*Shade struggles for several minutes. His symbol begins to glow blue. He opens his eyes, which are also now a transparent sky-blue. His fur turns white. He stares at himself in awe.*
Shade- "... I've turned into a Light Being... But how? I control Shadow, not Light..."
???- "Actually, that's where you're wrong."
*The Vanguard steps out of the trees.*
Vanguard- "I have lied to you for years, Shade, and for that I apologize. But you are not merely a being of Shadow. That is simply your more prominent power. However, in rejecting the Darkness within yourself, you became an entity of Light."
Shade- "I've had this power my entire life?"
*The Vanguard nods.*
Vanguard- "We all do, but some just have it stronger than others. Something else I neglected to tell you was that Solaria is the lesser of the two of you. Your power far exceeds hers in several ways. In unlocking this new power, you became the most powerful creature in the universe. How you choose to use that power, however, is completely up to you."
Shade- ".... I don't want it."
Vanguard- "That is not your choice to make."
Shade- "This power brings me and everyone around me danger, and I don't want that responsibility. Take my powers and give them to someone else."
Vanguard- "I cannot do that, Shade, for your power exceeds mine."
Shade- "... Fine."
*Shade bends over next to MysticWater and places his paw on her forehead. The Darkness inside her seals itself. Shade nods and walks over to Moonlight, extracting the poison.*
Moonlight- "... Shade?"