Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Verda starts running towards the hall as well*

Verda- "Moonlight... Where are you? I came to help you..." He whispered as he looked for her
*Just then an opening in the ground raised. and Emerald put her head up through it.* (Like a trapdoor.)
Emerald-"You guys!"
*Emerald climbed out showing that Bane and Zarin were with her.*
Zarin-"You guys missed a lot."
Emerald-"While you were gone Tera invaded. Most of the Deepground members are in Tera's tower awaiting to be killed."
*Bane was looking all around as if he was looking for something.*
*Then Bane whispered something to Emerald.*
Emerald-"It's not safe here. Come with us."
*The thee went back underground.*
*Verda couldn't find Moonlight and turned around to find Shade and Sunset standing there talking*

Verda- "What's going on here might I ask? I noticed you're feeling better, Shade...."
Sunset quickly hugged him and tried to stand again as more and more cuts apeared on her."I have to save them.."
"Well yeah I remember you. You were my best friend, and if that's not a good enough reason then there is none..."
"I'm coming, but I have to ask do you know where that Moonlight went? I came to look for her and couldn't find her..."
"I figured with all you powers you could sense her or something, sorry I thought you would understand me."
"All my powers... Verda, the only power I can do without knocking myself out is this."
*Makes a Shadow Blade.*
"And even that weakens me a bit..."
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