Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Moonlight gets up still confused and walks though the forest*
*A Flareon jumps out of a bush and stands in front on Moonlight*
Moonlight: "...Ruby"
*Moonlight runs away from Ruby scared but Ruby grabs her before Moonlight can get away. Moonlight grabs her Twilight Blade but it is not there*
Ruby: "....I see you have joined us here...who did it to you?"
Moonlight: "What? Who did what to me?! What are you talking about?"
*Moonlight starts trying to claw at Ruby, but it does not hit Ruby it just goes right though her*
Ruby: "Calm down....I just want to know who did it to you..."
*Jordan starts to roll back and forth*

(Sleep Talking) "No! Shade, what's wrong!? Why are you doing this to me?!" *He jumps up, and starts breathing heavily* "Oh, I forgot Shade's back on our team... Go back to sleep Jordan, nothing to worry about" Then with that he went back to sleep.

(When are we going to start doing stuff again? :D)
*Zarin gets up and walks over to Lucrecian*
Zarin-"Hey Lucrecian. Wake up. We don't want a teary exit so come on the sooner we leave the better."

(And my guess to where Moonlight is is either in the zone of the past or heaven.)
*Whenever Jordan heard talking he woke back up*

"Where are you two going? It's not even daylight *Yawn* yet."
*Moonlight starts clawing at Ruby franticly trying to get away, but it makes no contact with Ruby. Moonlight stops and growls*
Moonlight: "Who did what to me?! Answar my question!"
*Ruby looks at Moonlight sadly, realizing that Moonlight does not know*
Ruby: "Moonlight.....your dead....i wanted to know who killed you.."
*Moonlight goes silent with shock. Ruby looks at her sadly and puts her down. Moonlight makes no attemt to run away, she just sits there silently*
Moonlight: "....Im not dead...your just lieing.."
*Zarin spins around hearing Jordan.*
Zarin-"Please stay quiet it will be easier this way."
*Zarin uses Hypnosis and puts Jordan to sleep.*
*He dodges the Hypnosis*

"I promise I won't say another word. I just want to see you guys out..."
*Ruby growls*
Ruby:"Dont call me a lier! If you arent dead then were is your team?! And if you arnt dead how are you talking to me!"
*Moonlight is about to argue, but realizes that Ruby is right. She starts crying*
Zarin- (sighs) I guess I have no choice now c'mon."
*Zarin, Shatter, Lucrecian, and Jordan walk outside the base. Then they get on Bella.*
Zarin-"Tell everyone I said good-bye."
*Then Bella starts to rise into the air.*
*Shade opens his eyes and looks at the crescent moon. He starts crying as it makes him think of Moonlight.*
Ruby: "Now answar my question...who did it to you?"
*Just then everything comes back to Moonlight. She gasps and starts cireing even harder*
Ruby: "Well?"
*Moonlight maneges to choke out: "...Shade"
*She starts crieing harder then she ever had before*
Ruby: "...Your love killed you?!..Im so sorry Moonlight"
*Ruby nuzlles her trying to confert Moonlight*
*Jordan waves goodbye then walks back inside*

"Shade? What are you doing awake?"
Ruby: "Why did he do it to you Moonlight?"
*Moonlight looks at her sadly*
Moonlight: "It wasnt me! Its was an Umbreon named Tera! She controled me..."
*Moonlight starts to cry again*
Moonlight: "....I guess it had to happen...for the best for them..."
*Moonlight starts cryng again*
Ruby: "No, Moonlight nobody deserves death.."
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