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Dooman58's trade zone! Have ERL, BFBX, Garchomp, Luxray!

RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

Bummmppp. And btw to thegame, I Pm'ed you a long time ago, no response.
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

CML for Dewgong SV, Luxray GL, and any DCE/Calls you may have. I have RH Blaze FB and 2 Hypnos.
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

i have some in ur want list

do u have any sealed prerelease sleeve?

RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: TONS!

Sorry shoryu, I do not collect RH cards and I am getting the hypno thru a trade. Soz.
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: Holo's

Please CML For Mesprit X and Dark Dragonite from TRR Thanks!
RE: H: Lv. X, Primes, Legends, Holos! W: Holo's

Aphotic said:
Please CML For Mesprit X and Dark Dragonite from TRR Thanks!

I see a gyrados holo from HGSS on your list that i need, and an uxie lv. x.

I would trade the dark dragonite for the gyrados or the mespirit for the uxie.