RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread
Well sure I can. I'll provide 7 junks carrying the Rare Candies/PP Ups each for the Drilbur (for breeding), and for the Ferroseed (Can you make him a Relaxed nature). You could also provide 6 junks for each Pokemon to deliver the Rare Candies/PP Ups.
Dr.Mario said:Attach them to some random pokemon you dont mind getting rid of and send them my way.RaichuGirl said:I wonder trade a lot, and I've never spent any. I'd do 7 pp ups. How exactly do I trade them to you?
I dont really know of any other way. My IGN is Alan and I will be needing your FC as well, mine is in my sig.
pikadino said:Okay I've added you just send me a trade request whenever 3625-9297-7179
Sorry about that I was a bit busy but I should be online for most of the rest of the night.
My IGN is Alan so if you see me online just send me a trade invite.
JetpackPercy said:Okay, sorry for grammacal error, what I meant was that I could offer 5 of one of these items for the Drilbur (w/ Mold Breaker), so I can breed Stealth Rock onto it, and I think I could also do the same thing for the Ferroseed. If you agree, I'll arrange the trade via PM.
Hmm, can you do 7 of one? I usually do 7 of Rare Candies/ PP Ups for one of my Pokemon.
Well sure I can. I'll provide 7 junks carrying the Rare Candies/PP Ups each for the Drilbur (for breeding), and for the Ferroseed (Can you make him a Relaxed nature). You could also provide 6 junks for each Pokemon to deliver the Rare Candies/PP Ups.