Doctor Who

Lenny said:
I haven't posted because I made a thread about this maybe a month ago? ;p, I looked through your history of posted threads. I found none about DW, but one about Rise Against and one about Scrubs so you get +800 cool points.
On topic: I'm really looking forward to the next episode. I liked "The Lodger" and was waiting for this.
Card Slinger J said:
Anyone watch this amazing series? I watched a few episodes and got
hooked the very instant.

What was wrong with the last Doctor Who thread?
Delta said:
Cap. Jack is dead dude. He was the face of Bo back when David Tennant was the doctor.
And River was in the astronaught suit, as a kid. Which is even stranger.

Yeah but that was like way ahead in the future. Cap. Jack is still kicking presently in his human form in Torchwood if I'm not mistaken.
omahanime said:
What was wrong with the last Doctor Who thread?

Nothing, I tried to find the old Doctor Who thread before posting this one
and apparently I didn't get any results unless the thread was too outdated I guess...
So what did you all think of Saturday's episode? I really enjoyed it although the villains (I'll address them as that in case there's a spoiler rule) kind of disappointed me since they usually tend to be much scarier. I also didn't really like having that one part added at the ending but I guess they had to do it since it sets up the finale. But overall a pretty awesome episode for sure! I'm guessing we'll be seeing this "partner" again in the future which is great!
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

Somehow I got a feeling that the Doctor will cheat his own death somehow, either that or If he regenerates again later he could very well die since according to Gallifrey lore
Time Lords can only regenerate 12 times before they die and their souls pass onto the afterlife, the Doctor has regenerated 11-12 times over the course of the series and If he is about to die again he can no longer regenerate unless the writers of the series decide to continue the series or end it which I doubt however they probably didn't think the Doctor Who series would last this long, heck it's already made a Guinness World Record as the longest running Sci-Fi Series to date even beating Star Trek which came out around the same time as Doctor Who in the 60's.
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

I hope they end it on a good ending and not make it drawn out to get money. And by good ending I don't mean happy ending, a good ending story wise.
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

He's only regenerated 10 times. Meaning he only has 2 more. But there's so many things that make the 'rules of regenerating' confusing, it's possible that he may be able to regenerate some more.

As far as the finale goes, it's Doctor Who. That's really all I have to say in regards to an ending.
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

True especially since we don't know how many times The Master has regenerated compared to the Doctor, in the series he's only regenerated 3-4 times. The last one which caused him to lose his memories until he regained them again and regenerated before the End of Time Arc. The last we saw of the Master he was fighting against Rassilon and the other remaining Time Lords from Gallifrey.

Whether or not he survived is still in question, but I'd really love to see the Master meet the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) since he's only seen him in his previous incarnations. Romana was mentioned briefly in the last season or two and If you know she was one of the Doctor's former travel companions that is a Time Lord just like the Doctor. Of course she's snubbed in favor of Amy Pond and Rory nowadays.

Speaking of Rory that could explain how River Song inherited Time Lord DNA but it's still a stretch, see Rory was reincarnated and was able to live for like 2,000 years without dying during some time travel or something. Completely different from the Time Lords which they usually live for almost 1,000 years as If they were immortal. Or perhaps since Amy Pond traveled with the Doctor that could also explain how her daughter inherited Time Lord DNA...
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

Re-watch 'A Good Man Goes to War'. It will explain River Song.

As far as The Master goes, we just have to wait and see if his fate is ever revealed.
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

What did everyone think to the last episode? I can't wait for the Christmas one!
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

It was very strange, especially when the Doctor had to marry River Song in order to to stabilize time itself, sounds like a love triangle with the Tardis might ensue. Really clever how he faked his own death with the Teselecta's though, I still wonder about the question that should never be answered which would bring about the fall of the Silence.

The question of course is, "Doctor Who?" The oldest question in the universe that should never be answered at least until the Doctor whispered his actual name given to him on Gallifrey to River Song. So what did you think the question was going to be? "Are We Alone?" or rather "What is the meaning of life itself?"
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

Card Slinger J said:
So what did you think the question was going to be? "Are We Alone?" or rather "What is the meaning of life itself?"
Is there really a reason to ask "Are we alone?" in Doctor Who. Last time I checked, the main character is the answer to that question...
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

Ehhh not a fan of that finale. I found the episode before it much more entertaining. The question did amuse me though. I thought it would have been something like "Why me?".
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

"Why Me?" is a better question regarding the Doctor considering he's spent almost a 1,000 years of guilt and loneliness regarding what happened on his home planet with the war between the Time Lords and the Daleks on Gallifrey. It was such a horrible battle that the Doctor, the Master, and Romana have been the only survivors of their race at least until it was revealed in the End of Time Arc that there were other survivors of his race and it was never explained why the Doctor started the Time War to begin with.

Of course the pain of his past was so horrible he was very vague and quiet about it, he knows that he tried to make up for his past mistakes for starting that war by saving the universe countless times and redeeming himself for it. Yet not once did he ever get credit for all the good he has done at least maybe his marriage with River Song sort of completes it I guess. Still looking forward to Season 7 this Christmas especially now that Amelia is now the Doctor's Mother-in-Law and that in itself is still pretty weird... >_>
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

Card Slinger J said:
he's spent almost a 1,000 years of guilt and loneliness regarding what happened on his home planet with the war between the Time Lords and the Daleks on Gallifrey.
More like 206... ish than 1,000 as the Time War took place between the Doctor Who movie and Christopher Eccleston's first appearance as the Doctor.

Card Slinger J said:
it was never explained why the Doctor started the Time War to begin with.

He didn't start it, he ended it. By trapping the fighters in a time lock.

Card Slinger J said:
he tried to make up for his past mistakes for starting that war by saving the universe countless times
He did that before the Time War even started.

They should make a movie of the Time War sometime, I really want to see what the "Nightmare Child" looks like.
RE: Doctor Who Thread II

The Time Lock you mentioned was destroyed during the End of Time Arc during the 10th Doctor's Incarnation and supposedly the Master got caught in another Time Lock with the other Time Lords, thus being the reason why we haven't heard from him after the Doctor regenerated into his 11th incarnation.

Instead of resolving the situation between the Time Lords and the Daleks he only made it worse and that's part of the reason why they want the Doctor to die. I don't want to sound cruel by saying this however I do think the Doctor should of died at the hands of River Song regardless that she didn't want to kill him to ensure that time itself doesn't collapse upon itself.

Oddly enough when they married instead of one killing the other they created another time paradox instead of time collapsing upon itself. I feel as though the Doctor Who series is getting alot closer to drawing to a close especially since "The Question" plot will still need to be resolved and that the Doctor only has 1-2 regenerations left before he dies for good. BBC could've just ended the series with Season 6 considering how long the franchise lasted for like 60 years now?