Finished Eeveelution RPG

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~Sits down by shade~

Well, I don't know about him.....
But I know I was trying to kill him.

Whats this base that you were talking about?
*Jordan pulls out his blade*

Jordan - "Who are you?! Tell your name now or pay the consequences!"
(ZIG! YOU DIDNT USE MOONLIGHT! Lol just pretend that she just arived where you guys are!)
*Moonlight looks around and sees a lake and at the other side is the rest of the group. She frowns*
Moonlight: "They left me..."
*She stays hidden watching them*
(Nobody see Moonlight please!)
(WE all went to the mountains attempting to escape something, idk):p

~Looks at Jordan~


~Looks back at Shade~

*Resistance base?*
~Looks a shade in curiosity~

So who is this DArk Lord???
Any demonic intensions.

~Stares at him~
*Moonlight growls that Shade left her and went with the rest of the team. Moonlight turns around and sees Bell standing right behind her*
Moonlight: "....Bell!? What are you doing here?!"
Bell: "I followed you here..i couldnt leave you alone"
*Moonlight growls*
Moonlight: "They dont need us they are doing fine with everyone but us"
*Moonlight is clearly mad*
~Looks at the sky~

Well, I do tend to be busy with other matters,
And I never really go to villages or cities so I don't know whats up with the world.

And I could care less.
Shade- "Well, he ruined the world. And it was my fault..."
Bell- "Calm down, Moonlight."
*Moonlight growls and trys to calm down. She sighs*
Moonlight: "I think it is just kind of cure what he did to me and you"
~Puts her paw on his shoulder~

Nothings ever anyones fault.
It is the common mistake that we all make.
Nothing could change that, even if your were there when whatever happened, he probably would have found a way out anyways.

~Looks at him~
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