Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"... I guess I am a monster now... The things I've done... I'm doing this because Tera promised to spare Moonlight's life if I obeyed her..."
~Shatter shakes her head~

Shatter:"Spare her and let us all die, just like you.... care for one and not the others. I always thought Lucrecian went to far about the things he has said about you, but now I know that he is right...."
Emerald-"Lucrecian's right. A leader has to be able to sacrafice for others. YOu care only for Moonlight. Realise you aren't forced to do these things. You have a choice. And do you think Tera will really spare Moonlight's life? You have to save her, and not by hurting us. You have to stop Tera."

Zarin-"Lucrecian what is it?"
"... You're right."
*There is a new, fierce determination in his voice.*
"I have been selfish, and arrogant. And, most of all, blind. But that ends NOW."
*His voice vanishes. Shatter, Emerald, and Solaria's wounds are healed. Solaria wakes up.*
"... I can't believe it. Shade's evil..."
*In the StarClan...*
Shade- "Vanguard!!!"
*The Vanguard appears.*
Vanguard- "Yes, Shade?"
Shade- "Is there any way for you to bring me back with my memories?"
Vanguard- "Well... Yes, but it would require quite a bit of energy from you."
Shade- "Fine. Let's do it."
*The Vanguard and Shade close their eyes. The Vanguard starts chanting something...*
*Solaria looks at Shade's body and sighs.*
"Why don't I know you anymore? What changed?"
~Shatter looks at Emerald~

Shatter:"The wounds are healed"

~A Lightning bolt comes down from the dark sky~


~Knocking Zarin out of the way and almost takes the hit barely dodging it, the lightning bolt leaves a crater~

Lucrecian:"You need to watch the sky from no on."
Zarin-"Thanks. But if I'm right that means....Shade knows where we are. We better move.
*Zarin and Lucrecian start dashing away.*

Emerald-"This is Shade's doing I think he took my advice."
*There's a flash of white light, and Shade opens his eyes. He lands on the ground and stands up.*
"... Hi."
"I don't expect you to forgive me after what I've done, and I don't expect you to pursue this quest any further. It's my fault that Tera's inside Moonlight, and I'll handle it."
*Takes out his sword.*
~Shatter looks at the dark sky again~

Shatter:"You always think you have to handle things by yourself don't some of us won't forgive you, but let us help you"
"If you want to, you're welcome to."
*Closes his eyes. His symbol starts glowing.*
"She's that way."
*Starts running East.*
~Shatter I'm going she chases after him~

~Lucrecian and Zarin still running~

Lucrecian:"We are almost there, her body has such a deadly Aura"
*Finally catches up to Moonlight. Hides.*
*Telepathically to Emerald and Shatter*- "Wait here, I'm going to convince her that I'm with her. When I give the signal, attack."
(Well, I gatta go so I was about to ask if you guys can use my characters. ^^;)
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