DSi Cheating Device


Shaymin Hunter
Didnt knew where to put this topic so i putted it here >.>; Yeah i have a DSI and I know Action Replay doesnt work for DSi's but are their other cheating devices for pokemon platinum? Answer soon if can ;) And how much it costs :( And where to buy T_T And if they are avaible in Puerto Rico XDD
XxXShayminXxX said:
*Throws DSi by the window* Well then thats 206 dollars wated T_T Ill be stuck in pokemon foreveeeeer O_O;

Good riddance to another pointless player then. ;D

Why do you need Action Replay? No one can possibly be THAT bad at Pokemon.
ya the dsi can not be hacked as nintendo would just release another manditory patch.
Action replay said that it is attempting to make a software that will bypass the Dsi's wall. I wouldn't expect anything for a year or so.
Juliacoolo said:
Action replay said that it is attempting to make a software that will bypass the Dsi's wall. I wouldn't expect anything for a year or so.
Boooo! AR is EVIL!!!!!!! D:/
Meh... Yet another reason why the DSi isn't worth the money... Not that I think people should use AR to get through the storyline.... I mean come on its practically straight forward and all you have to do is train if you're in a tough spot. All I use it for is Quick Egg and Cloning. Just beat it by yourself *shrugs*
Sweet. Here comes the AR DSi. I thought it would happen soon. Just use your regular DS for now until it does come out.:)
A dude...bummer...you will have to play the game honestly, as the creators intended? WHAT? YOU DONT HAVE 999 all around stats all the time? YOU CANT WALK THROUGH WALLS? A POKEBALL ISNT A MASTERBALL? YOU DONT GAIN 9999 EXP? Kill me...I-I just cant take it. Jesus christ dude, play the game as Arceus intended. The hardest part in the game is having to read what people say. O no, reading. It is an amazing game, why you would cheat simply baffles me.
I don't like to hack in stuff, since it wasn't fun to catch every Pokemon with a Master Ball. I didn't know the DSi couldn't use Action Replay, but how else are you going to get Arceus, Shaymin and Darkrai.
GraveTheUndead said:
Good riddance to another pointless player then. ;D Why do you need Action Replay? No one can possibly be THAT bad at Pokemon.

I use the pokemon modifier cheat to encounter pokemon you can't find in Diamond and Pearl.
Ther is TT DSi!
a chip with downloading games with almost always Cheats (not platinum but yes D and P do have great cheats)

Are you actually that dense?

I don't agree with ruining the fun in a game by cheating (Expect for one already-ruined Diamond to make quick teams to play mah friends with! =3 ), but why don't you use a DS or a DS lite to get your hacks? =P So obvious... T_T From what I know, you can probably play a hacked game on a DSi...

Game Genie, Game Shark, Action Replay...completely pointless...why must people use things like this to play a game, it's sad...I'd rather just play the game as is, no need for cheating, it actually brings down the fun of the game

gengar the baller said:
I don't like to hack in stuff, since it wasn't fun to catch every Pokemon with a Master Ball. I didn't know the DSi couldn't use Action Replay, but how else are you going to get Arceus, Shaymin and Darkrai.

Lucario_aura_wielder said:
from the events

like everybody else that doesn't cheat
Well if they made one for the DS I am sure they are bound to make one for DSi so we should have seen this coming.