Salandit is now emitting a sweet scent! No visible effects occur, however.@Keeper of Night Ussing my ssweet-ssmelling poisonouss gasses, I try to attract bug Pokemon from nearby to help me out of the hole!
@Keeper of Night I attempt to travel into the forest in the direction of the shadows to see if I can get a better look.
@Keeper of Night
I'll follow along the other two into the forest.
@Keeper of Night I'll follow the other forest explorers!
@Keeper of Night : I'll break off a stick in case I need to beat any attackers off with it and bounce off to follow the others going off into the forest.
@Keeper of Night I'll follow the other forest explorers
@Keeper of Night *Follows the others*
i suppose i'll follow this exploration party and light the way @Keeper of Night
The group of Pokemon head toward the direction the sun was rising earlier that day, determined to follow the shadows.@Keeper of Night I'll just follow everyone else :U
Like, ok, but you have to realize I'm no artist. Nor did I expect I'd need to be here.@Keeper of Night Could we have a basic drawing of what our starting area looks like from a bird's-eye view?
Bagon stays behind to help Salandit out of the pit. As he reaches inside, however, he slips and falls inside himself, landing on top of Salandit. And after he had such merciful luck too!@Keeper of Night
I help salandit out of the hole then follow the others
Wingull, upon finding no traces of his bag, settles in a tree along the edge of the clearing.I will First look around to find traces of my lost Postage Bag and After that i try to set up a camp/nest in a tree. @Keeper of Night
Strangely sweet... Vileplume?
You were brought out of the hole. You have the shape of the hole and the description. You knew you could not reach inside, and you knew you could not get back out.I'm never helping anyone in this game again if it could result in me getting injured or any other negative outcome occuring