XY Do you want any game mechanics changed in X and Y?

I don't know if this is considered a feature or not, but I really, beyond really, hope that there will be a new battle frontier at least in the third game/sequel/whatever they do. I was very disappointed when they took that out. I love how the battles are more gimmicky that the game and it varies that style so you can do something different.

Oh, and all hail Salon Maiden Anabel!
DrEspeon said:
I don't know if this is considered a feature or not, but I really, beyond really, hope that there will be a new battle frontier at least in the third game/sequel/whatever they do. I was very disappointed when they took that out. I love how the battles are more gimmicky that the game and it varies that style so you can do something different.

Oh, and all hail Salon Maiden Anabel!

Im definitely hoping for both PWT and Battle Frontier. One is definitely not a substitute for the other. Actually, as long as we get a Battle Factory and Battle Pyramid type facility I will be content.
Bolt the Cat said:
I thought of another one. They should make it so an Impostor Ditto can pass down a Pokemon's hidden ability.

No. Just no. This would ruin the whole point of Male-only events that aren't meant to be breedable. Soon, everyone would have their own Speed Boost Blaziken with Baton Pass (egg move) and having any DW starter would mean nothing (not that all of them have great abilities or extremely useful egg moves). I kow you intend for both the Ditto and the breeding Partner to need the DW ablity for it to work, but it would be too broken. Sure, you could then breed stuff like DW Tauros, DW Staryu/mi and DW Sawk, but the only version that wouldn't be completely broken is DW ditto + DW female which is already effectively possible with DW Female + any male pokemon of a compatible egg group.

professorlight said:
I agree, it should be possible to change the pokeballs of captured pokemon, after all it would be as simple as releasing them and capturing them again. And they should bring back all the pokeballs, even the apricorn balls of johto.
And you should have pokemon out of their pokeballs like in HGSS, but with the option to choose wether or not have them out, and even interact with them, like petting, feeding, playing, etc.
And you could have your higher leveled (or EV trained) pokemon tutor younger pokemon and give them bonuses to some stats, or even teach them moves; or more: training battles between your own pokemon for exp, EVs or moves. that would be awesome.
In short, a lot of things that are possible in the series or in a "real" pokemon world should be made possible also in the games.
Changing pokeballs would be an interesting idea, but it would make legality checking harder. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to finally have a Manectric in a quick ball just because it seems like a perfect match.

Programming in a ton of the suff like pokemon following you can eat up storage space on the game card. I don't know for sure how much storage is on a DS/3DS catridge but there is a definite limit (though they keep making smaller chips with more storage. My guess is by that by the time they have a carttige with enough free space for that stuff (or at least by the time they program it all) the 3DS will be old news and they'll have moved on to some thing bigger (/smaller?) and better. Training against your own pokemon could get broken though... Inb4 level 100 wailord that only knows splash vs lvl 1 pokemon with Pain Split/Endeavor + fixed damage move (Sonic Boom/Dragon Rage/etc) for fast exp. What I wouldn't mind seeing is something like a training arena/dojo where you can use moves to defeat some sort of targets to boost EVs, Exp, etc. for a fee (which very well may be what the EV minigames leaked about for gen 6 are).
The only problems I have with tutoring moves to younger pokemon are that it is essentially an unlimited move tutor you can carry with you and that, if left unchecked, would allow pokemon to be hacked in just to teach a move (thus abusing it and, if allowed, would make some OP pokemon as event moves or 3rd gen tutor moves are taught to babies with a superior nature/ability/IVs). If this is limited to only the moves it can normaly learn, similar to the way egg moves work, it might not be entirely broken and would get rid of any remaining stupid (or not-so-stupid) illegal combos (like Hypnosis/Brave Bird on the Zubat line).
I still don't get the "legality checking" argument against changeable balls. Dumb hacks with wrong pokeballs are given to have additional obvious flaws beyond being in a cherish ball. Its not remotely like the pokeball is the single crucial legality check or something. It doesnt even help for the proper hacks as you cant distinguish legal hacks from legit mons, with or without pokeball looking ok.

And either way, how is legality an issue the fans have to concern themselves with instead of gamefreak preventing it from happening in the first place, let alone it being a justification for NOT adding a harmless customization option to the game.

Or heck, assuming you found a valid issue, gamefreak could just make "the ball it was caught with" and "the ball it is in" two separate bits of data.
The main issue I had was with bred pokemon. In gen 5, bred mons are variable enough some imitations can look legal (or RNG abused) except that the person put something other than a normal pokeball. I have nothing against changeable balls (the gen 4 ball capsules were an interesting twist), I just wanted to point that one technicality out.

Nightingirle said:
Cinesra said:
I'd like to see IV's eliminated altogether.

Me, too. I don't dislike the concept of ivs, but I absolutely hate the randomness. I would like a way to breed a 'perfect' pokemon, if they really have to keep ivs. I wouldn't even care if it took hours to do it, I just don't want it to be so random(I know you can influence some ivs values, but the majority stays random).
Also, I feel this needs to be addressed. Sure, IVs can be annoying, but they do help make the game a bit more interesting. IVs are the equivalent of Pokemon genetics. Think f it this way (as I saw it explained somewhere else): You could work out and practice running all your life and slowly get faster. This is similar to training a pokemon's speed EVs (not IVs just yet). This is fine, but you'd probably never be able to outrun Usain Bolt who has trained just as hard as you would have. This is exactly like the principle of one pokemon having higher IVs than another, even of the same species (you are [presumably :p] human, after all as is Usain).
Nightingirle said:
I would like a way to breed a 'perfect' pokemon
If you're hard set on an easier way to get perfect IVs, take up RNG abuse which allows that and much more.
iSharingan said:
professorlight said:
And you could have your higher leveled (or EV trained) pokemon tutor younger pokemon and give them bonuses to some stats, or even teach them moves; or more: training battles between your own pokemon for exp, EVs or moves. that would be awesome.
In short, a lot of things that are possible in the series or in a "real" pokemon world should be made possible also in the games.
Training against your own pokemon could get broken though... Inb4 level 100 wailord that only knows splash vs lvl 1 pokemon with Pain Split/Endeavor + fixed damage move (Sonic Boom/Dragon Rage/etc) for fast exp. What I wouldn't mind seeing is something like a training arena/dojo where you can use moves to defeat some sort of targets to boost EVs, Exp, etc. for a fee (which very well may be what the EV minigames leaked about for gen 6 are).

I honestly didn't understood much of your example, I'm not very knowledgeable in the intrincacies of the competitive metagame. What I meant with the training was more of sparring, tutoring. That stuff, and only improving EVs, not the stats themselves. A full fledged pokemon battle between your own pokemon whenever you want wouldn't be very fun, but a sparring session every once in a while (say, a maximum of two a day, or when you are in certain places distributed troughout the world) that would be something like:

"what do you want GARDEVOIR to teach MELOETTA?"
list of gardevoir's moves meloetta can learn, available through level, egg moves or TM/HM; of course, not any move
with a move leveling system like in mystery dungeon GTI, Gardevoir with level V confusion can help meloetta's level II confusion to improve that level.
gives you a choice between the stats gardevoir has EV values over 128, and the bonus to meloetta increases with the teacher's EVs. If you choose Sp. Att., of which gardevoir has 255 EVs, meloetta gains, say, 5 Sp. Att. EV points
gives a small percentage of the exp meloetta would gain if she were to defeat gardevoir in battle

If not abused, this kind of self-assisted training would reduce greatly the hassle of finding certin wild pokemon to EV train (which would become more known and widespread, also), would allow you to have more unique and specialized pokemon and would give your own pokemon more weight in your story (the whole thing could happen in the overworld, as if you were the trainer of two boxers or a team's manager giving orders)

This stuff I say derives mostly of awesome stuff that can be possible in the anime, or in a "real" world. Besides, as they keep adding gens, older pokemon will completely fill their possible movepools, incapable of adding new gen moves. It would make sense if there were another way to give newly added moves to pokemon that couldn't be able to learn them.
And self training would be a great way to balance the game if they make more challenging common trainer battles (if every trainer were as smart as a gym leader or a E4).
professorlight said:
I honestly didn't understood much of your example, I'm not very knowledgeable in the intrincacies of the competitive metagame. What I meant with the training was more of sparring, tutoring. That stuff, and only improving EVs, not the stats themselves.

Well, increasing/decreasing EVs does change the stats; otherwise they would have no purpose.

professorlight said:
A full fledged pokemon battle between your own pokemon whenever you want wouldn't be very fun, but a sparring session every once in a while (say, a maximum of two a day, or when you are in certain places distributed troughout the world) that would be something like:

I could see a use limit, especially if tied to clock changes like Join Avenue and Game Sync are now to prevent abuse by simply moving the DS's clock forward. You may have something there.

professorlight said:
"what do you want GARDEVOIR to teach MELOETTA?"
list of gardevoir's moves meloetta can learn, available through level, egg moves or TM/HM; of course, not any move
with a move leveling system like in mystery dungeon GTI, Gardevoir with level V confusion can help meloetta's level II confusion to improve that level.
gives you a choice between the stats gardevoir has EV values over 128, and the bonus to meloetta increases with the teacher's EVs. If you choose Sp. Att., of which gardevoir has 255 EVs, meloetta gains, say, 5 Sp. Att. EV points
gives a small percentage of the exp meloetta would gain if she were to defeat gardevoir in battle
The move leveling in GTI would be a bit broken in the games. For one, how would the opposing trainers' move levels be decided if they even were able to have leveled moves at all? And as it is, some pokemon have massive stats. Imagine a Fire Blast VI coming off a Deoxys-A's maxed out special stat (504) in the Sun. Nothing that didn't have the ability Flash Fire could possibly survive it, even with a double resistance (shuckle might have a chance if it actually resisted fire with a 4x modifier and had 6 special defense boosts).

professorlight said:
If not abused, this kind of self-assisted training would reduce greatly the hassle of finding certin wild pokemon to EV train (which would become more known and widespread, also), would allow you to have more unique and specialized pokemon and would give your own pokemon more weight in your story (the whole thing could happen in the overworld, as if you were the trainer of two boxers or a team's manager giving orders)
Game-freak has so graciously distributed wild pokemon in a way that there are always excellent places to train each stat's EVs with little interference of pokemon that give the wrong EV. It's not impossible to grind in there areas which usually have lower leveled pokemon, especially when you use a level 100 pokemon and an exp share on the pokemon that needs the EVs or simply using the target pokemon (with a sufficient level) to get the EVs themselves while holding one of the Power Items (in any case, Pokerus really helps and there are plenty of users willing to share one of their active strains for little or nothing in return).

professorlight said:
This stuff I say derives mostly of awesome stuff that can be possible in the anime, or in a "real" world. Besides, as they keep adding gens, older pokemon will completely fill their possible movepools, incapable of adding new gen moves. It would make sense if there were another way to give newly added moves to pokemon that couldn't be able to learn them.
And self training would be a great way to balance the game if they make more challenging common trainer battles (if every trainer were as smart as a gym leader or a E4).
If they made the game more challenging without some form of "Kid mode" option to turn it back down, Game-freak would in all likelihood lose most of their younger users/customers. Also, I don't think the Gym leaders and Elite Four are the best comparison. Their strategies always revolve around a type, move, or other gimmick and once the theme is spoiled, their only remaining power can come from their Pokemon's level (which doesn't change and can be circumvented simply with even higher level pokemon). Now if they incorporated some of the simpler competitive techniques, bringing out clever move-ability combinations that compliment each other, I could see them being deemed "smart". As it is, the only reason random trainers are weaker is because they either have no strategy or use a simple theme in their pokemon choice that has nothing to do with battle.

Sorry to dissect your post like that, but I like to make sure there is no misunderstanding when discussing things like this. I'm not saying that you or your ideas are bad; I just want to point out bits of misinformation you have or where I get the impression you are missing useful features that can ease some of the training woes you (and others) experience.
I think, as far as trainer/gym levels goes, we just need a difficulty option. Challenge mode, Normal Mode and Novice mode would ideally be the best selection for them to implement. OR maybe an Expert, Challenge and Normal mode- with Expert having items, advanced movesets and strategies, while Challenge would just have a level bump or something?
They would just be bringing back the BW2 "keys" in that case, but no complaints here (if it's available from game start).
iSharingan said:
Well, increasing/decreasing EVs does change the stats; otherwise they would have no purpose.

Yes, but the change in stats that comes from EVs has a limit. When the "trainee" pokemon has full EVs, the training won't change anything.

iSharingan said:
The move leveling in GTI would be a bit broken in the games. For one, how would the opposing trainers' move levels be decided if they even were able to have leveled moves at all? And as it is, some pokemon have massive stats. Imagine a Fire Blast VI coming off a Deoxys-A's maxed out special stat (504) in the Sun. Nothing that didn't have the ability Flash Fire could possibly survive it, even with a double resistance (shuckle might have a chance if it actually resisted fire with a 4x modifier and had 6 special defense boosts).

Your example is so unlikely that is more theoretical than real. Yes, nothing would survive that attack, but the same would happen if the deoxys's opponent sends a dark type pokemon and uses a dark type move (any dark type move, with deoxys's crappy defences). One-hit kills, theoretical or not, happen all the time, and they are, in fact, something trainers try to get most of the time. that's where my speed/evasion idea from before comes in handy, gives the battles more unpredictability, say deoxys attacks, misses and the rival knocks him out (because of the aforementioned crappy defences. Deoxys is always a extreme example, but it is balanced, stat-wise, just in a very unbalanced way), with the speed/evasion system that could happen... or the opposite, no way to really know.
The moves leveling should of course apply also to NPC's pokemon, imagine, suddenly a level 10 zigzagoon uses level VIII tackle out of nowhere and leaves you no option but to use the most defensive pokemon available. Between this and evasion, each battle could be as unpredictable and difficult as playing in the metagame. You like the metagame, I suppose: Imagine a entire game of that.

iSharingan said:
Game-freak has so graciously distributed wild pokemon in a way that there are always excellent places to train each stat's EVs with little interference of pokemon that give the wrong EV. It's not impossible to grind in there areas which usually have lower leveled pokemon, especially when you use a level 100 pokemon and an exp share on the pokemon that needs the EVs or simply using the target pokemon (with a sufficient level) to get the EVs themselves while holding one of the Power Items (in any case, Pokerus really helps and there are plenty of users willing to share one of their active strains for little or nothing in return).

Sure, EV grinding is easy, long, but easy: there are objects (expensive as hell in the battle facilities), pokerus (extremely rare) and areas where a type of EV is predominant... but it's still going out of the normal progression of the game to beat the same pokemon over and over and over to get extra points that won't be of any use in the story, because anyway your pokemon are normally overpowered (they have better than average moves, a human behind to not do stupid things and they would be overleveled anyway, even more with EVs advantage), imagine how that would be: you reach a new city and instead of going straight to the gym or foil the bad guy's plot, you stay in a nearby cave for 5 days killing zubat to get speed EVs. Not a very interesting story, ¿right?

iSharingan said:
If they made the game more challenging without some form of "Kid mode" option to turn it back down, Game-freak would in all likelihood lose most of their younger users/customers. Also, I don't think the Gym leaders and Elite Four are the best comparison. Their strategies always revolve around a type, move, or other gimmick and once the theme is spoiled, their only remaining power can come from their Pokemon's level (which doesn't change and can be circumvented simply with even higher level pokemon). Now if they incorporated some of the simpler competitive techniques, bringing out clever move-ability combinations that compliment each other, I could see them being deemed "smart". As it is, the only reason random trainers are weaker is because they either have no strategy or use a simple theme in their pokemon choice that has nothing to do with battle.

Yes, increased difficulties should be always optional, for the younger players, but for us veterans, the game ends up being pretty easy; as I said, in white, my team was 4 pokemon: snivy, swanna, lilligant and cinccino (with meloetta in a second playthrough) those pokemon are not the best, don't have many great moves and two of them are even of redundant types, Yet, I plowed through the gyms, the league, N and ghetsis without a problem. Also, I... have a tendency to "care" for my pokemon, almost as much as I would if they were real, I never let them get hurt or faint, and if you manage to faint one of them... you are in for a world of pain. That's why I chose those changes, they give your pokemon more substance than a bunch of numbers in your screen, and if the AI of every trainer fought like those bastards in the battle tower (I still believe the game cheats there) the game would be more interesting.

iSharingan said:
Sorry to dissect your post like that, but I like to make sure there is no misunderstanding when discussing things like this. I'm not saying that you or your ideas are bad; I just want to point out bits of misinformation you have or where I get the impression you are missing useful features that can ease some of the training woes you (and others) experience.

No problem, I understand, discussing this stuff is great, and the only way I'm going to know if my ideas hold any value. I have to defend them, and It's the others who must point out their flaws, to make me either reconsider or defend them,
I know I have a tendency to rant and make reaaally long posts, but that's a combination of, as you said, trying to avoid misunderstandings (of which there will always be, apparently), the fact that english is not my first language, so I'm not that good organizing my thoughts and the simple fact that that's just how my mind works; I digress really quickly from whatever I'm currently thinking (and using lots of parentheses trying to clarify stuff, as you can see).
NoDice said:
I think, as far as trainer/gym levels goes, we just need a difficulty option. Challenge mode, Normal Mode and Novice mode would ideally be the best selection for them to implement. OR maybe an Expert, Challenge and Normal mode- with Expert having items, advanced movesets and strategies, while Challenge would just have a level bump or something?

..or just make the whole game a challenge, like they used to be?
The games were never more challenging than they are today - we were just younger and not as skilled. After factoring that out, any slightly higher difficulty in the old games is purely a factor of poor design choices (imbalanced and rare types, the way physical and special were handled, etc.) that were rectified in later titles.

I will admit that there's been some tutorial creep in recent years, but it's still not a far cry from the cranky old man blocking your way in Viridian City or the semi-forced tour in Pewter City. And when it comes to the actual battles, there's just as much, if not more, challenge to them as there was in the beginning.
professorlight said:
Dark Void said:
While some Pokemon having the chance to randomly avoid almost any attack would make sense, it would unfortunately be horrible in competitive battling-evasion boosting moves are already banned there. Maybe an increase in accuracy when facing something slow like a Snorlax would be fine, but definitely not an accuracy drop when facing Deoxys-S.

I gave deoxys S as an example, but it is a extreme example. If not think about ... gigalith against emolga: emolga has flight, speed and size and gigalith has raw offensive power, but it's a rock (pun intended). the way things are now, gigalith has all the advantage, because it has the same mobility as emolga and the higher attack and defense that are be obvious, while emolga has to slowly whittle down its health with its inferior power, and it's same mobility. Speed right now only changes who starts first, which in this situations is kind of useless.

In competitive battling, right now you have the overused pokemon (certain legendarys, pseudolegendaries and some others) and the rest are virtually useless; If I want to play competitively I can't bring (for example) my last team of white: swanna, minccino, snivy, lilligant and meloetta, because as soon as the battle begins, my a**hole opponent pulls out a genesect, hydreigon, tyranitar, rayquaza, etc. and wipes the foor with me. That's not fair nor fun (for me, of course, the other guy is having a blast). But if his hydreigon's attacks were to have a higher chance of failing against my snivy (or rather, snivy have a higher chance of dodging them) that would put us in more equal footing. My point wasn't only for unevolved pokemon, but also for evolved pokemon that are smaller/not overpowered, who are the vast majority.
It's stupid that out of 650 something pokemon, only what ¿a hundred? ¿less? can be successfully used competitively. Battling should be about having fun with the pokemon you like, not selecting and breeding a flawless team of winners.

And also, one I forgot to include before: in competitive battle, maybe there should be a threshold for the sum of all the stats of the pokemon in a team. For example (exaggerated): if I want to use arceus, I need 5 weedles in the team to fall below the max stat sum in the threshold; that way all teams are roughly balanced, and moves, abilities and strategy are more important without limiting the species that can handle more than two turns in that environment.
that threshold could be, for example, a imaginary pokemon whose stats are the average of the stats of all pokemon, then you add those averages together and add/substract a x% to set a threshold. Then the total stats of your team should fall between that max and min to be able to enter. That way, you can't go with a team full of legendarys (exaggerating) because they would fall way above the max allowed, and can't have a team with only magikarp (again, exaggerating) because that would fall under the minimum.

If evasion is actually based on speed, weak Pokemon that are inferior to others in most of their stats wouldn't get any better-they'd get worse. And a lot if not most people who play "competitive battling" actually do so on online simulators in which there are certain tiers that each Pokemon falls into, and you can choose what tier you want to play in. If you don't want to end up using or facing high powered Pokemon in the Uber or OU tier, you can play in the UU, RU, or NU tiers where the strongest Pokemon are banned (each of those has more banned than the last). However, Nintendo will never officially endorse this and so all of their official tournaments and events will generally have only the strongest legendaries banned.
would be interesting if gamefreak came up with official tiers lololol

Say, weak-*, mediocre-**, strong-***, powerful-****, broken-*****.
Each pokemon would have 1-5 stars, chosen by gamefreak, which don't necessarily reflect its real competitive strength if abused in the right manner etc, but rather an "intended" strength from when the pokemon was created.
Meaning it would be more based on predetermined stuff like, what its total stats are, how huge its offenses, whether it is evolved and how late it evolved etc.

I understand that quite soon after the intorduction of those, the "aces" and "the broken of their level" would show up as people would figure them out, who would then dominate the tier they were chosen to reside in, but I've come to understand that that's what happens in the competitive tiers all the time anyway, with a few fan-community (mostly smogon) decisions on what's considered okay and whats considered broken enough to ban (like how weather was kept for OU even tho it dominates OU, or Stealth Rock is allowed even though it renders some people unusable and has one pathetic rare counter, while something like Excadrill combo, evasion moves are considered to be annoying enough to be banned).

Its a fishy subject without there possibly being a democratic input from the fanbase, so there might as well be gamefreak-opinion-based tiers, I thought Dx

I was imagining something along the lines of:
*****-all the ubers and stuff thats banned atm (so this tier exists officially already)
****-pseudo-legends, casual legends... anything with TBS around and above ~540, things that have attacks/speed around and above ~150, defenses around and above ~200
***-the average 3 stage mons (starters, Nidoking, Ampharos, Flygon....), but also good 2-stage/monostage obviously (Breloom, Heracross)... a vague estimation, TBS ~460-~540
**-the meh, usually 2-stage mons that seem like they could use another evolution.. in other words TBS ~380-460
*-the weakest bunch ala Luvdisc..

as for earlier stages, rule of thumb would be for them to be a level below their evolution (unless the evolution is more of a readjustment than increase, like Porygon2, Scyther etc).

Eviolite allowed only when a pokemon is used a tier higher than it belongs to.
For example, lets say
Then Dusclops+Eviolite=***

Note that something like Zangoose for example would obviously be at least ** even tho its not evolved. And things like Butterfree in ** at most, even though it is a third stage, since its very weak.

Again, gamefreak would be the judge here. They already do something similar when they decide how many Effort points a pokemon gives (Unown=1, Tropius=2, Probopass=3).
I think if GameFreak did any sort of tiers it would probably be something a little simpler- such as:

A. Not fully evolved. (Basics and stage 1s only. Does not include non-evolving Pokemon.)
B. Fully evolved. (Stage 1s, 2s, and non-evolving mons)
C. Banned (Mascot Legends, Event Legends, and Mew/Clones) with basically what they have banned now.
The "broken" tier would be what is banned from VGC not exactly Ubers. So we will have Pokemon such as Rhyperior in Powerful while it can only set up Stealth Rocks and KO Crobat (and a couple other Pokemon) in UU while Gligar could easily be in "mediocre". But I wouldn't be surprised if GF would actually do it by BST (Slaking in Broken:).

It would be good if they made LC too and it to be similar to how it is now (unless the include every Basic Pokemon that has an evolution and have Pokemon that are good in other tiers too).
Flys Gone 2071 said:
The "broken" tier would be what is banned from VGC not exactly Ubers. So we will have Pokemon such as Rhyperior in Powerful while it can only set up Stealth Rocks and KO Crobat (and a couple other Pokemon) in UU while Gligar could easily be in "mediocre". But I wouldn't be surprised if GF would actually do it by BST (Slaking in Broken:).

It would be good if they made LC too and it to be similar to how it is now (unless the include every Basic Pokemon that has an evolution and have Pokemon that are good in other tiers too).

I doubt Slaking would be in broken even if they did it completely by TBS.
Not 100% sure how that case would be "recalculated" (but I took a guess below anyway), but a clear example is Archeops.

Archeops is clearly intended to be a regular fossil. Regular fossils have 495 TBS. Archeops fits with them in everything but the total stats, which go to a whooping 567! (weird number don't you think? it has an origin,)

I can show you that it was 495 at first, but the Attack and Sp.Atk were increased in exchange for being given the gimmicky unique exclusive ability Defeatist, which halves its Attacks when HP drop below half.
Initially its Atk was 100, and its Sp.Atk was 80:
75 100 65 80 65 110 - 495
Then because of Defeatist, its attacks were increased by 40%.
100*1.4= 140
80*1.4= 112
75 140 65 112 65 110 - 495+40+32=567

So in this case, I guarantee you, gamefreak considers it in the same league and "equally strong" to the other 495TBS fossils.

Something similar would be applied when considering Slaking, since even though its TBS are the same as Groudons and Kyogres, its obviously not meant to be their league, but more something like Exploud and Stoutland: ~490.

I think Slaking also had such "original stats" that were buffed to the current ones to compensate for Truant:
150 160 100 95 65 100 - 670
There is 180-190 too much here.
Which happens to be roughly the sum of halves of its offensive stats, Atk/Sp.Atk/Spe (80+50+50), which is what the ability is aimed at, offense.
So Slaking might have been something like this at first:
150 80 100 45 65 50 - 490
seems fitting? huge HP, good defenses, lackluster speed/sp.atk, and okay attack, its very much like Snorlax (which I don't think is coincidence either). But since it only attacks every other turn, gamefreak decided it should hit double as hard and double as fast.
(the only odd thing about it is that the Sp.Atk is 95 instead of 90/100, for which I have no explanation)
Bolt the Cat said:
They wouldn't leave eggs laying around like that, what kind of message would that send?

What kind of message does ripping creatures out of the wild and then training and breeding them to fight one another send?
Not that I agree with the egg idea, but trying to make points like that aren't very effective in the world of pokemon : P
I would like the "Pokémon follow you overworld" option back. I know not everyone loved it but I enjoyed it. In fact I want them all to follow you at once, or some, or one, or none. Give us an option for it somewhere on their status page, that way if you like it you can do it, and if you don't, you don't have to.
Polaris said:
Bolt the Cat said:
They wouldn't leave eggs laying around like that, what kind of message would that send?

What kind of message does ripping creatures out of the wild and then training and breeding them to fight one another send?
Not that I agree with the egg idea, but trying to make points like that aren't very effective in the world of pokemon : P

now that there's a "The [PPPPP] you stepped on attacked!" thing, don't you think it'll be worse with eggs?

oh god imagine "The wild Steelix you stepped on attacked!"