Finished Eeveelution RPG

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~Jetstream looks like he is going to cry because of sunset crying, he holds her up~

Jetstream:"Aaahhhh, Stark take her she wants you!!!"

Starrk:"Take care of her jet, calm her down"

~Jet looks at sunset and starts waving his tail at sunset~

Jetstream:"Uuughh, we're ganna die" *cries*
*The houndoom that attacked Shade and brought him to Altair steps in.*
Shade- "You?!!"
Houndoom- "Are you gonna stand there or escape? Let's MOVE people!"
*Shade looks confused but nods. He begins glowing as he starts splitting himself.*
Sunset playfully jumped at his tail. She saw he was crying and tilted her head at him. Then she went back to playing.
~Starrk stands up and starts following the Houndoom~

Starrk:"Who is he?....Come on Jet"

~She looks at houndoom~

Stark:"Oh he is splitting himself..."

~He puts sunset on his back, she still plays with his tail and cautiously follows~

Jetstream:"Why are we always stuck in scary situations, I blame the little monster"
*The glowing stops. Where Shade was standing are now two baby Eevees, a girl and a boy. The girl is pure white and beautiful, and the boy is pitch black. The girl's asleep.*
(Girl=Angel, Boy=Vee. Leave Angel behind. and no, this wasn't wat was supposed to happen.)
~Jetstream steps over them complaining~

Jetstream:"Eeeww that is so gross"

~Starrk Looks at the houndoom~

Starrk:"Where are we going now?"
Houndoom: ".... Shade split himself... I'm guessing he didn't know this would happen.."
*Vee jumps onto Starrk.*
Sunset didn't see what happens. She looked up and saw the too Eevees and went to play with them.
Starrk:"Why am I always mommy"

~Jetstream looks at the Eevees scared~

Starrk:"Shade what now??? I told you me a jet could possibly distract the army and Striffer is probably trying to find some sort of path to the base"
~Starrk sighs~

Starrk:"Great this is bad.....Jet your ganna help me carry them"

~She picks Vee up, he slowly picks up Angel and Sunset~

Jet:"Uuuggh, now what???"

~They look at the houndoom~
She sneezed again and went flying the other way.
(Her sneezing is her power so she doesn't brust.)
~Jet grabs Sunset and holds her with his mouth and tries to catch angel~

Jetstream:"AAaah, can we go already to find a solution, these kids don't like me" *Struggles*
~Jetstream puts Angel down and follows the houndoom~

Jetstream:"What happened to no child left behind...." *sigh*

Starrk:"So what is your name?"

~Looking at the houndoom~
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