Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Jordan ran to Zarin*

"What happene- Emerald! Who did this?!" Then he saw Moonlight "You came back huh? He said as he ran towards Moonlight "Take this! You don't hurt our team!" He said as he slashed Moonlight as powerfully as he could.
*Jordan looks worried*

"Wh, What happened?" *Suddenly Jordan was zapped by lightning* "Ouch!" *He yelled as he hit the ground getting seriously wounded*
(Wow... you guessed wat I was going to do)
*Moonlight takes the oppurtunity to teleport away. A voice resounds in Jordan's head.*
"If you ever lay so much as a FINGER on her, I won't hold back and you will die. Do I make myself clear?"
"Shade I know that was you, and we have to do SOMETHING to her! Otherwise Tera will destroy her!" He said outloud.
"Shade this is NOT like a leader of a team. You shouldn't punish other members for fighting the enemy!"
"Moonlight would've been, but she's evil. Then MysticWater, but she's emotionally compromised. Then Emerald, but she's out. Then Shatter, but she left the team. So, technically, you..."
*Tera laughs*
Tera: "Well what do you know! Shade is protecting me!"
*She laughs again*
Tera: "Shade you help me and i wont kill Moonlight"
"But I'm not good at leading people! Not to mention how am I supposed to tell everyone else who is?!"
*Jordan hears them talking with each other* (He can cut into telepathy)

"No Shade, she's just trying to take over both of you!"
Ziggoratt999 said:
(Sorry, I've been busy with school. And yes, Safari, you can. Unusual eeveelution. And, if I may, how can he be ruler of the Aeroeon if he's the last of them?)
*Shade nods and teleports them to Sam.*
Shade- "Sam, we're back."
he is on a search to find if he really IS the last.
and he is the son of the former ruler of his race
"Jordan, she has nothing to take over. I have no body, hardly any powers. *Privately* You'll be a great leader, Jordan. Make me proud... *To Tera* Okay, what do I need to do?"
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