Verda- "I meant different in a good way. It seems like a have an eternal friendship with you. You remind me of my parents.... *Verda starts crying again* I only set that fire because my parents died in a fire as well, so I wanted to.... share my rage."
*Shade smiles.*
Shade- "I'll be around, I promise."
Solaria- "You'd better not be."
*Shade walks up to Solaria.*
Shade- "I swear to you, I will never give up on my team. When you fail them, I'll be here for them. Goodbye."
*Shade walks off.*
Solaria- "Get back down here, Alice!"
Verda- "Fine, I'm going with Shade. Tell Bell.... She was a great friend I may not have told her. But she was a great friend to me. Goodbye.... Solaria."
Solaria- "There is no way-"
Bell- "I'm going too."
Solaria- "What?!!"
Bell- "I love Shade, and there's no way I'm letting him go again."
Solaria- "You are NOT leaving."
Bell- "Yes, I am."
MysticWater- "Me too. I've lost him once, I'm not losing him again."
Star and Eclipse- "Us too!"
Solaria- "What is wrong with you all?"
Star- "We're not leaving daddy!"
Solaria- "I've still got Hazard and Dogmeat!"
Hazard- "Yeah, about that. Shade was mah friend long bufore I met you, so I trust his judgement more'n yours, miss. Sorry 'bout that."
*Hazard walks over to Shade.*
Hazard- "I'm with ya, buddy."