Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Venz- "Double it is then. Spiritomb, Dusknoir, front and center!"
*Two pokeballs fly into the air, and a Spiritomb and Dusknoir appear. Shade nods at MysticWater.*
Shade- "You and me."
Venz- "Spiritomb, Giga Impact, and Dusknoir, Shock Wave, both on the Vaporeon!"
*Both fly at MysticWater with impossible speed.*
"Vaporeon, Protect!" A light feild apeared around MysticWater and blocked the two attacks."Umbreon, Toxic on Dusknoir!"
Shade *T*- "I'm an Umbreon! I don't know Toxic!"
*The Giga Impact phases through MW's protect like it was nothing.*
(Umbreon can learn Toxic via TM...
Oh, and if Giga Impact could break through Protect, people might actually use it...)
(Gah! Im BURNING! Its 98 Degrees here!)
*Moonlight watches Shade and MysticWater battle. Then Moonlight looks at Sam and glares. Moonlight looks at the food Sam gave her [Witch smells delicious] but refuses to eat it. She growls again*
Moonlight wispers to herself: "Im not a pet"
*She watches the battle again*
"What? You don't know Toxic? Then do that blade thing you did before! Vaporeon, get out of the way, quick and use Ice Beam!"
*Shade forms a Shadow Blade and leaps at the Spiritomb, swinging powerfully. His blade snaps the Spiritomb's Odd Keystone in two, and the Spiritomb vanishes. The Dusknoir grabs MysticWater and uses a strange attack that puts MysticWater to sleep while still shocking her constantly.*
Shade- "MysticWater!"
*The Dusknoir drops MysticWater, who is now out for the count. Shade growls.*
Dusknoir- "Huahahahaha! You cannot hope to win, Shade."
Shade- "How do you know my name?"
*The Dusknoir doesn't answer, but instead grabs Shade and begins draining his life force. Shade screams.*
*Moonlight jumps up*
Moonlight: "SHADE!"
*Moonlight glares at Sam*
Moonlight *T* "Do somthing NOW! SHADES GETTING HURT!"
Shade *T*- "What the HECK is that?!!"
*Shade blasts Dusknoir in the face with a Shadow Blast. The Dusknoir screams and drops Shade. Shade stumbles and falls over. He tries to get up, but collapses again.*
*Venz begins slowly clapping.*
Venz- "Excellent battle, excellent indeed. Most people never get past my Spiritomb... However, we had a deal, and I DID win. So, what would you like for that Umbreon, my dear?"
*Moonlight glares at Venz*
Moonlight *T* "Your not getting him"
*Moonlight stands in front of Shade deffensivly and forms a Twilight Blade*
*Moonlight shakes her head*
Moonlight *T* "I dont care about what the trainer did, your not taking Shade away from me"
*Moonlight growls*
Venz- "Yes, our deal was if I won-"
Shade *T*- "You did NOT WIN!"
*He leaps into the air and begins glowing. His fur turns pure white, his eyes blue. He is a Light Entity again.*
Shade- "This battle is far from over!!!"
*Shade launches himself at Dusknoir. He goes straight into Dusknoir's 'Mouth'. The Dusknoir glows and explodes.*
Venz- "My Dusknoir!"
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