Finished Eeveelution RPG

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~Slowly the Darkness turns into a glittery powder covering her whole body~

Shatter:"Is she ok???"

Lucrecian:"Well, let's see...."

~He takes his paw off of her~
(Ooops, yeah but not Solaria) XD

~Shatter stands there and waits for a response from Emerald~

Lucrecian:"I'm going to head back and find Moonlight"

Shatter:"But what about Emerald?!?"

Lucrecian:"She will be fine"
(Zarin doesn't.)
Zarin-"Of course we do! We've been trying to stop her and seperate her from Tera ever since she attacked Shade with a dark arrow!"
Zarin-"Yeah I knew him. I'm the one people are accusing of killing Shade but I didn't! I stabbed him in the chest not the heart."
~Lucrecian stands between both of them~

Lucrecian:"Enough!!! Yes we know Moonlight and Shade is gone, there is nothing we can do about it. But what we can do is stop Moonlight. We can't do that with everyone arguing."
Zarin-"Hey, he was trying to kill me and Lucrecian's right let's go. You bring her back."
*Zarin starts walking away.*
~Lucrecian looks at Solaria~

Lucrecian:"I'm not mad at anybody. There is no reason to be.... Shade tried to stop us from catching Moonlight after almost getting Emerald killed, we ha no choice but to chase her, he decided to use force. I'm not saying he was trying to kill us, but he did try to stop us"

~Lucrecian follows Zarin, Shatter stays with Solaria~
*Emerald stands up.*
Emerald-It's true Solaria. He also did this to me. But because he was trying to save Moonlight, even tough he was protecting an evil Moonlight hurting us. But there's something else. Bolt. He's a Jolteon with MysticWater, he killed Shade not Zarin"
~Shatter looks down at Emerald~

Lucrecian:"I'm going ahead..."

~He uses xtremespeed, leaving Zarin behind~
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