Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Out came a hologram of Deepground.*
(DH=Deepground Hologram)
DH-"I am only a hologram. Not real. I bring you a message from Bane. Shade. Your friends have been captured and are being held hostage. Give yourself up or else they'll die. THe house was just a warning. You have 10 hours to turn yourself in."
*Then the hologram dissapeared.*
*The hologram reappeared.*
DH-"For stopping Bane. You brought this wasteland on us. And you will pay."
*The hologram disappeared.*
"I fixed it! It's a paradise now! I FIXED IT!!!"
"I'm going there. I'll be back soon."
*Vanishes and appears next to Bane.*
"Bane! What are you doing?!! You kidnapped my friends and family, destroyed my home, and put a warrant for my arrest?!!"
Bane-"For more then just that. You come here and think your all that. But really you're just gifted nothing more. And that's why in this world Veran has your powers."
*Then Veran rushes in and slashes Shade hurting him badly.*
Veran-"And you should know it."
Bane-"And don't resist us Shade. We don't want your friends. Just you. And we have member stationed to kill them at any moment."
*Shade growls. He goes full Shadow Form and begins unmaking Bane and Veran, and using Psychic so they can't run or attack.*
Shade- "GIFTED?!! I'm the Emissary of Shadow and Light! You have no idea what you're up against! Neither of you have ever seen me at my full power... But you will..."
"I can help with that." She put her paw on his side."That should give you more control. Besides, I only have minutes left. Don't you think I would want to spend it with my love?..."
*Just then Emerald stabs Shade in the heart from the back and Zarin body slams Sunset paralyzing her.*
Emerald-"Sorry, but we don't care about the emissary thing."
Bane-"Thank you Emerald."
Veran-"Now Shade instead of coming back to life why don't you just give yourself in or Sunset here will be dead."
*Jordan began to push the shadow stones in Shade after he froze time on all but their side.*

Jordan- "No one, and I mean NO ONE messes with Master Tera!!!"
*Shade falls to the ground, gasping.*
Shade- "NO!"
*Rips out the stones and fully unmakes Veran in a nanosecond. Veran's molecules split apart and disappear, and he simply does not exist anymore. He is not dead, nor alive. Just nonexistant.*
*Veran pulls himself back together using his power and begins to unmake Shade.*
Veran-"No. Let him suffer if he wishes not go down at all."
*Veran grabs Sunset and holds a sword to her chest then slowly pushes it in.*
Shade- "... Hi, Vanguard..."
(Yes, the Vanguard remembers the same things Shade does. Cuz he's awesome like that)
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