Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Darian- training and watching over you guys and some others. I think i should join you. I will watch from the skies.
*goes into the clouds*
~Looks at Darian then turns to Shade~

Well, there is really no reason to stay here for long.
If we do, we will get tracked down and a unfortunate time.

Besides i sense a blizzard, that would make a good battleground for you guys.
Darian- Great we will find a cave up there that is a long ways from here though after we battle or do whatever.
(Argh, I have to post now since I'm about to get on a 7 hour flight.)
MysticWater started to wake up in the back."What's going on?" she mutered.
~Listens to Darian~

I'm tired of caves, we need to find another lake.
Besides, we can use it as a better shelter when I freeze it.
~Trots off rude fully ~

I rather have the natural thing, thank you very much *Grunts*
Darian- Well sorry for trying to help. Hm let me see yep there is a lake up ahead that is not to far from the cave.
~Looks at shade and Mysticwater walking slowly behind them~

We are not going to get anywhere if you two are moving like macargos.

~Grunts at darian who was standing by her~
~Looks at Mysticwater~

Hello, sleepy head.
So, exactly where are you people headed?
~Glares at Darian~

We'll see who bursts somebodies bubble.

Mysticwater: Guys, please don't fight anymore.

Shatter: Fine whatever.....

~Jumps in the water~
~Jumps onto a rock in the middle of the lake dodging the attacks~


You can't get me that easily.

~Lays down slowly on the rock~
~Looks at darian jump onto the ice~

That's stupid.....
Your weird..

~Stares at him with curiosity~
*Darian melts the ice and dives in*
*He dives up and drags Shatter down at light speed*
Darian- come on and live a little.
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