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Dragonite / Garbodor


Destroyer of Worlds
Hello fellow beachers! I usually play an Absol TDK but today I want to talk about my other "competitive" deck. I really love this deck but it feels like it falls short in the competitive department. I'm debating a silver bangle or 2 because 90 a swing and item lock agianst ex is kinda sweet but idk.

Also I decided against lazerbank as I felt the space was better spent :D

Pokemon 16
  • 2 Dratini DRV
  • 2 Dratini PLF
  • 1 Dragonair PLF
  • 4 Dragonite PLF
  • 2 Trubbish PLS (tool drop)
  • 2 Garbodor DRX
  • 2 Tropius PLB
  • 1 Shaymin EX
Trainers 33
  • 4 N
  • 4 Skyla
  • 3 Professor Juniper
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 2 Switch
  • 2 Ultraball
  • 1 Level Ball
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 2 EXP Share
  • 2 Silver Mirror
  • 1 Rock Guard
Energy 11
  • 4 Grass
  • 3 Electric
  • 4 Double Colorless
Setup Garbodor on the bench then get a double colorless and a grass on dragonite and lock them out and take prizes

any help is always appreciated, love this board and you guys :D
RE: Dragonite/Garbodor

Looks good, only I would suggest would be -1 grass energy +1 DCE for best consistency and fastest attacking.
RE: Dragonite/Garbodor

yeah I find DCE to be invaluable in getting dragonite up and running, so a 4th might be sweet

thanks for the reply man :D
RE: Dragonite/Garbodor

You may want to consider exp share. Dragonite is going to go down, why not help setup another dragonite?

Also your energy count is fine. I have a similar deck and i never run out. Though its 2 electric, 6 grass, 3 DCE.

Either way let me know how this works out for you. My deck went the route of laserbank, since i fear dragons more than Ex and plasma. Dragonite can OHKO them with laserbank, instead of coming up 20 short. Plus i rather have rock guard and exp share equipped to my dragonite than bangles.
RE: Dragonite/Garbodor

lol my numbers may be off i was tabbing in and out of the tcg online

i had exp shares in there but i didnt use them really, but you make a good point so im goin to put them back in
i also rock guard my first dragonite but the bangles were for when i lost the guard :p

i dunno i just asked myself what are some good equips and since my whole deck isent ex (minus shaymin) that bangle would fit but im still testing

EDIT: im testing 4 float stones and 2 exp shares over the bangles, but ive ran into 2 problems i cant seem to solve.
1) tool time decks, i feel like i want to run like 4 scrappers cause that deck annoys me to my core
2) a way to get rare candys back because i just played a match where 2 rare candies were my prizes and I didn't know what to do as far as getting another dragonite out.

thanks in advanced guys
RE: Dragonite/Garbodor

You have trouble against tool time? Really cause my deck just wrecks tool time deck i play against. I would also consider the guy a play against, much better at card games than me.

Either way my deck list atm. Works pretty well.

Dragonite Deck
Pokemon: 14
4-1-3 Dragonite
2-2 Garbodor
2 Tropius

Supporter: 12
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Skyla
1 Hugh

Trainer: 23
3 Rare Candy
4 Laser
3 Catcher
2 Virbank
2 Float Stone
2 Exp Share
2 Ultra Ball
1 Level Ball
1 Switch
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Super Rod
1 Rock Guard

Energy: 11
6 Grass
2 Electric
3 Double Colorless

I guess it helps being able to OHKO them with either the second attack or with laserbank. Which is another reason why i think laser bank is a superior choice for dragonite over bangles and mirrors. Against the deck you just have to watch how many tools you play. Just one for Garbodor and that should be it on your side. That way they are stuck with only having 7 tools out max and that is only a total of 140 and dragonite survives that with 10 hp. Other than that, deafen should prevent any tool drops after dragonite is out so one tool scrapper should be enough.

I also dont like shaymin ex. Granted its a good late game attacker. It takes 2 turns to charge it up and i feel like you wouldnt want to start with it, or have it out at all if theres any chance you might miss a deafen and it gets catchered out.
RE: Dragonite/Garbodor

EDIT: -1 Juniper
+1 Level ball (i hated having to throw away 2 cards to get a dratini, so i didnt add just another ultraball)

yeah shaymin ex is in there because i dont have the actual shaymin people run but i did have an ex :p
however shaymin ex has helped me out in a few games, i got it first turn one time and my opp had no energy for like 2 turns so i used shaymins T1 and energized up my dratini then dropped a switch, was kinda sweet haha

I'm also considering dowsing machine over rock guard (as sad as it makes me cause i love rock guard xD)
cause i see no other way to get trainers back unless they have to do with plasma, but i havent been playing too too long so i may be wrong about that

but tool time wrecks my face cause for some reason the tcg online has just given me terrible terrible hands for the last like 2 weeks and im getting frustrated lol. TBH I never thought a tool time would be able to stand up to dragonite because of garbodor and then the lock out, but i guess i get set up slow

and yeah this last match against tool time has me strongly considering lazerbank lol.

I'm debating taking this deck to regionals next month over my TDK but I'm not sure.
RE: Dragonite/Garbodor

I would suggest giving laserbank a test then. Theres no harm.

Also your shaymin logic is really weird. lol. As i am probably sure you are aware. Shaymin is used for call for family. While Shaymin Ex is used for its revenge blast late game.

What Dratini/Dragonair are you using? I would suggest Dratini with Hypnotic Gaze, Dragon Vault, if you aren't using. Granted it has 10 less hp than PLF one. But i feel like if i ever have the choice i will always choose the Dragon Vault one since 10 more Hp usually isn't going to help it survive. Though my deck has 2 PLF and 2 DRV. As for Dragonair, i guess it doesn't really matter which one use use since you dont have electric energy. The one from PLF is really good since it has wrap for 1 electric, but you dont use electric energy. There's one from DRV with Healing Melody for 1 G. It heals 10 damage from your bench. Its pretty bad of an attack, but i think its better than the PLF one if you dont carry electric energy.

With that i also suggest trying switching 2 or 3 grass energy for electric. It can greatly help in some certain match ups, and provide you with an extra 30 damage and 30 heal when you really need it. With bangle or laserbank, thats 120. Which can allow you to OHKO a lot more pokemon. But a lot of the time, things will still survive with 10-20 hp.
RE: Dragonite/Garbodor

oh yeah i know what you mean about the 10-20 hp remaining, it can be annoying lol

I'm currently toying with the idea of lazerbank, i just need to get ahold of lazers cause i traded all of mine away lol

I was actually going to ask you ivy how the electric energys work out, do you utilize them most of the time or is just a more of a just in case kind of deal?
cause i see the benefit of the dragonair wrap and dragonites heal, i was debating some sort of potion or max potion option, but dragonite comes with one built in lol

the dragonvault dratini, thats the holo one right? to be honest I really want those they look awesome but I wasn't sure if that one was legal in the rotation because everywhere I look that set wasent even mentioned. so i guess that makes me a tad newb :p
with only 2 or 3 electric energy it barely comes up. But when it does i usually have a use for it. Either i throw it on one of the dragons right away, or use it as a second energy for tropius. I have never run into a situation where i couldnt make good use of the electric. Plus when you get it, its pretty great, and with exp share you can move it to another dragonite when the active gets knocked out. I found 3 great, but i rather have more grass so 2 is okay. In theory its a just in case. But i often run into times when i wish i had more electric for that 90 damage. Its great for late game after you whittled your opponent down to a few pokemon and most of his items are in the discard anyway. Otherwise its good for key knockouts on dragon pokemon like haxorus or garchomp, as well as any of the ex dragons. There are also a lot of annoying 90 hp pokemon running around that you want to OHKO, and you just dont have a laser with virbank left or out.

I ran into a weavile deck that i just flat out won because i can OHKO them and silver mirror just let me laugh at it. At the end it he had a darkrai and 4 exeggcute on the bench. I also played a trubbish deck today on PTCGO and also steamrolled it being able to take the sigilyphs out in 1 hit to get rid of 80 damage for trubbish. It got to the point trubbish was only doing 20 damage, because of garbodors float stone.

But for today i used a deck without laserbank that is currently undefeated 3-0. The electric energy really helps without lasers. I dropped laserbank, and added more dragonite, floatstone, silver mirrors, rare candy and i forget what else. Idk i kind of like this deck build too. More dragonites are always good. The only thing is that i have yet to run into any top tier decks so idk how it will far without lasers or bangles. I feel like blastoise would be really scary.

Yes they are the holo ones. They are legal on ptcgo and at my league tournaments. They are pretty dang good, turn 1 sleep is pretty helpful. If you start with electric instead you do 10 damage, instead of doing nothing or healing yourself with the PLF one. I'm also toying with the idea of the healing dragonair now. There are times when i have dragonair on my bench and my current dragonite has taken a beating and i have no more dragonites for some reason. I would sac dragonair to heal dragonite once, maybe even twice. But idk.

Eitherway i suggest picking up some dragon vault. It has those dratini, rayquaza, the good axews w/ signs of evolution, and a few good trainers. like exp share, super rod, and first ticket. Other than that it doesnt have much else. But i feel like the dratini itself is worth it.

Lastly i am tempted to run a few blends. Being able to tool drop randomly against other tool drop decks is kind of funny.
I got 2 of the dragon vault dratinis :D
but yeah i really like the idea of being able to tool drop on a tool drop deck too haha

but yea thats what I opted for instead of laserbank, another dragonite etc etc, let me know how it fares compared to the one with lazerbank as i have not been able to test mine with lazers.

i added in the electric energies but i only got to test 1 or 2 games cause i had work in the morning but it feels a little more, for lack of a better term safer. I like the idea of being able to do the more damage and get the heal

i ran into a tdk deck and just did not get my mirror at all and i got facerolled lol

another thing thats bugging me is my garbodor are not comming up, ill end up with one part or the other but it wont be till like the middle of the game, i know i can ultraball one or even level ball a trubbish but i dont know, do i have too low of a garbodor count?

(im still just getting poop hands, omg i had to juniper away 3 dragonites cause for 3 turns i drew nothing, i tried to hang on to them i really did xD)
2 the DV dratinis, might be all you want. Granted you could put 4, but sometimes you need 50 hp ones. I'm currently running 3 40 hp and 1 50.

I had to get rid of 2 dragonites once and one was prized. Though it was against a tool drop deck so i wasnt too worried. Turn 2 garbodor with floatstone and Turn 3 dragonite, somehow.

Either way idk, i dont have too much issues with lack of garbodor. What bothers me most is i havent gotten a tropius for my 3 games so far.

Also i realize i don't have a stadium. i'm a little worried if i ever run into a frozen city, it might be an instant loss.

You should try adjusting your supporter count. it may be an issue. Mine is currently, and usually something like.
4 Junipers
4 N
3 Skyla
1 Other (for TCGO its currently bianca, only because its FA. lol)
Yea i dropped a juniper for level ball, but my 4 skyla may be too many so i could adjust skyla to 3 and bring j juniper back to 4.

I usually get both of my tropius in my hand fairly early wich sucks cause i wish it was my trubbish haha

I've also been worried about the stadium situation, but im quite strapped for space myself, i wanted to run a 2nd mirror but i cant find the room :p

Friend me on the TCGO we should play, my names the same
-2 Tools
+2 Sliver Mirror

With Silver Mirror, all you have to do is get one attack off with Dragonite, and you pretty much win against Plasma. Silver Mirror stops all but Keldeo from attacking you (which is a joke). They can't Catcher around it or Tool Scrapper it because you Trainer Lock. They're stuck. It also shuts Genesect down in a similar manor, but I believe they can run non-Plasma easier than Plasma can.
not a 100% safe. Frost spear and megalocannon can hit benched pokemon. With tiny dratini's in the back or something before you get your silver mirror out. These are in trouble still. Not to mention if they take a shot at garbodor before you get set up, they can knock down garbotoxin. This in turn releases red signal and allows them to catcher around it and even possibly tool scrap it if they time things correctly.

Either way i have one just in case. With 3 skyla and tropius to help me dig it out if i need, i feel moderately okay. At least in terms of my laser deck. With my consistency deck i have 2 mirrors.

Also you can add me as well if you want. My name is the same but add 123 at the end of it.
Sure it's not perfect; then it would be broken. But if they have to resort to snipe damage or capitalizing on a slow start on your end, it's pretty good. They can't Tool Scrapper or Red Signal until the Garbodor goes down, and with your opponent only doing 20-30 damage a turn with snipes, that's plenty of time to set up another one on the Bench. So no it's not 100% safe, but in a clunky, high energy cost, Stage 2 deck, it's better than your usually game of being steamrolled in a one-sided match against the top tier threats.
dude im all for not being steamrolled lol

I really love this deck and i really want to use it for regionals, Its just I've lost my fair share of games with this deck and I worry.
Thats why I've gone back on my earlier statement of the space being best spent elsewhere about lazerbank because I'm still on the fence about going to regionals without it, because Ivy has raised some valid points about it and its damage.

but thank you for the input, I'm upto 2 mirrors, i dropped a float stone and its testing pretty well.
You should be playing at last 2 Silver Mirrors. You cant afford to play 1 and risk to have it prized. Not to mention some times you may be forced to discard it with Juniper or equip it to Garbo (when you need the ability lock asap and have no other equip at your dispossal).
Recently I start to play this deck, seems hard for me to set up the Garbordor, do any of you have the same/similar issue with the deck?