Do your friends know you play Pokemon?

I'm 21... couldn't care less what people thought of me. So yeah, all my friends know, and they're all still my friends.

It's funny, it's a big deal in middle school, maybe even high school, but when you get a little older you realize that it doesn't matter and you should just be yourself :) I wish I cared less back then, I would've been happier.
All my friends know, they don't really care (well, some don't approve but who gives a crap bout them) and we don't talk about it y'know. I only talk Pokemon with my PokeBuddies lol.

As DarkPkmnTrainer says, as everyone gets older, you start to care less about what other people think of you. As long as you're happy with what you're doing, no one should tell you any less.
Well...see, most of the friends I have play Pokemon, and if they don't they're REALLY nice or they like something else I like (Naruto, Bleach, etc.)
Nope, Ive been doing a pretty good job of keeping it a secret. I really dont need people making fun of me, which they would.
Dude....everyone at my high school knows I play pokemon, and I'm proud of it. Ive even gone to the extent of where the school board passed my Pokemon club application. So, now I'm sitting as the president of my high school's Pokemon club, and Ive successfully obtained 20+ members who play the game. In this upcoming year, I plan to double our numbers. So yea....who cares if you play Pokemon. They're just missing out on the greatest fun they could ever find.
Most people know that I play and I get messed with fir it. It sucks. My English teacher is my leauge leader :/ I am a sophmore
None of my friends in my grade know and i'd like to keep it that way until i'm a bit older. The only people that know i play at my school are a few younger people, but their friend of mine and haven't told anyone. One time people almost found outt that I played when someone saw me at league and people and they had a little laugh at me, but most people forgot about it and haven't said anything since.

If they have an issue with it they're obviously not friends.

Anybody who makes a deal out of it are just immature idiots who obviously don't know anything about having a hobby.
Kraai said:

If they have an issue with it they're obviously not friends.

Anybody who makes a deal out of it are just immature idiots who obviously don't know anything about having a hobby.
I've gotta agree there
Yeah my friends know. They played too 2 years ago but quit. I don't play sports or anything but, I still hang out with the jocks. I don't want to be considered a loser or nerd so, this year I'm going to try to make them think I don't play. I'm going into 6th now. In the 7th grade I hope to make sure no one knows. In High school if I don't start playing sports I would get killed, if they know. I'm probably going to quit playing in like 2-3 years. My brother kinda makes fun of me just cuzz I'm 12 and still play. He collected the cards a long, long time ago. Then quit. He got me into them and I collected a lot. Then, I begged my dad to start taking me to tounaments last year. My first tournament was Platinum PR.

But, yah. My friends know, but I want them not to know.

Edit: I doubt my friends would make fun of me but, the other people that aren't my friends would(and yes, some of them have.). I agree, if they make fun or reject you, they aren't real friends. What is odd is I see why so many adults play. As you get older the strategy makes it funer. When I was littler(like 8) I didn't have a clue. *I just liked the pics and high damage and HP.
One day at a public school:

Pokemon player: "Hey everyone! I play pokemon!"

Guy: "Hahahah!! You play pokemon!? Pokemon is so stupid!!

Pokemon player: "What makes you think that?"

Guy: "Well, you know, it's just stupid. That's what my friends say."

Pokemon Player: "Have you even played the game?"

Guy: "I don't need to play it to know that it's stupid"

Pokemon player: "I've earned big scholarships by playing it. Now collage won't be as expensive. How many scholarships do you have again?"

Guy: "Umm, uhhh. Well, whatever, I'm going to tell all my friends about this!"

Pokemon player: "About what exactly? The fact that I am socialized with kids other that my own age?"

Guy: "No, th-"

Pokemon player: "The fact that I have other friends outside the classroom?"

Guy: "B-

Pokemon player: "The fact that I have a self sense of accomplishment, of winning with something that I made myself?

Guy: "..."

Pokemon player: "The fact that I have a wonderful website to go to for Pokemon called Pokebeach? :)P)"

Guy: "Wh-"

Pokemon player: "That's what your going to tell them, huh?"

Guy: "Um, well, no. I was goin-"

Pokemon player: "Tell you what. I'm going to tell all of my friends that Football is stupid.

Guy: "Football isn't stupid!"

Pokemon player: "In your opinion."

Guy: "Yeah, but in your opinion Pokemon isn't stupid."

Pokemon player: "Exactly."

Guy: "..."

Pokemon player: "..."

Guy: "It's still stupid."

Pokemon player: "Sure it is."

But really, who cares about what other people think about you? You don't keep the fact that you play Football from your friends.

I look at it this way:

If they make fun of what you like to do, they aren't your friends.


Wow, right after I typed this, I read this post:

If they have an issue with it they're obviously not friends.

Anybody who makes a deal out of it are just immature idiots who obviously don't know anything about having a hobby.
every one of my good friends know.(pretty much everyone in the class XD)
But they all think its cool that i went 22nd at nats and all that. pretty much if you try to help me on my deck your cool XD. but i was cool before i played pokemon lol
Porygon-X said:
One day at a public school:

Pokemon player: "Hey everyone! I play pokemon!"

Guy: "Hahahah!! You play pokemon!? Pokemon is so stupid!!


Fixed. But yeah, I agree with you.
I just got back into the TCG a year ago and Im just going into my senior year at high school. I go to a Catholic school with ~400 people and I have seen at least 50 people walking around with the HG/SS pokewalkers, some being football players. As for telling my friends, well all of my school friends either play or dont care and my friend and I even battled at band camp during break. I dont really care because Ive seen pretty much evry end of the social scale. However, my friends at home go to public school and even though we've been friends since 3rd grade, I doubt they would really accept the fact that I play TCG and the video games.
Porygon-X said:
One day at a public school:

Pokemon player: "Hey everyone! I play pokemon!"

Guy: "Hahahah!! You play pokemon!? Pokemon is so stupid!!

Pokemon player: "What makes you think that?"

Guy: "Well, you know, it's just stupid. That's what my friends say."

Pokemon Player: "Have you even played the game?"

Guy: "I don't need to play it to know that it's stupid"

Pokemon player: "I've earned big scholarships by playing it. Now collage won't be as expensive. How many scholarships do you have again?"

Guy: "Umm, uhhh. Well, whatever, I'm going to tell all my friends about this!"

Pokemon player: "About what exactly? The fact that I am socialized with kids other that my own age?"

Guy: "No, th-"

Pokemon player: "The fact that I have other friends outside the classroom?"

Guy: "B-

Pokemon player: "The fact that I have a self sense of accomplishment, of winning with something that I made myself?

Guy: "..."

Pokemon player: "The fact that I have a wonderful website to go to for Pokemon called Pokebeach? :)P)"

Guy: "Wh-"

Pokemon player: "That's what your going to tell them, huh?"

Guy: "Um, well, no. I was goin-"

Pokemon player: "Tell you what. I'm going to tell all of my friends that Football is stupid.

Guy: "Football isn't stupid!"

Pokemon player: "In your opinion."

Guy: "Yeah, but in your opinion Pokemon isn't stupid."

Pokemon player: "Exactly."

Guy: "..."

Pokemon player: "..."

Guy: "It's still stupid."

Pokemon player: "Sure it is."

But really, who cares about what other people think about you? You don't keep the fact that you play Football from your friends.

I look at it this way:

If they make fun of what you like to do, they aren't your friends.

That's how I would imagine them finding out about me going. I just found out that I'm president of my school's Spanish Club. That means a lot to me, so I don't want people to quit because their leader plays Pokemon.
Summer said:
That's how I would imagine them finding out about me going. I just found out that I'm president of my school's Spanish Club. That means a lot to me, so I don't want people to quit because their leader plays Pokemon.
Summer... Be yourself! Like I said, if your friends make fun of you, they never were your friends to begin with. I graduated High school with Top Honors, and was class president. Everyone knew I played Pokemon. I began to thank it was because I was on Track, but I soon learned that it was because people accepted me. Just be yourself.
I know that all of my 'friends' would make fun of me. ALL of them pretty much. And I don't want to end up having no friends lmao. If someone finds out, I won't deny it though. What they don't know can't hurt them :D
i'm very open about it because i try to find new people to talk about the game w/.
Summer said:
I know that all of my 'friends' would make fun of me. ALL of them pretty much. And I don't want to end up having no friends lmao. If someone finds out, I won't deny it though. What they don't know can't hurt them :D

Like I said:
Like I said, if your friends make fun of you, they never were your friends to begin with.

I would just tell your friends.