Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Vee ignores the pain and forms a Shadow Blade. His fur turns black.*
"Let. Her. GO."
*Slashes the Umbreon's face.*
*The Umbreon smiles and his eyes turn red. When Vee slashes him the cut appears on Moonlights face. She yelps in pain*
*The Umbreon smiles*
Cole: "Its does not really matter but my name is Cole"
*He looks at Moonlight and smiles evily*
Cole: "We will be leaving now"
Moonlight: "WHAT!? I dont even know you!"
*Cole ignores her and grabs her. He telaports away*
Arcues picks up the collar."I have to make sure that power is never shown. By turning you in a human." Arceus turned the collar into a necklace and put it on Sunset."Now since you'll be a human, you'll need a some fake human parents and head to a prof." Sunset starts to wake up and cry.Arcues erased her memory."Now listen. You are a human. You will forever be a human." Arcues stares at Sunset. She fell asleep and she turned into a human girl about ten years old. Then Arceus makes fake human parents and teleports them to a house."That necklace lets you turn into any Pokemon, but you don't use it often. Good bye, Sunset." Sunset teleported to the house.
(New twist:D)
MysticWater starts to wake up and cry."Sunswet??!?!?!" Candice started to feel pain."OWW!"
*Cole smiles*
Cole: "I want your powers and hers....and i knew you would come after her if i only took her...I already have her powers from when she was feeling sick so i could kill her if i want to, but you have to give me your powers in return for her to live"
*Moonlight snarls at Cole and takes out her Twilight Blade.*
"Oww! What's going on?" Picks up the phone and calls Sam. Sam starts to rushe back to Snowpoint when she saw Shade."Hey Shade!"
*Cole feels the pain and flinches*
Cole: "Let see what these powers can do.."
*His eyes turn red and the pain stops. He smiles and dissapears with Moonlight making it imposible to track them* (Please dont follow them. I gtg pack up for my trip tomarow! Cant wait! Be back in hour! Laterz!)
Shade *T*: "Moonlight's gone..."
*He roars and punches a boulder. The boulder cracks, and so does his paw. He doesn't flinch.*
"Woah Shade it's ok. Let's head back to the Gym." She picks him up and heads to the ym. When she got close, both of them started to feel pain.
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