Double Colourless Energy - Should it stay?


Aspiring Trainer
Japan had 13 years between DCE's first printing and HGSS, never reprinted in between. In English, it had about 9 years.

DCE is a very popular card in some decks, online going for around a 5er a pop. Seeing how regularly Rainbow is reprinted, and that Special Steel and Darkness are still around, one could think there may be some thought that DCE is rather, a little too good, in the card production team, maybe only brought back to use against SP, hence why it's not included in BW.

But BW also does not have Special Steel and Dark, we also know nothing of BW2 yet, so who knows.

But my question is, should it stay? Does it speed up some decks too fast for a slower metagame, or is it fine?
^garchomp x.....that isnt broken? it isnt that broken but it does spead up things alot but not so much that it should go...just cards it goes amazingly wish should go (ya im looking at you garchomp)
In future formats there won't be any Garchomp C Lv.X to take advantage of the DCE the way it is now. That will lower DCE's use in the future.
^ format is slower and is high energy cost so ya it will be very useful maybe even more useful than now.
It won't be as good though. Garchomp C Lv.X is one of the most OU Pokemon cards right now...sure, everything will benefit. But the format will still be slower and there won't be as many OHKOs anyway.

dmaster out.
I think DCE is a good card to have: when the attacks are being created, whoever's making them has an option to make them DCE-compatible, which does give it an advantage over it not being DCE-compatible. For example, if 'Champ Prime's second attack cost FFFC, instead of FFCC, it would be a worse card in general, but not a LOT worse.
I think it should stay considering that it makes a few Stage 2 decks in the format playable such as Tyranitar. Flygon used to be great with DCE but when Garchomp C Lv. X came into dominance it pretty much neutered any playability the card still had with Lucario GL due to Boundary Aura allowing Garchomp to OHKO Flygon with ease.

I don't know very many decks these days that still use DCE. Rescue Energy is seeing more play especially with Gyarados and Lost Remover is seeing more play despite Trainer Lock being dominant in the format with VileGar. DCE used to be great with Blastoise UL but when Umbreon UD got printed that hurt it's playability quite a bit, however with Sawk in the next set that could very well easily change.
I hope blastoise gets abit of a boost after our next rotation / set! I still have everything to make mine back up! Love blastoise.

DCE has always been in the game for me, I played first when it originally came out, and since I got back into it recently HGSS was already out, and it was back so it's always been there. But I still think it should say, as said above it helps alot of stage 2 decks. Would have been nice to be around for the gameplay in-between that I missed out on =/ (never got to use a claydol) would be easier to give a non-biased opinion on DCE aswell
Well, Blastoise next rotation will have potential as Feraligatr Prime and Blastoise UL will still be around. I haven't seen anything from B/W I'd necessarily want to tech in, but I think on the whole it will be playable as a block deck.
^what? blastoise is a OHKO snipe deck. it just isnt viable right now because setting up 2 stage 2's is pretty slow. sure rare candy can help but you still have another stage 2 to set up.
Yeah well, not to de-rail the thread but thats pretty much why I pulled the deck apart! Once setup it was great :) easy picks off the bench anywhere (especially with a corbat G for thoes pesky 110hp X's) but like you all said, to slow to setup (and all my spiritombs are in my vilegar!)

Oh well, will definitly save all the toise for next format
Saying as most people have around 1-10 decks built at a time, it isnt uncommon for someone to have more than one deck.
I usually only have one deck at a time (well, for MD-on, at least- I've still got my Mulligan Mewtwo put together), but that's because I don't play competitively all that much, so I'm not as willing to spend as much money on cards. I know lots of people have several decks at once, but most often it maxes out at about 3 good ones.
I have one-two decks depending on the amount of card I would need to proxy. If I proxied 5-10 its ok, but no more than that. I would have several deck ideas or lists at once and most likely have the cards to put them together on the spot if I needed to
@ Catutie

Haha I currently have 2 decks setup for competitive play (no proxys, all legal, both decks 90% complete)
This is my Luxray AR/LA deck
and a vilegar

Am currently trading to build a Dialgachomp (never owned or played an SP deck an I want one :p)

But I only keep 2 playable decks at anyone one time, one I am comfortable with, and my newest edition which I play more often then the other to come use to it

I meant I just have all the cards left for my blastgatr, just the skeleton pokemon lines (toise, feraligatr, floatzel GLX) if I were to set it up again would have to take apart either luxray or vilegar to complete T/S/S lines
i usually keep no decks out and just write them down so i can make them when ever and i just do all my testing on lackey (cause redshark sucks). and if i do have 2 decks out they will usually share the core cards (spiritomb, PONT, bebe, yada yada). so one is complete and one is just missing the spiritombs and so on
I usually keep two decks set-up all the time, especially around tournament time. I keep a Sablelock and a Lostgar/Vilegar set up. I have a few decks that have a ton of proxies for testing, especially when it comes to SP, but decks that aren't consider metagame I usually just keep a list on my computer.