Wi-Fi Trades *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Items -

RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

No, you say that you have legit and hacked shinies but I want to see your hacked list. I wouldn't mind trading for a hacked shiny if it passed through pokebank as I know that the only thing that could have been modified is its Shiny Value :)
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

I can breed any Pokémon and make them shiny. :p I can edit the shininess in generation 6.

I am heading to bed now, however. I'll be on tomorrow. I added you, PhantomHaze!
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

Drohn is master hacker :O

Do you do the hack with *modsnipped (it is allowed to say Pokémon are hacked, but naming the tools is considered advertising)*? I'm asking for one for Christmas so hopefully I can join you in your journey to overload shininess.

I would be intrested in Shiny Mudkip, Shiny Ghastly, and Shiny Honedge eggs (in that order of preference).

I can offer several shinies, CML. I could offer Shiny Virizion for Mudkip and Ghastly eggs.
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

I'm looking for a Diancie and a shiny Greninja. I don't have a lot, but I do have a Japanese Darkrai with the Enigma berry. Also a shiny Gyarados or dugtrio (although they're not flawless). the following are flawless: Tynamo (modest), Zorua (timid), Litwick (timid,with flame body in a premier ball) and a honedge (Quiet 31/31/31/31/X)

If you're looking for something in particular maybe I have it.
Let me know if you are interested.

RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

@Reggie: Since you want multiple it will be easier if you breed them for me then I can make them shiny for you. I also don't hack for shiny Pokémon much, since I think most Pokémon look better without being shiny to be honest. I mainly used it for the items and helping others get shiny Pokémon/items. I used it to get a shiny Talonflame for myself though.

@Simoncookie: The Darkrai with the Enigma berry would be awesome. I'm not sure if Diancie is tradable, but we can try. I can definitely help with the shiny Greninja.
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

Alright! I am going to breed the Pokémon I want you to make shiny. Do you want the eggs unhatched or the Pokémon themselves?
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

Awesome! Let's hope it's tradeble then. Do you want anything special for that shiny greninja?
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

I'm adding you and I am coming online.
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

@Reggie: I prefer the Pokémon, since I never tried editing eggs before. I'm not sure if it would work. What's your friend code?
@Simon: I'll go and get the Diancie now then I'll add you and get online! Might take 10-15 minutes. I don't need anything special for the Greninja.

Edit: I also just found out you're also Dutch if PSS is correct! :D (@Simon)
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

I think you have added me already xD I am requesting the trade now. I am Reggie.
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

I'm trading with Simon right now. After that we can trade. I do have you added already apparently! I forgot about that. :p

@Simon: Would you like me to clone the Darkrai and return one?
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

Ok I have 3 pokemon that I want you to make shiny, they are all hatched. Can you do all three for Shiny Virizion?
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

I don't need anything in return. It's not a lot of work to make them shiny. I'm connecting again to trade now!

Edit: You can keep the Diancie if you still need it, Reggie. I cloned a bunch before, since Simon needed one.
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

Drohn said:
I don't need anything in return. It's not a lot of work to make them shiny. I'm connecting again to trade now!

Edit: You can keep the Diancie if you still need it, Reggie. I cloned a bunch before, since Simon needed one.

Ok thanks man! Hopefully we can do more in the future :)
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

Hey Drohn! You already saw this message but told me to post it here:

I want to know if you can "shinify" my competitive Aegislash. Also, I gave you the wrong Mudkip to "shinify", so hopefully we can get those done soon. I might be available today and almost all of tomorrow. I can tip you a shiny Darumaka too.
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

I can do that. What time are you available to trade?
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

Now would be good. I had school so I couldn't do it earlier. Tommorow I have off as well.
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

I'll connect now! After trading the Pokémon I'll have to make them shiny. That could take 5-10 minutes. After that we can trade them back.
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

Once again, thanks a lot!
RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* -

Like Reggie asked before, would it be possible for you to possibly get shinies with my competitive Aegislash, Metagross, and a Male Nidoran? If so, what would you like in return and are they capable of nicknames?