Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Keeper of Night said:
Dr.Mario said:
Are you able to breed IVs for chimchar?

It is on my to do list.
I can let you know.

Will it have any egg moves?

MaddMoni said:
I want that 5 IV Jolly Venipede (HA) You can check my thread to see what you want.

The only thing I saw was the flawless shiny Sandshrew. What else would I have to throw in for that?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Can you get me a female 5 IV with Thunder Punch?
I would be willing to trade both eevees for it.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

I know I asked for a Bulbasaur but if it's a Serene Grace Togepi you have, I'd prefer that instead please.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Are your pokemon bred for IVs also or just the egg moves?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Both, the male has 5IVs and the egg moves or I can give you two compatible parents with 4IVs each and egg moves on both :)
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Yes please I would rather have a breeding pair as long as they dont have the IVs in the same places.
I will give you a Togepi with grace, is that acceptable?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

That's perfectly acceptable dude, thank you very much :)
I've just popped out, I won't be long and I'll send you a request :D
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

5 IV Adamant Honedge
5 IV Modest Clauncher
5 IV Naive Absol w/ Play Rough (HA)
5 IV Impish Gligar (HA)
5 IV Adamant Shroomish w/ Bullet Seed (HA)
5 IV Timid Larvesta
5 IV Calm Sableye w/ Recover (HA)
5 IV Relaxed Ferroseed w/ Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Leech Seed
5 IV Adamant Larvitar w/ Stealth Rock, Iron Head, Pursuit and DD
5 IV Impish Skarmory w/ Whirlwind
5 IV Timid/Modest Bulbasaur w/ Giga Drain (HA)
5 IV Adamant Torchic w/ Baton Pass (HA)
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Would you do a power anklet ,lens and weight for it?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Alright i'll be online just send me a trade invite.
Thank you very much!!
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Hey, would you like an Iron fist chimchar with the egg moves Thunder Punch , Focus Punch, Fake out and encore for your Relaxed ferrothorn with leach seed.
II could also breed you one with adamant nature and fire punch.

If you want I could give you any of the starters.

Although the only ones with their hidden abilities are the Gen 1, gen 6sstarters and chimchar.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

I'm really sorry but they have.bad Ivs

The Have 3ivs at the most.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Ah ok. I only ask because i already have one of my own.
I am interested in a HA Cyndaquil though
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Hi, sorry I didn't got back to you, I've been busy with other things; do you still want the shellder with egg moves, and the squirtle, shinx and growlithe?