Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"I'm her guardian! She was given to me as my responsibility!"
*Stabs him in the chest, twisting the blade so it's more painful.*
*Vee growls and goes full Shadow Form. He goes completely transparent and goes inside Blaze, taking over every aspect of his body, searching his memories and making it as painful as possible.*

(Not quite yet)
"Don't like it? Then you shouldn't have given a baby away for a quick buck."
*Makes Blaze fly to Angel's location. Does something that makes it impossible for Blaze to move, attack, or teleport away, and leaves his body. Looks at Angel.*
Vee: "Angel, it's time to reform Shade."
Angel: "What does that-"
*Vee quickly explains it. Angel nods.*
Angel: "For Sunset..."
*They glow and begin to float towards eachother.*
(Don't let Blaze leave)

(Don't do the PM thing yet, ShayminSky)
*Angel and Vee fuse together, making Shade. He lands and turns to Blaze.*
Shade: "Vee wasn't her father. But I AM. And you're going to pay for what you did to Sunset..."
*Makes a Shadow Blade and stabs Blaze in the side. When he pulls out his Shadow Blade, the wound can't heal.*
*Shade simply waves his hand and the fire blade disappears. He waves his hand again, and Blaze feels a thousand volts of pain coming at him from every side, so painful that he can't even think properly.*
Shade: "I'm the most powerful being in existence. You're nothing compared to me."
*Shade stops for a moment.*
Shade: "Even if she wasn't my daughter, you turned in a baby that was obviously happy where it was for money!!!"
"What else can I do?! I have no family, no friends, no one that cares about me, and no love. I don't even see why I try to live. So go ahead, kill me. But I hope you live with the shame of taking someones life."
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