
Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
Explain this to me.
If you have Uxie X, Bronzong MT and most importantly Claydol in the format, why would Draw supporters EVER have preference over:
A - Direct search supporters (Roseanne, Bebe)
B - Rare Candy
C - Recovery (Night Maintainance/Time-Space Distortion)
D - Deck specific requirements (Pluspower/SSU/Energy Switch etc)

Draw supporters are nice and fancy and all, but in the end...its just better to seek out your stuff directly. At least thats my view.

Opinions on this?
I completely agree with you.

The only draw trainer I have is Felicity's, just to discard cards for my Kingdra deck.
I'm use TGW and Felicity for my draw supporter.
TGW work nicely with claydol, give hand refreshment, and disruption to your opponent.Very flexible.
Felicity,discard something you don't need anymore like roseanne and pachi in middle-late game.

Some deck use buck to be more offensive too.
The main reason that you would play a draw supporter would be to find a game breaking Warp PlusPower Candy ScoopUp ect. Claydol doesn't always get you what you need and a couple of draw supporters let you cycle 7-9 cards in a turn giving you the needed gamebreaking card. POV in my opinion is a useless card in comparrison to Rowan, Cynthia, and Felicity. The later three give you a large amount of cards to cycle they can also let you take a risk and try to grab the card you need without wasting your time with direct search. It is a tough choice an depends on how the game is going but would you rather

A sure thing Claydol
A shot at a Claydol and 3-5 more cards

In my opinion I like to take the risk. If you fall behind a turn in a regular tourney then you get a loss not a HUGE problem. Once I start to get in the area of the top cut or I am in a large tourney then I'll take the safe way but every once and awhile when my oponents have a bad start I'll take the risk.
About POV's, I've been wondering how everyone's been using them but when I actually read the card, Felicity's seems to be better. You can discard anything what you don't need and draw four rather than 3 from POVs. Sure you might have nothing you want to discard, but it cycles through the deck much faster.
Draw cards and why they should be played:
Team Galatics wager: If you don't have one of those, you lose. Simple as that. Its also a great disruptor too and, if the opponet DOESN'T play any straight draw, they can easily miss out on winning cards.
Buck's Training: Built-in Plus power. Additional damage is always great.
Rowan's: I mentioned this with the + cards. It also helps you keep one part of a collection (candy) and let you get rid of an otherwise crappy and for 4 new cards (also opening up to claydol/uxie).
Cynthia's Feelings: Lets face it, this card WILL hit at least 3 of the cards you listed (pp, nm, pokemon), so why not play it?
Felicities: Discarding can be amazing for certain decks, and this is the best card to get the job done.
Proffesor Oak's: The one card that can actually be questionable (thats why its last on my list). However, you can't search out B, C, and D, correct? So this (and all the other drawpower listed) can nail those cards when you do need them for the win. The weakness draw around (I'm not going to mention mama's kindness because.....duh).

Overall, yes, drawpower will be played less (at least for now) for a few reasons. 1) Claydol/chatot offer such consistancy that you won't need that much draw early game. 2) Theres no "great" draw card around. All those I listed either are very mimimal draw (oak's, buck's, rowan's) or are unspectacular in certain situations (wager, cynthia's). However, it would be completely insane to not run any draw cards at all. If that first claydol dies quicky, how will you recover (not factoring in wager here)? Its just too risky, espically when alot of decks have an answer to him now.
And it's risky too to not use claydol just because of all that TGW and absol. Use both draw engine and draw supporter is most safe for now.
I myself think that cynthia is too overrated. Rowan just more useful in most of situations and cynthia's effect's not that good when you already set up your claydol.
I think the reason "drawpower" is necessary is to draw into the stuff that helps you search into the specific stuff. And of course there's the chance of getting what you want. But that Drawpower should be a poke-power if preferable, because otherwise if you draw into a search thing liek Bebe's, you're gonna have to wait 'till next turn (if you played Felicity's or whatever). If it's absolutely necessary that your deck does NOT run Caydol/Bronzong MT/ Uxie and its Lv X or whaetever, then draw sup[porters ARE needed to draw into the stuff that searches for the other stuff. But as I said before, you can't play Felcity's and Bebe's/Roseanne's on the same turn, can you?
it's nice just to get those last few cards you need after claydol'ing and can help you get claydol if you don't have a bebes/other
elway said:
And it's risky too to not use claydol just because of all that TGW and absol. Use both draw engine and draw supporter is most safe for now.
I myself think that cynthia is too overrated. Rowan just more useful in most of situations and cynthia's effect's not that good when you already set up your claydol.

Wow ... that comment about Cynthia's was ....Wow.

Serouisly Cynthia's should be in every deck, (just like NM , and energy)
why? It refreshes your hand and if one of your pokemon Got KO'ed then you can get 8 cards , which can help you can cards you need to win a game.

But I understand why you say Rowan is good , but Cynthia's is better.

Cynthia's works well with claydol , you play Cynthia's play some cards then Cosmic power and get ever more draw.

So Cynthia's isn't overrated , It's one of the best draws in this season. (so far)
^I don't care for Cynthia's. When I play a Supporter, there's usually one card in my hand that I can't live without- which is why I love Rowan. Then again, I run Magnezone with 4 Sp Metals- my Pokemon rarely die. :/
Still, rowan's a heck of alot more consitent than cynthia's.

I used to hype over that card, but now I've stuffed it in the binder.
After testing, cynthia's is absolutely terrible. Usually, its stuck in your hand, waiting for one of your pokemon to be KOed so you can drop it and go "weee, 8 cards". This coming off a prize lose. Also, it does not help claydol at all (rowan does it better...draw 4, ditch two, get 3 more, compared to draw 8 and hope you can play some. Rowan nets you 1 less, but you get to pick which one you keep). Its a great card on paper, but its a bad card in practice.
I used to try to play 4, then 2, now I can't play it anymore.

And you don't have a clue how many people at my league loves this card.
Yeah, I have a problem with Cynthia's, too. It always appears when I don't need it. Rowan seems better now.

Anyway, I personally don't use that much drawpower besides Claydol. I run 2 Cynthia's and 2 POV in my deck currently. I prefer straight up search. I do think a little extra drawpower is needed besides Claydol, but only 2-5 should be used. After that it becomes overkill.
How is steven's advice situational? Heck, even last year with dusknoir, you'd still get 4 cards (making it bdif).
She meant in terms of the cards in hand requirement. She didn't say it was a bad card, just you couldn't use it all the time if you had more cards than necessary.

I ran 3 in my nats deck. Good card, Steven's.
Then claydol is a situational draw card...and if thats your only draw card, you've drawn 1 card for that turn.
Claydol can sometimes be a situational draw card, yes.

3. condition; case; plight: He is in a desperate situation.

Claydol, in a situation of having 8 cards, cannot draw any cards. Yes, it can be a situational card. She meant it in that term. Not everybody uses Claydol, believe it or not. I see Cynthia like Steven's myself. If used at the right moment, it can be devastating. After use of a Claydol with 6 cards in your hand, being able to draw 6 off your opponent can be amazing. Cynthia's is just like that. Losing a critical pokemon and being in a dire situation with a Cynthia's in your hand can put you right back in the game.