Finished Eeveelution RPG

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~Starrk looks at moonlight and Jet walks over to them with sunset~

Starrk:"What?? But you-"

~Striffer searches through the houndooms mind calmly~

Striffer:"Fine then, I can trust you for now....."
~Striffer looks at alice~

Striffer:"That's all we can do right now.... we have to trust him especially right now, we are most vulnerable"

~Starrk grabs vee~
Striffer:"Well, maybe I wasn't but either way, you have no choices right now do you?"

~He just glances at Alice~

Starrk:"This is exhausting"
*Bane comes running in.*
Bane-"Houndoom... Rats. Now Altair is involved. But what's this. Ahh I see. Shade split himself that means... Oh-no I got to get over there fast before Falcon can!"
*Bane runs through the hole the explosion made chasing them.*
*Emerald walks into the room and notices Angel.*
Emerald-"Awww. They left you? Don't worry you'll be fine with me." (No this is not a trick she isn't that mean.)
*Emerald picks up Angel and starts to walk awayPr
Emerald-"Mommy? Sunset? What are you guys doing here?"
*Emerald picks up Sunset now struggling to hold both of them.*
Emerald-"Let's get you guys somewhere safe."
*Emerald brings them to her room and paces them on her bed.*
Emerald-"There. That better?"
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