Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Just then 2 pokemon come walking into view. As they come closer it's easy to see that it's Bane and Emerald.
(Using telepath)Bane-"Shade, I have horrible news. That's why I tracked you down using this trainer named Ryan to find you."
Emerald-"You have to come with us, the fate of the entire world is at stake once again."
Bane-"Because when you left, NeoShade and everyone dissapeared, which Emerald and I thought that meant we saved the future."
Emerald-"But really we were far from it."
Bane-"The truth is NeoShade, before he left captured and used Dialga and Palkia to create a super powered pokemon stronger than any other kind of pokemon."
Emerald-"Then he transported himself into the body of the pokemon which can take the form of any pokemon at any giving time and is planning to hunt down Team Destiny because he no longer needs us because he plans to bring upon an era of darkness all by himself."
Bane-"And we had no where else to turn to but you because he's already killed Dialga, Palkia, and enslaved Arceus creating a wormhole to bring forth an army of extremely strong pokemon."
*Then Bane realises that Shade and MysticWater are pokemon captured by the trainer.*
Bane-"Shade, why would you do this? Betray the entire team and get Moonligh captured, head off with a trainer? This is when we need you and you decide whether your trainer or your family and friends, are more important."
Shade- "Enough! I didn't LET myself get captured, she caught me! And if NeoShade kills me, he dies too."
MysticWater gave them an odd look."Who are you? What are you guys talking about?" Sam jumped when she saw the other Eeveelutions.
Bane-"Shade, we need you, we all need you. But OShade needs you most."
Emerald-"NeoShade captured him and is currently using his power to reak havoc upon the world and making Arceus his slave. Don't you see, OShade will die and so will we, everyone but you, and if that's how it is then we'll face NeoShade ourselves."
*And with that they started to walk away.*
"Why?!" Sam and MysticWater gasped together. Then they saw the lighting around to pokemon.
*Then from over the cliff leaped OShade, and he landed next to Shade.*
OShade-" normally I'd ask you a favor, but then I remember what you did."
*Then OShade created a shadow blade and tried to hit Bane but Baane sent an electric bolt to paralyze him.*
Shade *T*- "Then you're a good person... I'm sort of relieved you said no, because I'd lost all hope for a moment... Oh no, it's OShade. Put me in my pokeball, fast!"
(Remember that oshade& shade are identical, so this would be a good "huuuuuh?" moment 4 sam)
"What? No...I see you want to be free." She placed Shade's and MysticWater's pokeball under her foot.
(I gtg in 5 min. Zigg conrtol me charchters.)
*finally OShade manges to slash Bane and then Bane comes to regaining control and stopping the electric.*
Bane-"No, I'm so sorry, but this is what we need Shade to stop human, it will only get worse, but this is not your war, just release Moonlight, MysticWater, and Shade, or you will be a primary target of NeoShade."
Bane-"Aaah, I get you may no understand this, but let me sum this up, the world is in danger and we need those 3 to save it so let them free."
Shade *T*- "No, Sam, we don't. I love being with you, I just didn't understand at first. Now I do... Trainers use pokemon as more than just slaves, they're partners and friends. And you're an amazing friend, Sam... Plus, there's the fact that if you release MysticWater, she'll... die..."
Sam doesn't hear the last part Shade said in time. The two PokeBalls crush under her feet. MysticWater falls down in pain and starts to scream.
"Oh what have I done?!" gasped Sam. MysticWater starts to glow.
(Gtg, bye. You came control my charaters if you want.)
*Shade rushes to MysticWater and holds her in his arms.*
Shade *T*- "Sam, you need to recatch her! She'll die if you don't!"
(Ok im back!)
*Moonlight runs over to MysticWater and Shade*
Moonlight: *T* "MysticWater?Sam you need to recapture her NOW!"
(Lol TSL you forgot to release Moonlight!)
*Sam nods and throws a Luxury Ball at her. MysticWater disappears, and the Luxury Ball ceases it's shaking.*
Shade *T*- "Phew... That was too close..."
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