Dusknoir Variants

I know from a lot of experience that Darkrai/Dusknoir is really fun, and really isn't that much more complicated to run then running any other Dusknoir deck. It has Sableye to help set up Dusknoir, and even if you don't set up Dusknoir for a bit, does it really matter? There probably won't be any damage on your opponents field until turn 3-4, so it's really not that big of a deal. My list was pretty tight, especially since I usually had either Mewtwo or Terrakion in there as well.
Machamp, what do you think about a 1-1 or 2-1 line of Dusknoir added to Darkrai/Hydreigon. Iv'e tested this some and it works pretty well due to having super rod and Sableye. The goal is to drop Dusknoir late game, or whenever your ready to take 3-4 prizes in one turn
exdarkrai01 said:
Machamp, what do you think about a 1-1 or 2-1 line of Dusknoir added to Darkrai/Hydreigon. Iv'e tested this some and it works pretty well due to having super rod and Sableye. The goal is to drop Dusknoir late game, or whenever your ready to take 3-4 prizes in one turn

That seems like a good idea. I think it's crossed my mind before, but I never did anything with it. I think I'd personally just rather play the deck without Hydreigon, just because of how much I love the deck, and I don't like Hydreigon very much, but I can see it working. I'm not sure why Hydreigon would have so much damage left on the field to take prizes like that though. Also, I run Super Rod in my Darkrai/Dusknoir deck.
exdarkrai01 said:
Machamp, what do you think about a 1-1 or 2-1 line of Dusknoir added to Darkrai/Hydreigon. Iv'e tested this some and it works pretty well due to having super rod and Sableye. The goal is to drop Dusknoir late game, or whenever your ready to take 3-4 prizes in one turn

I have a friend who uses a 1-0-1 line of it to moderate success. It is nearly always up late game and allows for some sneaky KOs.
It is sneaky. Some players will laugh when you bench a duskull late game, then cry when you drop dusknoir and take 4 prizes haha.
exdarkrai01 said:
It is sneaky. Some players will laugh when you bench a duskull late game, then cry when you drop dusknoir and take 4 prizes haha.

He gets me with it relatively frequently on my shaymin EX. I try to sweep late game and he turns a night spear into a 2 prize ko.
I feel like its almost better to run it in Hydreigon varients than hammers or speed Darkrai. You won't have to clog up a list with a few rare candy, which will be dead cards until late game, when you don't even need to add candy into Hydreigon. Iv'e tested this some to decent success, however it really becomes a choice of having 2 Mewtwo or you Noir line. Right now, Mewtwo is a much, much better meta call because for a Keldeo to KO Darkrai it takes 7 Energy. Just enough for Mewtwo to return the favor with a two energy X-ball.
I ran a Darkrai/Dusknoir at Regionals.
Was Doing Great Till I Ran into 3 Keldeo Decks in a row -___-
You just cant deal enough damage in time to make it matter.
Ended 3-5
Recently tested Darkrai/Sableye/Dusknoir, it can drop 140 damage counters on the field per turn with claw, meaning in ~4 attacks you have enough damage on board to win usually.
moesyslac said:
what about a variant with blastoise/raticate/dusknoir +rocky helmet
maybe raticate is very fragile, but it's useful if you play it right
you add the rocky helmet to dusknoir to be safe, if knocks out raticate, you move an amount of damages next turn , if knocks out dusknoir you take a price card or two, and decrease the next pokemon HP

ditto is a very useful card in this deck to set up again a pokemon in the next turn depending the situation

To be honest Raticate is one of the most aggressive decks I've played. However, it's such a strong card that there's no need for Dusknoir when you can just poison the target beforehand using Laser and get the KO no questions asked.

I've been trying a Ninetales/Dusknoir variant, the concept is to inflict 2 statuses (3 if you can apply burn), then swing for either 120+poison or 170+poison (which OHKOs but you rarely get burn). 9Tales also allows you to catcher out anything to store damage meaning if they're not with a live Keldeo or working under Darkrai you can manipulate a lot of control.

*Sidenote: I now hate coinflips enough that I won't even bother trying them, but if you like them you can run Munna//Musharna to inflict sleep, as the deck evolves a lot you don't need to worry about drawbacks too often. Just a reminder that you can't have a combination of sleep, paralysis, or confused.

Idea is to set up Empoleon, then use it's ability to get everything you need while doing massive damage for low energy (with either Landorus or Empoleon). Late game, when the Dusknoir goes up, you just wreck everything. Dusknoir's ability is one of the best in the game, the problem is its just too clunky to find it's way into any real competitive decks.
anyone want to try and make this deck work again? still think dusknoir is too awesome to pass up.

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I got this idea a few months back: Dusknoir (2-1-2)/Blastoise (3-1-3)/ Kyurem. This lets you virtually do 180 damage a turn. All I like to think of this deck is a little turn on Blasoise/Keldeo minus the Black Kyurem and focuses more on Kyurem and you run one or two Keldeo.
Since you can just do 200 with BK, what's the poin of spreading 180 with Kyurem? It's just less efficient.

You're also assuming they completely fill their bench. A smart player will just not bench more than 1-2 things and then you can't touch them.
Articuno EX/Dusknoir

I used to play this deck quite a bit but I'm currently rebuilding it. It revolved around Articuno doing 80 and paralyzing the active, then using Dusknoir to move the damage to the bench and paralyzing again.
masanian said:
Articuno EX/Dusknoir

I used to play this deck quite a bit but I'm currently rebuilding it. It revolved around Articuno doing 80 and paralyzing the active, then using Dusknoir to move the damage to the bench and paralyzing again.

I was just talking about this tonight and it's got to be my favorite deck idea for Dusknoir currently. I'm constantly trying to fit Dusknoir into ideas, but this one seems to be what I keep getting drawn back to.
I went 6-0 at a City Championship with Dusknoir / Kyurem NVI / Bouffalant DRX / Tornadus EX DEX

It's actually surprisingly effective. Tornadus is just a good start, Bouffalant puts 120 damage on the board, and Kyurem is the best spreader in the format. It's slightly slow on the setup, but once Dusknoir hits the field mid-game and you have some damage on their pokemon...it's really easy to pick up multiple prizes in one turn.