred from an earlier generation. They should make it so you can change the name of any Pokemon you got in a trade when they have high happiness.

J.D. said:
Pretty sure the Speed Boost Torchic is a gift Pokemon, and like all gift Pokemon will possess your player data, and thus can be renamed.

Actually, most event Pokemon don't have your OT unless you catch them yourself, it's some generic event OT (this one would probably be "Fall2013" or something).
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
Please just let us change ANY Pokemon's name, even the ones that were someone else's.
You can't change names of Pokemon you get trading? (Never traded Pokemon before.. Maybe I did in Silver, but that was eons ago.)

Cuz that'd suck to have a Japanese named Pokemon or sumtin... o_0
Sheriff_K said:
Cuz that'd suck to have a Japanese named Pokemon or sumtin... o_0

Fun fact, if the Pokemon you got in the trade is unnicknamed in a foreign language (i.e. if Pikachu is named ピカチュウ, which is how you spell Pikachu in Japanese), its name will actually revert to its English name upon evolving. But if the OT gave it a nickname, it will keep that name even after evolving.
Hello everybody!

After much thought and analysis, I have come to create a proposal for solving the (supposed) problem that IV's create in allowing for an equal playing ground in competitive play. These solutions, I feel, would solve the current problem of casuals being unable (or feeling unable) to enter the competitive world of Pokemon after learning about IV's:

1.) During Random Matchup, all Pokemon's IV's are set to 31 across the board. Hidden Power's type would remain uneffected, but the base damage would be set to (insert number here(eg.70))

- This ensures that everyone is on a level playing field, and this means that Pokemon can retain their uniqueness (as the only time the IV's are normalized is during online random matchup). It also leaves some work to be done in order to achieve a certain type of Hidden Power.

- This means that, when getting a team together, players can completely ignore having to get 31 IV's in all the stats they need to, and only concentrate on natures, abilities, genders, EV's, egg moves and Hidden Powers (if needed).

2.) During battles with friends, you can choose an option to have the IV's of both players' Pokemon normalized all to 31, or keep them the way they are (for people who enjoy more complexity/uniqueness).

- This enables players to have a choice in whether they want there Pokemon's stats to be changed when playing in matches against their friends.

In actuality, the normalization of all Pokemon's IV's during online matches is the same as completely removing IV's altogether, as all IV's do in calculating the stats of a Pokemon is offset the numbers by 31 points, and thus if all Pokemon have the same IV's during online play, the only factors that are taken into consideration when calculating a Pokemon's stats (that actually create a difference between Pokemon) are Base Stats, Natures, and EV's.

A common counter argument to this solution is that of the effect it would have on Trick Room teams (whom usually need the Pokemon on their teams to have 0 IV's in the speed stat).

- The reason this counter argument does not apply is due to the fact that, if all Pokemon had the same IV's, then two players who have the same Pokemon, with Speed-hindering natures and 0 EV's/IV's in Speed, would tie for speed the same way they would if they had 31 IV's in Speed. The only thing the change in IV's would do is offset the numbers, but the result would be the same. Whether they have 0 IV's or 31 IV's in speed is trivial to the end result, which is that they will still be slower than other Pokemon that naturally have higher speed than them.

Although it is true that 0 IV's in Speed with a Speed-hindering nature would allow the Pokemon in question to be slower than a couple more Pokemon with a lower Speed Base Stat but 31 IV's in Speed, this is an unavoidable opportunity cost/trade-off of normalizing IV's, one which (in my opinion) is worth it.
Bolt the Cat said:
Reggie McGigas said:
What if it was a hidden grotto type thing?
PS Soccer moms usually dont play pokemon, and pokemon isnt ment to send out messages. If it did, then we would have kids fight their pets and capture wild animals in cages. Pokemon isnt ment to be taken too seriously

Pokemon still needs to have some sort of moral code, though. They've been able to justify capturing and fighting with Pokemon in the series, but I don't think they can justify taking random eggs from nests. You're basically stealing some Pokemon's baby.

Have you never seen Fox and The Hound? There are evil groups in pokemon. I'm just saying maybe the parents were captured by a trainer. I don't think he is saying the parents just left the egg there on purpose.