Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Hello Shade. So Sunset, it's time for you to become the Vanguard." Sunset lay still and started to glow. Then her body disapeared.
Then Sunset's brother apears. He is the Vanguard. A baby Eevee apeared on the ground."*T* Shade take care of my sister. Watch out though, she still has all her powers, if not more. And kept her sword, she'll need it." He disapeared.
Veran-"Good riddance. Now onto to serious matters."
*Veran starts uncreating Shade while everyone else slashes him with a sword except for Bane who is near the prisoner with his sword.*
*Moonlight wakes up and looks around*
Moonlight: "Ow!"
*There are cuts all over her. She looks around and sees Alice*
Moonlight: "Alice....what are we doing here?"
Alice: "...i think we got captured but im not sure...i got knocked out"
*Moonlight looks around*
Alice: "..Moonlight...cant you do that thing were you dissapear?'
Moonlight: "Ya why?"
Alice: "We cant telaport right now but i think it might work what you can do.."
Moonlight: "What?! But its not even dark out!"
Alice: " i know...but i think you can do it..."
The Eevee tried to stand. She sneezed and a burst of light came out of her mouth. She went flying back and started to cry again.
Moonlight: "...Maybe.."
*Moonlights eyes start to glow purple. She grabs Alice and everything goes dark but you can still see the outline of the room*
Alice: "What is this?!"
Moonlight: "When i dissapear i dont actualy leave..i can still see everything but it is dark..nobody can see, hear, or touch me when im using this power...Hurry run at the door to the dungeon!"
Alice: "What?!"
*Moonlight bolts at the door and goes right through it.Alice does the same. The room comes back to normal color and Moonlight colapses exhausted*
Shade *T*- "Alice, Moonlight, if you can hear me, I'm in the command room. Sunset was reborned as a baby eevee, and she's in here with a bunch of people that want to kill both of us. Please just take her and leave."
*Alice quickly picks up Moonlight who is knocked out from exhaution, and bolts towards the comand room. A gaurd spots Alice and jumps at her. She slashes him and reaches the command room. She opens the door*
Bane-"Not so fast!"
*Bane dives over and slashes a sword into Alice.*
Emerald-"Shade. You were never our friend."
"That's it, I've had enough. TIME STOP!!!"
*Freezes time and walks over to Alice, Moonlight, and Sunset.*
*Takes them to a hidden base and unfreezes time. Heals Alice.*
"You ok?"
*Alice nods then looks at Moonlight who is awake again*
Moonlight: "...i should never do that that was tiring.."
*Alice smiles*
Alice: "Thanks for saving me Moonlight"
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