RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Penta Pokemon**
<3 TYVM my fine sir.
<3 TYVM my fine sir.
Porcelainpot said:I'm interested in the 5IV Phantump, Hawlucha, and Magikarp! I can offer 5IV Helioptiles (timid, dry skin, w/glare), Skiddos (either ability, adamant), Lillipups (sand rush, adamant, w/pursuit), and Chatots (timid, w/Boomburst, Nasty Plot, Agility and Encore). Also 4IV modest Mareeps, 4IV Careful Rufflets, and low IV (2-3 I think) Chanseys with seismic toss and counter. I can breed a perfect Chansey if you're patient.
PokeChimpo said:Did you get ant female Harvest Phantumps yet? Any IV..
Dr.Mario said:I like your Modest Female 4 IV Mareep.
Dr.Mario said:Are you able to breed IVs for chimchar?