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Durant Deck Out

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4 Durant NV
2-2 Weavile UD
1 Rotom UD

4 Revive
4 Junk Arm
3 Pokegear
3 Dual Ball
2 Crushing Hammer
2 Lost Remover
2 Pokemon Catcher
3 Eviolite
2 Switch

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Twins
1 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Juniper
2 Seeker
1 Flower Shop Lady

4 Special Metal
6 Metal

Attempt to deck the opponent out as fast as possible. My build is heavily reliant on disruption, as you simply can not win without it. Weavile, Lost Remover, and Crushing Hammer attempt to keep the opponent from attacking, as Durant only needs 2 or 3 turns where it's not KO'd to secure a victory.

Note: It will take a lot of convincing for me to add Rotom in here, I feel like I am able to win with 3 Durants and 2 Durants prized will not happen often enough to warrant it. Additionally I am not putting Hypno in because that card is just god awful so please don't even suggest it.
theres a card i think its called crushing hammar or somthing like that? it gets rid of energy. good idea for stalling your oponent to keep dursnt alive longer. im building a similar deck. and maybe add a card that can poison from the bench. theres a few but idk what there called. itll SLOWLY were away at the defending pokemon wile you discard energy and mill away :) well, thats basicly what my new deck is lol
Yeah I already have Crushing Hammers in here. I don't find putting poison on the defending Pokemon to be terribly effective as you don't want to take prizes.
I'd cut some Weavile, or at least a Lost Remover or a Crushing Hammer, for a Rotom. You're not getting any kills, so if you're stuck with a Durant in your Prize cards, your strategy is seriously slowed down. Rotom is vital. Alph Lithograph is also a must, so you can look at your Prize cards to find the missing Durant. My two cents right there.
1 Rotom, 1/2 Alph. Depends if you want to twins for it like Lostgar does Lost World, although Alph isn't nearly as vital so you don't need to run as many. Drop Weavile down to a 2-2 at most imo, giving you room for the 1/1 Rotom right there. Durant himself gives a pretty consistent amount of disruption as is, and with crushing hammer/lost remover being JA'd for multiple uses, you aren't in a lot of trouble or in dire need of Weavile. Don't drop a lost remover/crushing hammer, 2/2 is a minimum in most lists imo.

And 3/4 Durant make for very different games. That extra Durant adds up to 2-3 fewer turns you need to mill throughout the game. You can still win with 3 Durant, but you are shooting yourself in the foot by just saying "I'll deal with it". And 2 Durants prized is uncommon, but it does happen. And if it does all you can do is scoop.

Also, personal opinion, I don't like N. Late game it refuels their deck, and by the time they've taken 5 prizes they normally don't need to set up much anymore. It's only worth it early-midgame, but you can easily live without it.

- 1-1 Weavile
- 3 N
+ 1 Rotom
+ 1/2 Alph Litho
+ 0/1 Pokegear
+ 1 Eviolite
+ 1 FSL
I dunno really the thing I'm concerned about with running Rotom is it getting to the active. If it gets catchered up or if I start with it, that is a turn where I'm not milling. Can anyone playing Durant tell me how they deal with this? It seems like that kinda seals the game.
SeaLegend said:
I dunno really the thing I'm concerned about with running Rotom is it getting to the active. If it gets catchered up or if I start with it, that is a turn where I'm not milling. Can anyone playing Durant tell me how they deal with this? It seems like that kinda seals the game.

It has 1 RC, so just retreat it. Or run switch. Or let it KO'd. Or Seeker/SSU it up. Or don't lay it down if you don't need it. It's a necessity to have Rotom.
Rotom is worth it, trust me. It's really effective. I've run into the exact same Catcher situation you're talking about. Then I Twins the following turn after Rotom is knocked out and I see in my deck...


It's really not that hard. It usually takes me 3/4 turns to get back the Durant without using Alph (because the opportunity to get it never came up). I've been able to deck everyone I've played, surprisingly, with every single game having one Durant prized.

dmaster out.
No Rotom?! You really need this. I'm dead serious, the deck will play out much better with Rotom.
For real you need alph lithograph for this. 2 rotoms n alph litho (look at all your face down prizes). Also i have been recomending archeops for these decks. My buddy runs one and archeops is a murderer if you run any pokemon that evolve.

ALSO! If you are worrying about getting rotom catchered up run 2 rainbow energies. His attack is 20x the number of energies on the defending pokemon... If this pokemon isnt knocked out when it is catchered up it will hurt.
^No. Just no.

2 Rotom will change your chances of starting with it from 20% to 33%. That may not seem like a huge difference but it is. That means in 100 games you will get a bad start in around 13-14 more of them, which is far more often than a Durant and a Rotom will be prized. Next, Alph Lithograph is nice to have 2 of, but not completely necessary because you do have Twins. 2 Alph Litho is the only thing in your post I would even consider adding to the deck, though. Next, Archeops. He takes up a massive 14 spaces (4 Plume Fossil, 4 Archen, 2 Archeops, 4 Research Record to give you even half a chance of ever setting it up) and it doesn't help any matchups at all since it sets up slower than a stage 2. Next, Rainbow. Why would you attack with Rotom? Durant wins when it mills the opponent, not takes prizes. Dealing damage it useless in a Durant deck. Why would you attack with Rotom and a Rainbow when you can attach a Metal and retreat? Also, Rainbow puts damage counters on Durant, and that hurts the deck a ton.

Next, I see that you seem to be sacrificing a lot of cards for Weavile. No max Dual Ball or Eviolite? No Defenders? All of this stuff will help you so much more than Weavile. What I would recommend is this:

-3-3 Weavile line
-3 N (I don't really get this. Sure it hurts your opponent's hand late game, but they should be set up by then so all you do is put more cards in their deck)

+1 Rotom
+1/2 Alph Lithograph
+1 Dual Ball
+1 Eviolite
+4 Defender

If you decide to run 1 Alph Lithograph then I would add a Crushing Hammer or Super Scoop Up as your last card.
I really think you're underestimating Weavile in this deck. The ability to take any card out of your opponent's hand is immensely useful and has won me multiple games. It really does not hurt the chances of setting up in this deck, is a better start than any Pokemon you could put in here, and can stop T2-T3 setups that would otherwise lose you the game. Defender is a card that I personally do not like, and I feel I can survive without max Dual Ball and Eviolite. However I do think I'm going to cut the Weavile line to 2-2 for a Rotom and an Alph and take the Ns out for an Oak's New Theory and 2 Switch so I can get Rotom and energyless Durants out of the active.
believe me, you need 1-1 Driftblim in this deck..
I also build this deck, and I can win against all deck but cannot win if my opponent is smart enough, not to drop a single bench, just focus 1 pokemon in his active..
Lupin said:
believe me, you need 1-1 Driftblim in this deck..
I also build this deck, and I can win against all deck but cannot win if my opponent is smart enough, not to drop a single bench, just focus 1 pokemon in his active..

so your saying play drifblim in case the opponent doesnt put anything on their bench?
cause i dont see that ever happening, ecspecially since anyone would see if coming 2 or 3 turns before hand.
Dark Void said:
^No. Just no.

2 Rotom will change your chances of starting with it from 20% to 33%. That may not seem like a huge difference but it is. That means in 100 games you will get a bad start in around 13-14 more of them, which is far more often than a Durant and a Rotom will be prized. Next, Alph Lithograph is nice to have 2 of, but not completely necessary because you do have Twins. 2 Alph Litho is the only thing in your post I would even consider adding to the deck, though. Next, Archeops. He takes up a massive 14 spaces (4 Plume Fossil, 4 Archen, 2 Archeops, 4 Research Record to give you even half a chance of ever setting it up) and it doesn't help any matchups at all since it sets up slower than a stage 2. Next, Rainbow. Why would you attack with Rotom? Durant wins when it mills the opponent, not takes prizes. Dealing damage it useless in a Durant deck. Why would you attack with Rotom and a Rainbow when you can attach a Metal and retreat? Also, Rainbow puts damage counters on Durant, and that hurts the deck a ton.

Next, I see that you seem to be sacrificing a lot of cards for Weavile. No max Dual Ball or Eviolite? No Defenders? All of this stuff will help you so much more than Weavile. What I would recommend is this:

-3-3 Weavile line
-3 N (I don't really get this. Sure it hurts your opponent's hand late game, but they should be set up by then so all you do is put more cards in their deck)

+1 Rotom
+1/2 Alph Lithograph
+1 Dual Ball
+1 Eviolite
+4 Defender

If you decide to run 1 Alph Lithograph then I would add a Crushing Hammer or Super Scoop Up as your last card.

Archeops only takes up that much space if your going to try and run a complete 4-4-4. If your deck is consistant enough you can easily move a minute amount of triples/quadruples than its easy enough to make space for a 2-2-2 line at. And research record is not NEEDED, it is just prefered when people run him. And attacking with rotom would be for the pure fact of you start out with him and your left with no other choice. I can tell you dont want to go wasting energies for the retreat, hoping u get a switch, or letting the oppenent have a free prize.
Spidy said:
so your saying play drifblim in case the opponent doesnt put anything on their bench?
cause i don't see that ever happening, ecspecially since anyone would see if coming 2 or 3 turns before hand.

This is correct but if they see driftblim coming they might start laying down a bench (giving you something to catcher and stall with) or waste a turn killing a driftblim instead of a durant (giving you another turn to mill)
battlepuma said:
This is correct but if they see driftblim coming they might start laying down a bench (giving you something to catcher and stall with) or waste a turn killing a driftblim instead of a durant (giving you another turn to mill)
they will most likly have something on the bench even without drifloon
and who is to say they would lay down something that you would want active

and whether they kill a drifblim or a durant is irrelevant
its still a prize card they take, and its not like its hard to bring durant back
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