XY Do you want any game mechanics changed in X and Y?

Bolt the Cat said:
HoOhLugia said:
I would like a portal to lead you to a friends world when communicating with wireless so you can travel, battle, and capture Pokemon in your friends world! That would be neat.

They're actually not too far away from that in BW1, where you can complete missions in your friend's world through Entralink. Now they just need to add in Pokemon and trainers and stuff.

Yes, that's quite what I meant. I didn't be specific though. But it would be great to actually battle with your friend in colour, and what you're talking about.
It should be possible to put a Pokemon in another pokeball from the Bag (with the original being destroyed of course).

Cause I like to have fitting pokeballs on pokemon and they dont necessarily get caught in the desired ones..but especially for hatched pokemon this would be nice.
Mitja said:
Cause I like to have fitting pokeballs on pokemon and they dont necessarily get caught in the desired ones..but especially for hatched pokemon this would be nice.

I'm not sure the customization is worth it, because being able to put Pokemon in any Poke Ball makes it harder to identify hacks. It's probably better if they just bring back Seals instead.
Bolt the Cat said:
Mitja said:
Cause I like to have fitting pokeballs on pokemon and they dont necessarily get caught in the desired ones..but especially for hatched pokemon this would be nice.

I'm not sure the customization is worth it, because being able to put Pokemon in any Poke Ball makes it harder to identify hacks. It's probably better if they just bring back Seals instead.

Don't you think they should try better at making it hard to make undistinguishable hacks to address that problem instead? (as in practically impossible).

I don't think justifying limitations to customization by "cheating being easy" is valid here. That should be a developers concern not that of a player.

Besides, the ball a pokemon is in is not like THE conclusive factor to distinguish hacks...its merely proof of poor hacks, which are obvious on many other ways anyway.. what Im saying is, currently (without pokeball being customizable) any "half-decent hacker" will just put everything into plain regular pokeballs, easy as that.
Tell me if I'm missing something here.
Mitja said:
It should be possible to put a Pokemon in another pokeball from the Bag (with the original being destroyed of course).

Cause I like to have fitting pokeballs on pokemon and they dont necessarily get caught in the desired ones..but especially for hatched pokemon this would be nice.

I always thought that we should be able to put hatched Mons into a Pokeball of our choice, or at least for a ball to disappear from the bag, rather than it currently looking like the eggshell of a hatched Pokemon becomes a Pokeball.

I really want the Pokeball switching function as well, it always bugged me when I caught some legendary or other Pokemon in a Timer ball and I wanted to use it in battle, cause the opening animatin for the Timer ball always annoyed me for some reason..

Also, maybe some easier ways to reduce EVs, or maybe even spread them around your Pokemon? *this would probably be exclusive to Pokemon with full EVs, for the sake of calculations* the trainer would probably say "would you like to rearrange your Pokemons stats?" then proceeds you to ask which stat you'd like to replace with another, maybe with an option on how many EVs you want to switch around.
Although, this would probably be better ingame if EVs were directly shown.
another idea... EVs on stat screen with the amount you currently have in what stats. it would make it a lot easier for EV training ingame.
Its really time to put an indicator of EVs in there. Not the exact numbers (which would just confuse younger players next to all the numbers we already see), but perhaps similar to how natures effects became visible.
Make each stat number gain color as its EV increase.

something like this:

This Starmie having high Defense, followed by speed and sp.Def..
Card Slinger J said:
What If they put a mechanic in where you can manipulate the gender ratio of a Pokemon when you breed it in the Daycare, you know how Eevee has a very low female ratio where you usually only hatch male Eevee's? I'd love for them to fix that. Maybe a held item that passes down genders to the offspring that only works on Pokemon with bad gender ratios.
That's a really cool idea! It would be fitting in gen6. If that item actually exists, I think that it should be held by Xern/Yvel, or found in some laboratory of the enemy team(s).

I saw this some where else, but how about some small HUD that shows the current capture rate of a Pokemon (after damage, status conditions, etc is applied) as well as the nature of it as well.
Mitja said:
Its really time to put an indicator of EVs in there. Not the exact numbers (which would just confuse younger players next to all the numbers we already see), but perhaps similar to how natures effects became visible.
Make each stat number gain color as its EV increase.

something like this:

This Starmie having high Defense, followed by speed and sp.Def..

Thats a great idea! However, I think perhaps the tables that have the "Attack, Defense, Sp Atk, Sp Def, and Speed" should ALSO be colored to represent IVs. EG: Metallic Green representing max 31, and have the color scale from that to a yellow for mids to a dark red for the lower numbers.

Another nice thing they could add would be a color code to maybe the Pokemons name box or something to represent its HP type.
I can't particularly think of any mechanics that should change, though I'm sure some mechanics will change. That's quite obvious. Maybe Pokémon breed more easily through the new bonding mechanic
I don't think they should change the mechanics too much and just add onto the current ones. As I really don't like it when GF change the mechanics, because it takes a while to get used to.
Bolt the Cat said:
Reggie McGigas said:
What if it was a hidden grotto type thing?
PS Soccer moms usually dont play pokemon, and pokemon isnt ment to send out messages. If it did, then we would have kids fight their pets and capture wild animals in cages. Pokemon isnt ment to be taken too seriously

Pokemon still needs to have some sort of moral code, though. They've been able to justify capturing and fighting with Pokemon in the series, but I don't think they can justify taking random eggs from nests. You're basically stealing some Pokemon's baby.

I think that it would be cool if you could find eggs in grottoes and there were mini-missions where you try to reunite it with its mother. And if it hatches in your party then it can bond with you, and once you find its mother, it could decide to stay with you. That would be fun to me. Anyone else think so? Plus, there is supposed to be a new bonding mechanic so...
For the egg finding thing, I can see them pulling something along the lines of:
*player enters route*
As you walk past a ranger, they notice you and tell you they've found an egg and need a strong trainer to keep it.
Ranger says "Your Pokemon look very happy with you, would you like to take care of this egg?"
And then you can choose if you want it or not.
Another thing on eggs, they should have an egg carrying thing, where you can keep an egg on yourself, but it doesn't require a party slot to be used.
P.DelSlayer said:
Another thing on eggs, they should have an egg carrying thing, where you can keep an egg on yourself, but it doesn't require a party slot to be used.

Then what would happen once it hatched?
DorianBlack said:
P.DelSlayer said:
Another thing on eggs, they should have an egg carrying thing, where you can keep an egg on yourself, but it doesn't require a party slot to be used.

Then what would happen once it hatched?

If your party was full, I'm guessing it would be sent to the PC and give you the option to nickname it.

On the topic of egg mechanics, how about an incubation system? It could make your egg hatch a bit faster, if you're too lazy to run around for it too hatch. Maybe every step you take will count as 5 steps, rather than 1. I don't know if it could be a Key Item, or maybe an extra box in your PC. Anyways, I doubt anything like that will ever happen, just an idea. I'm sure breeders would enjoy this very much, ha.
Speaking of that, how about not requiring an empty party space to receive a Pokemon? I can't see any legitimate reason why it can't just get warped to the PC like a caught Pokemon. Gen I actually let you do this; it's one of the rare mechanics that actually got downgraded in the pass to the next generation.
DorianBlack said:
P.DelSlayer said:
Another thing on eggs, they should have an egg carrying thing, where you can keep an egg on yourself, but it doesn't require a party slot to be used.

Then what would happen once it hatched?

Maybe have a feature similar to when Pokemon are recruited in PMD; you can choose whether you want to send the hatched Pokemon to the PC, or you can send a team member to the PC and keep the hatched one.
P.DelSlayer said:
DorianBlack said:
Then what would happen once it hatched?

Maybe have a feature similar to when Pokemon are recruited in PMD; you can choose whether you want to send the hatched Pokemon to the PC, or you can send a team member to the PC and keep the hatched one.

I like that, but that seems like you're somehow accessing the PC from far away. Oh, and another thing they should add is something on your Pokedex to allow you to check your PC, and show all information you discovered about the pokemon you have or have seen (such as attacks they learn, discovered abilities, egg group, etc. as long as you have seen it in battle or have the pokemon)
apparently the Karos Dex will be separated into 3 categories
Coastal Karos, Central Karos, and Mountain Karos Pokedexes
maybe where you go depends on the starter?

look at the bow and paper by the bottom... i'm guessing that there's some kind of contests in this generation, and by the looks of it, it shows the pokemon and moves on the top screen and the other info on the bottom
Please add a New+ Mode; they didn't do one for B2W2, but seriously how convenient would it be to relive the story without starting over. Additionally, I want to include multiple save files with an increased level cap besides 100.

Do you got any ideas how many times I rode on my bike just to battle except the Poketch.