RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -
I cloned many of them. You can trade anything you don't need for them.
@Everyone: I'm in class now; I'll be home later today.
I can do that! I don't need a shiny Rayquaza; anything you don't need is fine!scattered mind said:Hi Drohn ! Can you make a Ditto with 30 ivs in every stat ? Would help me a lot in breeding hidden power monsI can also give you Shiny Rayquaza legal with 31/31/31/×/31/31 ivs Adamant that I got from a givaway last night
( or anything from my list *)
Good to hear!SimonCookie said:Drohn said:I don't personally need them. It would be nice if you could help out SimonCookie.
Already getting me one!![]()
Ok! What's your Friend Code? When can you trade?Rawrables said:I don't mind hacked 0 speed dittos. They are impossible to get. If you also somehow have access to a 6x 30 iv ditto I would greatly appreciate it! I might have some extra stuff you can have
nivowoods21 said:Hey Drohn do you by any chance have a manectite or charizardite x you can trade me? i can give you a shiny charizard for it, thx
I cloned many of them. You can trade anything you don't need for them.
@Everyone: I'm in class now; I'll be home later today.