RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -
Anytime is fine!
I will get online now. Could you also see if I could get a better Yveltal? I have a Gentle one, but I prefer one with a beneficial attacking nature or a neutral nature.
What would you like to have or need?
I have, in terms of Legends:
2x Mew
2x Shaymin
2x Darkrai
5x Keldeo
3x Arceus
2x Jirachi
This means I want to get rid of 1 Mew, 1 Shaymin, 1 Darkrai, 4 fricking Keldeo, 2 Arceus, and one 1 Jirachi.
What about one 1 Mew or 1 Shaymin for a Diancie, and one Darkrai for a possible second Yveltal?
Drohn said:I just read your message on Skype. I've been obsessing over ORAS the last few days so didn't check this as much.I can definitely give you a clone of Diancie! When would you like to trade?
Anytime is fine!
What would you like to have or need?
I have, in terms of Legends:
2x Mew
2x Shaymin
2x Darkrai
5x Keldeo
3x Arceus
2x Jirachi
This means I want to get rid of 1 Mew, 1 Shaymin, 1 Darkrai, 4 fricking Keldeo, 2 Arceus, and one 1 Jirachi.
What about one 1 Mew or 1 Shaymin for a Diancie, and one Darkrai for a possible second Yveltal?