DPt Fossil Rock

Mewtwo {P} Lv.66 HP:150

[.] Ball Consumption
If you played a trainer card with the word ball in it last turn, use that trainer card's effect as the effect of this attack.

{P} Mew Rage 50
If there is a Mew in play, this attack's base damage is now 150.

Weakness-{D} x2
Retreat Cost-{C}
Technical Machine TS-14

[.] Energy Swipe
Search your discard pile for an energy that is the same type as one attached to the Defending Pokémon and attach it to this Pokémon.

Technical Machine TS-15

[.] Final Wish
Flip a coin. If heads, you may shuffle your discard pile into your deck. If you do so put twenty damage counters onto this Pokémon.
Premier Ball [Trainer]

Search your deck for a Pokemon, show it to your opponent, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. While in play, that Pokemon's attacks do 30 more damage to the Defending Pokemon.
Manaphy Lv. 10 50HP [W]

Poke-Body : Reflect Emotion
As long as Manaphy is your Bench Pokemon, prevent any damage done to Manaphy.

Poke-Power : Wish of Love
Once during your turn (before you attack), you ma use this power. Search your deck for a Pokemon Card (exclding LV. X) and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. This power can't be used if Manaphy is effected by any Special Conditin.

W - [L] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C]
Dialga Lv. 70 100HP [M]

Poke Power : Time Cyclone
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may use this power. Flip a coin. If head, your opponent's move all energy attach to his or her active Pokemon to 1 of his or her Bench Pokemon. If tail, move all energy attach to your active Pokemon to your Bench Pokemon in any way you like. This power can't be used if Dialga is effected by a Special Conditon.

[M][C] Reverse 50
Switch Dialga with 1 of your Bench Pokemon. This power can't be used if you don't have any Bench Pokemonb.

[M][M][C][C] Metal Crush 50+
Flip a coin equal to the amount of [M] energy attach to Dialga. This attack 50 damage plus 30 more damge for each heads. Discard an energy attach to Dialga for each tails. If all of the coins are tails, this attack does nothng.

W - [R] x2
R - [P] -20
RC - [C][C][C]

Palkia Lv. 70 100HP [W]

Poke Power : Space Cyclone
Oncw during your turn (before you attack), you may use this power. Flip a coin. If head, move all damge counter on the Defending Pokemon to 1 of your oppoent's Bench Pokemon. If tail, move all damage counter on your active Pokemon to your Bench Pokemon in any way you like. This power can't be used if Dialga is effected by a Special Conditon.

[W][C] Warp Strike
Switch the Defending Pokemon with 1 of your opponent's Bench Pokemon. This attack does 50 damage to the new active. This attack can't be used if your opponent don't have any Bench Pokemon.

[W][W][C][C] Aqua Zone 10x
This attack does 10 damge time the number of [W] energy attach to all POkemon in play (yours and your opponent's).

W - [L] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C][C][C]
I can use the three legendary bird Pokemon that Light Venusaur didn't use here. So...

Zapdos {L} Lv. 67 HP: 130

{C} Lock-On
Next attack hits without fail

{L}{L}{L} Skybolt 60
Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing

{L}{L}{L}{L} Golden Electricity 100

Resistance- {F}{M} - 20
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}

Articuno {W} Lv. 65 HP: 130

PokePower: Freezing Breath
When you place Articuno on your Bench (excluding first turn), the Defending Pokemon are now Paralyzed

{W}{W}{W} Ice Beam 60

{W}{W}{W}{W} Avalanche 80
If Articuno is attacked by {R}, {M} or a {L} type, this attack does 80 plus 20 more

Weakness- {R}{L}{M} + 30
Resistance- {F} - 20
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}

Moltres {R} Lv. 66 HP: 130

PokePower: Firegiver
Anytime during your turn (before you attack) you can take any amount of {R} energies from Moltres to your Benched Pokemon

{R}{R} Warm-Up 40
Afterburner does double damage next turn

{R}{R}{R} Afterburner 50

Weakness- {W}{L} + 30
Resistance- {F}{M} - 20
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
Regice Lv. 40 90HP [W]

Poke Body : Regi Strenght
As long as there is any Regirock in play, each of your Regice, Regirock, Registeel and Regigiggas attack does 20 more damage. You cant' use more than 1 Regi Strenght Poke-Body each turn.

[C][C] Ice Beam 30
Flip a coin. If head, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.

[W][C][C] Regi-Cloak 50
If a Registeel is in play, any damage done to Regice during your opponent's next turn, is reduced by 20.

W - [M] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C][C]

Regirock Lv. 40 90HP [F]

Poke Body : Regi Defend
As long as there is any Registeel in play, any damage done to your Regice, Regirock, Registeel and Regigiggas is reduce by 20. You cant' use more than 1 Regi Defend Poke-Body each turn.

[C][C] Rock Throw 50

[F][C][C] Regi-Cold 50
If a Regice is in play, this attack does 20 damge to 1 of your opponent's Bench Pokemon.

W - [W] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C][C]

Registeel Lv. 40 90HP [M]

Poke Body : Regi Life
As long as there is any Regicein play, each of your Regice, Regirock, Registeel and Regigiggas HP is increase by 20. You cant' use more than 1 Regi Life Poke-Body each turn.

[C][C] Metal Claw 40
Any damge done to Registeel during your opponent's next turn, is reduced by 10.

[W][C][C] Regi-Crush 50
If a Regirock is in play, this attack base damage is 70 instead.

W - [R] x2
R - [P] -20
RC - [C][C]

Regigigas Lv. 60 110HP [C]

Poke Body : Regi Lead
If there is a Regice, Regirock and Registeel in play, each of your Regice, Regirock, Registeel and Regigiggas pay less [W], [F], [M] to use it's attack. You cant' use more than 1 Regi Lead Poke-Body each turn.

[C][C][C] Smash Up 70
Flip a coin. If tail, this attack does nothing.

[W][F][M][C][C] Regi-Form 10+
This attack does 10 damge plus 30 more damge for each Regice, Regirock, Registeel and Regigiggas in play.

W - [F] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C][C][C

Sweet Dawn said:
I can use the three legendary bird Pokemon that Light Venusaur didn't use here. So...

Zapdos {L} Lv. 67 HP: 130

{C} Lock-On
Next attack hits without fail

{L}{L}{L} Skybolt 60
Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing

{L}{L}{L}{L} Golden Electricity 100

Resistance- {F}{M} - 20
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}

Articuno {W} Lv. 65 HP: 130

PokePower: Freezing Breath
When you place Articuno on your Bench (excluding first turn), the Defending Pokemon are now Paralyzed

{W}{W}{W} Ice Beam 60

{W}{W}{W}{W} Avalanche 80
If Articuno is attacked by {R}, {M} or a {L} type, this attack does 80 plus 20 more

Weakness- {R}{L}{M} + 30
Resistance- {F} - 20
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}

Moltres {R} Lv. 66 HP: 130

PokePower: Firegiver
Anytime during your turn (before you attack) you can take any amount of {R} energies from Moltres to your Benched Pokemon

{R}{R} Warm-Up 40
Afterburner does double damage next turn

{R}{R}{R} Afterburner 50

Weakness- {W}{L} + 30
Resistance- {F}{M} - 20
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}


Weakness - [L]


PokePower: Freezing Breath
Once during your turn, when you put Articuno from your hand onto your Bench, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.

If Articuno is attacked by [R], [L] or [M] Pokeomn during your opponent's last turn, this attack does 80 damage plus 20 more damage.

Weakness- [R][L][M] + 30 To much weakness 2 is enough


PokePower: Firegiver
As often as you like (before you attack) you may move a [R] energy attach to Moltres to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.

[R][R] Warm-Up 40
During you next turn, Afterbruner does 50 more damage.
Dive Ball

Search your deck for a basic [W] Pokemon and put it in your Bench. You can't use this card if your Becnh is full. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Bastiodon Lv.X - 200HP [M]

[Poke Body] Active Shield
As long as Bastiodon Lv.X is your active Pokemon your opponent's Pokemon can't use attack's wich needs 3 or more Energys.

[.] Metanize -
Search your Deck for up to 4 Special Energy card's and attach them to Bastiodon Lv.X

Weakness: [F] x2
Resistance: [P] :2
Retreatcost: [CCCCC]
Arceus Normal Forme Lv.81 HP100 {C}

Poké-Power Forme Change
Once during your turn, before your attack, you may search your deck for another Arceus card, and replace Arceus Normal Forme with it. All cards and counters attached to Arceus are now on the new Pokémon. Shuffle Arceus Normal Forme into your deck.

{C}{C}{C}{C} Judgement 100
Discard any energy attached to Arceus Normal Forme.

Retreat Cost-{C}{C}{C}

MissingNo. Lv.80 HP90 {P}

Poké-Power Glitch
Once during your turn, before your attack, you may flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for the Pokémon of your choice (excluding Lv.X) and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

{P}{P}{C} Helpful Glitch 40
Remove 2 damage counters from MissingNo.

Retreat Cost-{C}

M Lv.80 HP90 {D}

Poké-Power Glitch
Once during your turn, before your attack, you may flip a coin. If heads discard the top card of your opponent's deck.

{D}{D}{C} Harmful Glitch 60

Retreat Cost-{C}


Snorlax Lv.136 HP140 {C}

Poké-Power Glitch
Once during your turn, before your attack, you may flip a coin. If heads discard the top card of your opponent's deck.

Poké-Power Weird Evolution
When Snorlax knocks out a Pokémon, you may flip a coin. If heads search your deck for a Kangeskhan and evolve Snorlax into it. Kangeskhan has 150 HP and can use the same moves as Snorlax

{W}{W} Water Gun 40

{C}{C}{C}{C} Sky Attack 100
Discard 2 energies attached to Snorlax.

Retreat Cost-{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}
Arceus (Dark Form) Lv.X 81 - 140HP - [D]

[Poke-Power] Dark Wants
As often you like during your turn (Before your attack) move one [D] Energy attached to one of your Pokemon and attach it to another one of your Pokemon.

[DDDDD] Dark Judgement
Knock out the defending Pokemon

Weakness: -
Resistance: -
Retreatcost: -
Park Ball
Search your deck for a Pokémon with a Pokédex number imbetween 1 and 151, or 251 and 386 and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

Nest Ball
Search your deck for a Pokémon with the Poké-Power Baby Evolution and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

Lure Ball
Search your deck for a rival Pokémon of your opponent's active Pokémon and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

Cherish Ball
Search your deck for a fully evolved Pokémon (not including Lv.X) and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.


Burning Dig
Omastar 1
Omanyte 2
Helix Fossil 4
Magmortar 1
Magmar 4
Charmeleon 2
Charmander 4
Machamp 1
Machoke 2
Machop 4
Prehistoric Dig Site 1
Technical Machine TS-3 2
Fossil Ball 2
Ultra Ball 2
Technical Machine TS-15 2
Hyper Potion 2
Fighting Energy 11
Fire Energy 11
Fossil Energy 2
Arceus (Bug Forme) - 100HP [G]

[Poke-Body] Bug Evolution
Once during your turn search your deck for one Pokemon that evolves from one of your Grasstype Pokemon and put it on that Pokemon, shuffle your deck afterward.

[.] Bug Arms
Search your deck for up to 5 Grass Energys and attach them to Arceus (Bug Forme)

[GGG] Changing Mind - 80
Move al Grass Energys attached to Arceus (Bug Forme) to your benched Pokemon in any way you like.

[GGGGG] Bug Dance - 100
Choose one of your Pokemon and one of your Opponent's Pokemon, the choosen Pokemon are knocked out now.
Discard all Energys attached to all of your Grasstype Pokemon.
If you have less than 3 Grasstyle Pokemon on your bench, this attack fails.

Weakness: [R] x2
Resistance: [F] -30
Retreatcost: [C]
Arceus Dragon Forme Lv.81 HP100 {C}

Poké-Power Forme Change
Once during your turn, before your attack, you may search your deck for another Arceus card, and replace Arceus Dragon Forme with it. All cards and counters attached to Arceus are now on the new Pokémon. Shuffle Arceus Dragon Forme into your deck. Any Arceus can use this.

{C}{C}{C}{C}{C} Dragon's Judgement 120
Discard all energy attached to Arceus Dragon Forme.

Retreat Cost-{C}{C}{C}
Arceus (Fire Forme) Lv.X 99 - 120HP - [F]

[Poke-Power] Firestarter Deluxe
Search your discard pile for 2 Fire Energy card's and attach them to Arceus (Fire Forme).

[Poke-Body] Vulcan Plate
Beetwen every turn remove one damage counter from each of your firetype Pokemon for each Fire Energy attached to Arceus (Fire Forme).

[.] Evil Flame - 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of energy attached to one of your benched Pokemon.

Weakness: [W] x3
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreatcost: [CCC]

Latias Lv.55 - 100HP - [C]

[Poke-Body] Twin Game Red
If you have any Latios in play, each Pokemon can't use any Poke Powers (Excluding any Latios)

[.] Cheer on
Search your Deck for a Latios and put it onto your bench, then attach as many energys as you like from your hand to this Latios.

Weakness: [C] x2
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreatcost: -


Latios Lv.55 - 110HP - [C]

[Poke-Body] Twin Game Blue
If you have any Latias in play each Pokemon can't use any Poke-Bodys (Excluding any Latias).

[.] Healing Light
Remove all damage counters from all of your Latias or Latios in play.

[LG] Dragon Knock - 100
Latios does 10 Damage to itself.

Weakness: [C]x2
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreatcost: -
Electivier Lv. 59 110HP [L]

Poke-Body : Lightning Speed
As long as there is an Elekid under Electivier, Electivier Retreat Cost is 0.

[L][C] Speed Payback 20
Does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each [C] in the Defending Pokemon's Retreat Cost minus 20 for each [C] in Electivier's Retreat Cost (After applying all any other effect).

[L][C][C] Charge and Shoot 50
You may discard as many energy as you like attach to Electivier. If you do, choose up the same number of your opponent's Bench Pokemon equal to the number of energy card discaded i this way. This attack does 20 damage to the choosen Pokemon. Before doing damage, you may search your discard pile for a basic [L] Energy card and attach it to Electivier.

W - [F] x2
R - [M] -20
RC - [C][C][C]

Electabuzz Lv. 40 80HP [L]

Item : Electorizer
Electabuzz can evolve during the turn you play it or during the the turnyou evolved Elekid into thia Electabuzz.

[L] Thunderpunch 20
Flip a coin. If head the defending Pokemon are now Paralyzed. If tail, Electabuzz does 10 damage to itself.

[L][C] ElectroRage 20x
Discard a [L] energy attach to Electabuzz. This attack does 20 damage time the number of daamge counters on Electabuzz.

W - [F] +20
R - [M] -20
RC - [C][C]

Elekid Lv. 10 60HP [L]

Poke-Power : Baby Evolution

Poke-Body : Electric Guard
Any damage done to Elekid is reduced by 10 for each [L] energy attach to Elekid.

W - [F] +10
R - [M] -20
RC - [C]
Gallade Lv.66 - 130HP - [F]

[Poke-Body] Got damage
In between turns place 50 Damage Counters on Gallade.

[FP] Heavy Hit - 150

Weakness: [P] +30
Resistance: -
Retreatcost: [CC]


Gardevoir Lv.55 - 110HP [P]

[Poke-Power] Mind Breaker
Once during your turn (before your attack) say one card name, you opponent can't play any card with this name in his next turn. (You can't say 'Energy')

[P] Teleportation
Shuffle Gardevoir and the defending Pokemon back into the deck.

Weakness: [P] +20
Resistance: -
Retreatcost: [C]

Poke Ball (Trainer)

Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a Basic or Evolution Pokemon from your deck. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Hyper Potion - Trainer

Remove all damage counters from one of your Stage2 Pokemon.