Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*A trainer jumped out of a bush and thew a Poke'ball and Moonlight*
Moonlight: "NO!"
*Moonlight puts her hand up and the Poke'ball starts to glow and float in midair. Moonlight looks amazed at what she was doing and made a crushing movement with her hand. The Poke'ball crumbled into pieces. She looks at the trainer and growls*
Moonlight *T* "Leave human..."
*The trainer stares at her stund but runs away*
*Shade falls asleep on the floor, exhausted from battling Team Galactic on Spear Pillar.*

*A ghostly version of Vee appears next to Moonlight.*
0_0 "... Dang..."
Candice smiles at Shade and picked him up. She took him to the next room and set him down on a bed. Sunset tried to push MysticWater with her and Candice started to help.
Candice heads to bed. Sunset sneezes and teleports to Spear Pillar, but stays asleep.
(No one come for her!)
*Vee sighs.*
"I know. I was watching... But I can do something about it."
*Shade splits in his sleep. Vee walks over to his pokeball, smashes it, then runs to Moonlight.*
*Moonlight smiles at Vee*
???: "Were did they go?!"
*He sences somthing*
???: "Ah..i know were she is..."
*An Umbreon appears right behind Moonlight and grabs her*
"There are to many SS/MWs in this world, but I can't force my self to kill you." Arceus looked at the silver collor.
"If you unlock your powers, you would be stronger than me." The collar started to float in the air.
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