Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Dogmeat follows Hazard.*
Solaria- "Fine! If you all want to follow the one who tried to kill you, go ahead, you traitors!"
"Goodbye Solaria," whispered MysticWater. She closed her eyes and then thought,'I hope I never forget you.'A tear ran down her face.'But you will figure it out some day..' She looked down to the ground and continued,'He was tring to save us.' More and more tears began to fall down her face and she dug her claws into the ground.'I'll never forget what you have done for me..My closest of friends..'
(Don't forgot to use MysticWater, Zig!!)
(Well that was wierd :p for me the Poke'Beach was down so I could not get on. Did that happen to you guys to? And can I have a recap on what happend?)
(Ok i get what happend, Pm when you guys are on)

(Ok i gtg! Ill be back in a hour)
(Wow... pokebeach was down for like 3 days. That wasn't fun... Well, we're back!)
*Solaria is shuddering and growling as the team walks away from her.*
Solaria- "Nobody... Leaves... Me..."
*Sighs and looks at Solaria with sad eyes*
*Sighs again and walks with the group going the other way*

(Oh sorry i was gone. Our neighbor-hood pool just opend and its like 78 here so i was swimming)
MysticWater looked aroundd at the forest.'What is the Clan forest like now?' she wondered.'I love Shade, Star, Eclipse..I love my whole family, but...What do I have left in this world...'She kept walking with her family in the forest..
*Solaria begins glowing lightly, but not enough that anyone can see. Shade continues walking. He looks at MysticWater.*
Shade- "Is something wrong?"
She looked at him."Oh..Nothing," she lied.

(Oh and Zig, I've change it to that when MysticWater was a human and before she bacame a Pokemon, the StarClan gave her the names and everything)
(It's a good movie).

Bell noticed a small amount of light from behind her. She turned around and saw Solaria glowing.

"Shade, look at that!"
MysticWater swirled around and saw Solaria."Why..Are you here?" she stamered, tring to hold back the tears.
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