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Dooman58's trade zone! Have ERL, BFBX, Garchomp, Luxray!

RE: H: Mespirit X W: Easy stuff!

Could you please tell me if you know what Sets these EXs are from...

Hariyama ex
Kyogre ex
Aggron ex
Golem ex

I have a Yanmega Holo from SV and feel free to CML to see if theres anything else I could throw in.
RE: H: Mespirit X W: Easy stuff!

Hariyama- EX deoxys
Kyogre- Hidden legends
Aggron- Sanstorm
Golem- Dragon
RE: H: Mespirit X W: Easy stuff!

Thx! Could you plz Check My List for them. I have a Yanmega Holo SV that I could throw in with anything you see from my list.
RE: H: Mespirit X W: Easy stuff!

I want the Gengar Lv. X. Thats all I see, and I only need it for trading.. :/

Do you have an unlisting donphan prime/flygon x/snorlax x?
RE: H: Mespirit X W: Easy stuff!

I only see a glaceon and palkia G lv. x.

Would you do hariyama for glaceon?
RE: H: Mespirit X W: Easy stuff!

cml for
mesprit x
starraptor fb

i have
snorlax rr
meganium prime promo(damaged ask for pics)

i have tons of cards unlisted just ask
RE: H: Mespirit X W: Easy stuff!

how many poketurn do u have?
i have:
Hoothoot Promo (HGSS 05)
Noctowl Promo (HGSS 06)

RE: The Unleashed Trading Post - All your Unleashed needs!

Bump 1 for the week. MAJOR UPDATE WITH UL!