Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Larvitar, swinub, goomy, togepi?

Male larvitar
Male swinub
Which ever gender goomy
Which ever gender togepi


Ability capsule
Toxic Orb
Power brace for attack


Do you have the good abilities on them?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

I think I have the good ones for all but goomy if you want its HA which I dont have.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Larvitar Sandstorm (SR)
Togepi serene grace
Goomy Gooey
Swinub thick fat (SR) ice
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

I have all but the goomy. If that's a deal breaker than feel free to choose another.
Also, I'm assuming you mean Tyranitar will have sandstorm once it evolves.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Yes, that's what I meant for ttar, with sandstorm. Egg move SR.
I'll take a male goomy, I'll breed it with a Gooey female.

I'll be on in 5 minutes for the trade :)
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Sorry but i cant do it right now. An emergency came up and have to go for a while.
Ill let you know when I am available.
Also the TTar doesnt have SR
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Dr.Mario said:
Sorry but i cant do it right now. An emergency came up and have to go for a while.
Ill let you know when I am available.
Also the TTar doesnt have SR

Eh.. darn... what mon do I breed to for SR?

And that's fine.

I'll take, Phantump, Togepi, Goomy, Swinub, instead :)
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

5 IV Jolly Magikarp
5 IV Modest Horsea
Now have Wish Eevee
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

I ruv yu rong tami for 5IV Horsea. What ability is it? I'm interested.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

I have a swift swim one in reserve but if you want the sniper ability i can breed for it if you'd like
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Dr.Mario said:
I have a swift swim one in reserve but if you want the sniper ability i can breed for it if you'd like

Needing a Swift Swimmer, I can wait until you have an extra.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

I have one of those ready. Could you do a female Timid 5 IV Larvesta for it?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Dr.Mario said:
I have one of those ready. Could you do a female Timid 5 IV Larvesta for it?

I have a 5IV Volcarona already EV'D, might be a little extra but I'll give you it for a 4IV of something extra.
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

As long as its female I dont mind. Would you take a Tyrunt with some elemental fangs and 4IVs?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Hmmmm ok I like you well enough. Do you want male or female?
RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**

Thanks for the trade and the Venipede has 5 IVs