Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Moonlight growls*
Moonlight: "I deserved it..."
Ruby: "Moonlight you did not deserve it...only evil deserves it"
Moonlight: "But i was evil!....Well not me exactly but Tera was controlling me!"
*Ruby looks at Moonlight*
Ruby: "There was no other way to stop Tera?"
"Shade... All you're caring about is Moonlight again.... Think of all the people she hurt!"
"It's not influencing my decisions as a leader, so I don't have a problem with it. She only hurt people because Tera was controlling her..."
(Actually, there was... He could've fired a light ray into you, separating you two harmlessly, and then he could've unmade Tera...)
*Shade's head snaps up.*
"... There was another way..."
*Tears fill his eyes.*
*Ruby shakes her head*
Ruby: "Well its over now, nothing we can do"
*Ruby starts walking away from Moonlight. Moonlight just sits there crying*
(I gtg! Dinner! Ill be back in a couple!)
"Shade.... I could bring us back in time to before you made the strike. But if your other plan fails I can't bring us back her...." Then he whispered "Without sacrifices...."
(Lol ok forget it was ever Mentioned!)
*Moonlight gets up slowly and walks away from were Ruby was*
Moonlight: "This all started with Gresh...i wish we were back in our time...none of this would have happend.."
*She starts crying again*
(What are you talking about?! Me bringing you back in time or Moonlight doing something?! xD)
*Moonlight starts to glow white*
Moonlight: "What the?!"
*Her whole body becomes white and she reaperes at the place were she died. She looks around confused*
Moonlight: " i..alive?!"
*She feels a scorching pain were Shade had killed her. She fall to the ground in pain but does not faint. Just as sudenly as it started it stoped. She sighs in relief and looks at were Shade had attacked. There was a scare*
Moonlight: "...I am alive!"
*She looks to see if she still has her Twilight Blade and it is still there. She laughs with happyness*
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