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Dooman58's trade zone! Have ERL, BFBX, Garchomp, Luxray!


Mudkips Win
Hey guys, Hows it goin? Lets start with a few rules. ^^

1. I live in CANADA. Can't ship there? Dont reply.
2. I expect ALL (unless i make an exception) cards to be NM - M.
3. Pokebeach rules apply.
4. Remember to leave reps... or I will find you. ^^
5. The rep rule applies here.
7. All cards shipped in toploaders/sleeves. Tape tops shut.
8. If you dont ask about condition, you dont care.

Your: Giratina Prerelease Sleeves SEALED
My: Leafeon/Espeon Prerelease Sleeves SEALED

Dooman Has:

EX, LvX, Primes

Kyogre/Groudon Bottom
Full PDL
Full ERL

Yanmega Prime
Tyranitar Prime
Kingdra Prime

Dialga G Lv. X
Garchomp C Lv. X (Promo, DP46)
Arceus Lv. X (promo, meteor blast)
Shaymin Lv. X (promo)
2 Blaziken FB Lv. X

Dragonite EX Delta Species
Politoed EX Delta Species
Kyogre EX
Hariyama EX
Golem EX
Aggron EX


2 Luxray GL (1 RH)
Gyrados SF (non holo)
Jumpluff HGSS
Kingdra LA
3 Ninetales (HGSS) (1 RH)
Celebi TR
Solrock TR
Metagross (UL)
Jirachi (UL)
Porygon-Z (TR)
Aggron (TR)
Forretress (UD)
Fighting Arceus
2 Rampardos GL (RR)
Froslass GL (RR)
Floatzel GL (RR)
Toxicroak (PA)
Quagsire (HGSS)
Azelf (MT)
Palkia (MD)
Leafeon PR Promo
Mismagius (UL)
Tauros (12/100)
Froslass (AR)
Suicune (SW) Rotom Foil
Raikou (SW) Rotom Foil
2 Spiritomb (TR)
Grass Arceus
Mamoswine (LA)
Mamoswine (TR) (Rotom Foil)


Arceus (DP50)
2 Probopass G (DP43)
Dialga (DP26)
Palkia (DP27)
Giratina (Matches Dialga/Palkia)
Vaporeon (POP3 Holo)
Rayquaza (POP1 Holo)

I have lots of TSS and playable pokes including luxray gl and spritomb. Please ask!

Dooman Wants:

Mudkip RH (Ruby & Saphire) 59/109
Mudkip RH and Normal (Ruby & Saphire) 60/109
Mudkip RH (Dragon) 65/97
Mudkip RH (Emerald) 56/106
Mudkip RH (Crystal Guardians) 58/100
Mudkip RH (Great Encounters) 80/106
Mudkip RH (Supreme Victors) 116/147
Mudkip Holo (POP4) 11/17
Mudkip (Poke Card Creator Pack) 4/5
Mudkip Nintendo Promo 5
Mudkip Nintendo Promo 10
Mudkip Nintendo Promo 18

XxX Pokemon Collector
Gengar Prime
Mew prime

Venemoth Holo
Darkrai/Cresselia Top

Arceus Lv. X (94)
Luxray HOLO

Floatzel GL X
Flygon X
Gallade 4 X
Luxray GL X (Lol)

Thanks guys!
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

Approved, good luck trading.

RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

I hate to say it, but I really dont know.. Im not too good with the old sets.

I describe symbols.
Suicune - a slash looking x mark
Hariyama - Looks like a shooting star
Kyogre - Hexagon with 6 dots in it
Aggron - two fist looking things
Raichu - ^
Golem - Sniper scope?
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

Please Check My List for your...

Typhlosion Prime Promo
Suicune ex
Hariyama ex
Kyogre ex
Aggron ex
Raichu ex
Golem ex
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

CML for Dialga G Lv. X. I have quite a few of things from your wants list so ask for things that are most important to you if they're not on my list.
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

I am interested in your
Mespirit Lv. X
Dialga G Lv. X
Suicune ex
Hariyama ex
Kyogre ex
Aggron ex
Raichu ex
Golem ex
I have
Gyrados (not red) HOLO
Supreme Victors
Mr. Mime
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

eevee said:
I am interested in your
Mespirit Lv. X
Dialga G Lv. X
Suicune ex
Hariyama ex
Kyogre ex
Aggron ex
Raichu ex
Golem ex
I have
Gyrados (not red) HOLO
Supreme Victors
Mr. Mime

Im sorry, but ut is not enough value for one of those cards.

That applies to all you up top as well.
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

I've got these:

Gyrados (not red) HOLO

Supreme Victors:
Magmortar HOLO
Mr. Mime
Garchomp C

I'm interested in blissey prime, typhlosion prime, or Dialga G Lv. X.
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

I have these from your wants:

-Sv Set-

Blaziken FB HOLO
Venusaur HOLO

Cml, I may have more that you want.

I like these from your wants:

Mespirit Lv. X
Dialga G Lv. X
Luxray GL

Let me know if we can make some kind of trade out of what's listed. :)
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

dooman58 said:
Im sorry, but ut is not enough value for one of those cards.

That applies to all you up top as well.
How about just for Suicune EX?
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

Suicune EX hunters - Suicune and raichu EX are now off my list.

Thegame and amish, check your PM boxes. :)

amisheskimoninja said:
I've got these:

Gyrados (not red) HOLO

Supreme Victors:
Magmortar HOLO
Mr. Mime
Garchomp C

I'm interested in blissey prime, typhlosion prime, or Dialga G Lv. X.

Is there anything else you have off my list (preferably holos or lv. x's) that you want? Its a bit unfair to trade a prime for two holos and a few rares...
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

Please CML For Mesprit X and Dark Dragonite from TRR Thanks!