Don´t tech in Mewtwo Lv.X in your decks!

Sigh... No one really is going to play Flygon/Mewtwo when RR comes out eh? Currently, Mewtwo is not the best tech to use, so forget about that.
Ah, no.Why? TOXICROAK G'S POKE-BODY.What I mean with this thread, is that it should not be used in the decks to protect your main attacker, or your other tech.
1.000 post! *pulp fiction music* *infmach starts to dance like in pulp fiction*
Yes we know that but what it is used for is that G decks ushally get a couple of quick knockouts beacuse you cannot get set up. Mewtwo gives you time to set up and still has good attacks.
"Don't tech in Mewtwo Lv.X"?

Are you insane?

Mewtwo Lv.X is pure awesomeness. Once Flygon Lv.X comes out, it will be easier to destroy Dialga G Lv.X, and Mewtwo will be invincible against SP decks.
Yeah, soon there will be decks that topple SP decks. A killer combo could be Machamp and Mewtwo. That will slow defeat SP decks and slow down normal decks.
Mewtwo really can't be teched, as if you're going to stall, you'll have to attack as well. Maybe in a Psychic deck, yeah, it's a great tech, but all you need is to bring something else Active and bye bye goes your counter.

dmaster out.
Flygon Jedi Master said:
Mewtwo Lv.X is pure awesomeness. Once Flygon Lv.X comes out, it will be easier to destroy Dialga G Lv.X, and Mewtwo will be invincible against SP decks.
As I already said, it is only useful when Rising Rivals come out, but it's beyond pointless right now. Honestly, if you're teching a Mewtwo right now, Arceus bless you.
infmach said:
Yeah, and his attacks are pretty bad.

His attacks are awsome! 120 damage almaost gaurnteed a one hit? You can heal your self you can get energys back and you can hit for 60 with no draw back.
Ya dusknior is a tight list and I don't see how you could get an e in or why you would beacuse there are some much better stuff that I would put into my list.
I can't believe some of you actually think he's one of the worst techs! There are a LOT of Palkia G builds out there that auto-lose against this card, in addition to any toolbox decks, AND PUMA decks. It's 2 cards in your deck that give you an auto-win in a psychic deck vs. a large number of decks out there. Also, he's not the cheapest attacker, but doing 120 every 2nd turn isn't too shabby.
What I mean is that it won't protect your main attacker or most important techs.
infmach, I think you are thinking a bit too hard here. We know. Mewtwo Lv.X only protects himself. But that is the idea. Against AMU, Palkia G, and Toxitank, he is fantastic. If you keep him active as a tech, he can just sit there and do massive damage. That is why people use Mewtwo Lv.X as a tech. To counter Basic decks although he is the only one being protected. Just think of him as a backup attacker.